Tiny Home Regulations in Alabama: The Complete Guide

Sweet, tiny home, Alabama! Imagine waking up to the serene beauty of Alabama, where Southern charm meets diverse, breathtaking landscapes. Whether it’s the gentle lapping of waves along the Gulf Coast, the sun rising over the Appalachian foothills, or the peaceful flow of the Tennessee River, tiny living in Alabama offers the perfect setting to embrace simplicity and freedom.
For many, tiny homes represent more than just a roof over their heads—they’re a path to first-time homeownership, a way to downsize, and an opportunity to escape the excesses of modern life. With its adoption of the 2021 International Building Code and Appendix AQ, Alabama makes an ideal backdrop for this lifestyle. Its blend of affordability, progressive regulations, and natural beauty creates a haven for those seeking to live more intentionally.
Whether your dream is a coastal retreat overlooking white sandy beaches or a cozy cabin nestled in the hills, Alabama’s landscapes set the stage for tiny living at its finest. But before you can settle into your dream location, understanding the regulations governing tiny homes is essential. Here’s everything we’ll cover to help you get started:
Are Tiny Houses Legal in Alabama?

Yes! Alabama is a sweet place to live for those interested in tiny living. They have adopted the 2021 International Building Code, which includes Appendix AQ, introducing regulations for tiny homes. Appendix AQ requires tiny homes to be 400 square feet or less, a skylight or window is required as an emergency escape route, proper ceiling heights, and compact staircases.
However, this code only applies to the counties, cities, and towns that have chosen to adopt it. Meaning, this may not always be the case, depending on where you reside in Alabama. It’s always best practice to check with your local city or county government to determine if building codes are enforced in your area and if there are specific zoning regulations for tiny homes.
Are Park Models the Same Things As Tiny Homes?

Yes. Park Models and Tiny homes are the same things. Park models tiny homes are classified as recreational vehicles (RVs). Park model tiny homes are built on a chassis with wheels, and are 400 square feet or less, and are designed to be moved. Additionally, all of Zook Cabins park models have an RVIA seal noting that they are ANSI 119.5 compliant, a standard that RVs must follow. However, there are other tiny home certifications out so check out our RVIA vs NOAH Tiny Home blog to learn more.
What Counties in Alabama allow Park Model Tiny Homes?

In Alabama, decisions regarding park model tiny homes are largely left up to the most local level. This means that many counties in Alabama have no tiny home regulations and defer code enforcement to cities and towns within their jurisdiction. For those who would rely on county oversight, this means you must adhere to the the building codes the state of Alabama has adopted.
Below you’ll find a list of all the counties in Alabama, and the regulations they have in place for tiny homes.
You can skip this list to find out the regulations for your municipality within one of these counties if they don’t have county-wide regulations.
Autauga | Autauga County Property Development |
Baldwin | Baldwin County Building Department Baldwin County Zoning Ordinance |
Barbour | Barbour County Building Permits |
Bibb | Bibb County |
Blount | Blount County Staff Directory |
Bullock | Bullock County |
Butler | Butler County |
Calhoun | Calhoun County Licenses |
Chambers | Chambers County Code Enforcement |
Cherokee | Cherokee County Engineering Department |
Chilton | Chilton County Road Department |
Choctaw | Choctaw County |
Clarke | Clarke County |
Clay | Clay County Contact |
Cleburne | Cleburne County Commission |
Coffee | Coffee County Engineer Coffee County FAQS |
Colbert | Contact Colbert County Government |
Conecuh | Conecuh County |
Coosa | Coosa County |
Covington | Covington County |
Crenshaw | Crenshaw County |
Cullman | Cullman County Commission |
Dale | Dale County Road & Bridge Department Dale County Building or Zoning Codes |
Dallas | Dallas County |
DeKalb | They have no website; please refer to your city/town government for more information. |
Elmore | Elmore County |
Escambia | Escambia County |
Etowah | Etowah County |
Fayette | They have no website; please refer to your city/town government for more information. |
Franklin | Franklin County Departments |
Geneva | Geneva County Road & Bridge Department |
Greene | Greene County |
Hale | Hale County |
Henry | Henry County |
Houston | Houston County Road & Bridge Department |
Jackson | Jackson County Zoning & Building Permits |
Jefferson | Jefferson County Building Division Jefferson County Subdivision Regulations |
Lamar | They have no website; please refer to your city/town government for more information. |
Lauderdale | They have no website; please refer to your city/town government for more information. |
Lawrence | Lawrence County Road Department Lawrence County Zoning |
Lee | Lee County Building Inspections Department |
Limestone | Limestone County |
Lowndes | Lowndes County |
Macon | Macon County |
Madison | Madison County Inspection Department Madison County Building Codes |
Marengo | Marengo County |
Marion | Marion County |
Marshall | Marshall County |
Mobile | Mobile County Planning & Development Mobile County Adopted Codes |
Monroe | Monroe County |
Montgomery | Montgomery County Building Department |
Morgan | Morgan County |
Perry | Perry County |
Pickens | Pickens County |
Pike | They have no website; please refer to your city/town government for more information. |
Randolph | Randolph County |
Russell | Russell County Building & Inspection Office |
Saint Clair | Saint Clair County |
Shelby | Shelby County Zoning Regulations Shelby County Development Services |
Sumter | Sumter County |
Talladega | Talladega County Permits, Building & Development Department |
Tallapoosa | Tallapoosa County Building Department |
Tuscaloosa | Tuscaloosa County |
Walker | Walker County |
Washington | Washington County |
Wilcox | Wilcox County |
Winston | They have no website; please refer to your city/town government for more information. |
Does Autauga County, Alabama, Allow Tiny Homes?
No regulations regarding tiny homes are clearly outlined in Autauga County, Alabama. Their Property Development Department clearly states that before you build, you should contact them for approval. So, your best option is to contact the Property Development Department to find out if they’ll allow your park model tiny home.
They may leave the decision up to your locality, so keep reading to see if your city or town allows tiny homes.
Does Baldwin County, Alabama, Allow Tiny Homes?
Yes! Not only have they adopted the 2018 International Building Code, which includes Appendix Q, which outlines provisions for tiny homes, but they also allow park model tiny homes! Your park model will be permitted as a permanent residence if placed on a zoned recreational vehicle lot. It can also be utilized as a modular home if properly anchored to a foundation that meets the building code standards for a single-family residence.
Does Barbour County, Alabama, Allow Tiny Homes?
To find out if Barbour County allows tiny homes, it’s best to contact their Building Permit officials. Some counties may leave the decision to your city or town officials, so keep reading to determine if they are allowed there.
Does Bibb County, Alabama, Allow Tiny Homes?
They don’t have clear guidelines for building and living in tiny homes. You can visit their county website to find out more information. The municipality may determine tiny home living and construction standards. So, keep reading to see if your city or town in Bibb County, Alabama, has more detailed information about what they allow.
Does Blount County, Alabama, Allow Tiny Homes?
It is undetermined. They must clearly outline their regulations for tiny homes and state if they have adopted a statewide building code. You can visit their staff directory and call their inspector to find out what they require.
This decision may be up to municipalities. Later in this article, we’ll go over cities and towns in Alabama that allow park-model tiny homes. Keep scrolling to see if your city or town within Blount County has more clear regulations regarding tiny homes that you can follow.
Does Bullock County, Alabama, Allow Tiny Homes?
They, too, need to have clearly defined regulations regarding tiny homes or a contact person dedicated to building regulations and permits. With a lack of information, there may be lots of room for interpretation. It’s always best to try to contact a county official to point you in the right direction before you go ahead and purchase a tiny home and place it on your land.
Many counties will leave it up to local officials as well. If you scroll past all the counties, you will find a list of cities and towns in Alabama. If your city or town in Bullock County has clearly defined regulations, you should adhere to those.
Does Butler County, Alabama, Allow Tiny Homes?
At a county level, little information regarding tiny homes or the proper officials to contact is available. It could be best to check with your local officials, but you can visit their county website to find an official who can point you in the right direction. Keep on reading to find out if your city or town in Butler County has more clear regulations that you can follow.
Does Calhoun County, Alabama, Allow Tiny Homes?
Regulations do not clearly state which building codes have been adopted or if tiny homes are permitted as places of permanent residence. At this point in time, the best resource is their Licenses Department, which handles tags for manufactured homes. They may be able to point you in the right direction regarding your park model tiny home. This decision could also be up to the local level, so keep reading to see if your city or town has clearer requirements for tiny living.
Does Chamber County, Alabama, Allow Tiny Homes?
There are no specific regulations regarding tiny homes; however, you can contact their Code Enforcement office to determine if your tiny home is allowed.
Does Cherokee County, Alabama, Allow Tiny Homes?
Tiny home regulations in Cherokee County are not clearly outlined. To find out what is permitted, please contact their Engineering Department or keep reading to see if your city or town has more clearly defined regulations.
Does Chilton County, Alabama, Allow Tiny Homes?
Chilton County doesn’t have clear official regulations to utilize as a resource when determining if your tiny home is allowed. The Road Department may be your best option as they inspect subdivisions built in the county.
You may also have better luck with your municipality. Keep scrolling to see if your city or town in Chilton County permits tiny homes.
Does Choctaw County, Alabama, Allow Tiny Homes?
They do not appear to have an office that enforces building codes, zoning, or comprehensive plans, and they need to state whether they permit tiny homes as permanent residences clearly. The best way to determine what is permitted is to visit your local government office and see who to contact and find out what they allow regarding tiny living.
Does Clarke County, Alabama, Allow Tiny Homes?
They, too, do not have a dedicated building, zoning, or planning department to which questions regarding tiny homes can be directed. Without clear regulations or officials to direct your questions towards, there is a lot of room for interpretation. Please check with your local officials to determine if your tiny home is permitted before residing there full-time.
Does Clay County, Alabama, Allow Tiny Homes?
Like many other counties in Alabama, the answer to this question is unclear. It is likely a decision that is up to your city or town. Visit Clay County’s contact information page to find out the best point of contact for these questions at the county level, or keep reading to see if your city or town has clearly defined requirements for residing in a tiny home full-time.
Does Cleburne County, Alabama, Allow Tiny Homes?
With nothing clearly stated, check with the Cleburne County Commission to see what laws are in place or ask them about clearly codifying laws regarding tiny homes in your county. Chances are, these decisions are left up to the local level, so please check with your city or town officials to find out if your tiny home is permitted before residing in it full-time.
Does Coffee County, Alabama, Allow Tiny Homes?
Coffee County leaves zoning ordinances and building permits up to city or town officials within the county. For unincorporated areas, there are no zoning restrictions, ordinances, or building codes they are expected to follow. This means there is considerable freedom to construct and reside in any home you wish. For clarification on this, contact the County Engineer or your local officials to see if they have any tiny home regulations or restrictions you must adhere to.
Does Colbert County, Alabama, Allow Tiny Homes?
This question is difficult to answer concretely as this decision is primarily left up to local city and town governments. You can contact the Colbert County Government with questions regarding your tiny home, but your best resource is likely your local government officials. Keep reading to see if your city or town has any requirements regarding tiny homes.
Does Conecuh County, Alabama, Allow Tiny Homes?
Like most counties in Alabama, Conecuh defers these decisions to your local building or zoning officials. So, this answer may vary depending on your city or town within Conecuh County. There is no building or zoning department governing building requirements for unincorporated areas. Please consult with the Conecuh County government to determine what regulations they require you to follow if this is the case. Keep reading to find your city or town within Conecuh County and see their requirements for tiny homes.
Does Coosa County, Alabama, Allow Tiny Homes?
A common theme across Alabama is that building and zoning regulations and enforcement are left to the utmost local level. Therefore, Coosa County has no building, zoning, or planning department. Typically, with no enforcement office, no county-wide codes govern tiny homes. This means that your city or town government will determine whether tiny homes are permitted. Keep reading to find out if they allow tiny homes.
If you reside in an unincorporated area with no city or town government running it, tiny homes, including park models, are likely permitted as they have no enforced building regulations.
Does Covington County, Alabama, Allow Tiny Homes?
Covington County has no building, zoning, or planning department enforcing legislation for tiny homes or building projects. For those residing in unincorporated areas with no city or town government, tiny homes have no restrictions, meaning you can reside in it full time in Covington County. However, if you have a city or town government, you must follow their building code. This may not be the case, depending on where you live in Covington County.
Does Crenshaw County, Alabama, Allow Tiny Homes?
With no building, planning, or zoning department, no governing body tells Crenshaw County’s unincorporated areas whether they can live in a tiny home full-time. So, if you have no city or town government, tiny homes of any kind are allowed as no legislation prohibits them. For those with a city or town government, you must defer to those officials to determine if tiny homes are permitted. Later in this article, we’ll cover cities and towns in Alabama and whether they permit tiny homes, so keep reading to find out what your municipality has to say.
Does Cullman County, Alabama, Allow Tiny Homes?
Cullman County leaves the decision regarding tiny homes up to its municipalities, so check with your city or town officials to find out if your tiny home is allowed. If you live in an unincorporated area of Cullman County, tiny homes of any are likely allowed as they have no one regulating them. You can contact the Cullman County Commission with any questions about their regulations.
Does Dale County, Alabama, Allow Tiny Homes?
There are no building or zoning codes that unincorporated areas of Dale County, Alabama, must follow. Therefore, tiny homes of any kind are permitted in those areas. If you are within a municipality’s planning or zoning jurisdiction, please consult with those city or town officials to see if they have any requirements for tiny homes. If you have any questions about tiny homes and reside in an unincorporated area, please contact the Dale County Road & Bridge Department.
Does Dallas County, Alabama, Allow Tiny Homes?
Dallas County doesn’t enforce building codes or zoning ordinances, leaving decisions about tiny homes to city or town governments within the county. If you reside in an area with no city or town government, tiny homes of any kind can be used as full-time residences since there are no laws or governing bodies saying otherwise.
Does Dekalb County, Alabama, Allow Tiny Homes?
With no website or building regulations available, this decision is likely left up to the municipalities within Dekalb. Please consult with your city/town officials to see if they permit tiny homes.
Does Elmore County, Alabama, Allow Tiny Homes?
Elmore County, Alabama, doesn’t have a dedicated building, planning, or zoning department, so there are no regulations for tiny homes in unincorporated areas. With no rules governing them, any tiny home is likely allowed. However, if you reside in an area under a city or town government’s jurisdiction, you will have to defer to them as to whether or not your tiny home is permitted.
Does Escambia County, Alabama, Allow Tiny Homes?
The decision regarding whether tiny homes are allowed is left to the municipalities within Escambia County, so check with your city or town government to find out if they will allow you to reside in your tiny home permanently. For those in unincorporated areas, there are no regulations regarding tiny homes you must follow, so any kind is okay.
Does Etowah County, Alabama, Allow Tiny Homes?
The decision is not up to county officials but your city or town government. Like many counties in Alabama, Etowah County has no official building, planning, or zoning department, meaning that municipalities determine whether or not your tiny home is permitted. For those who reside in areas outside of a municipality’s jurisdiction, no codes govern whether or not you can utilize a tiny home as a permanent residence. In this case, tiny homes of all kinds are allowed.
Does Fayette County, Alabama, Allow Tiny Homes?
Fayette County does not have a website or a building, planning, or zoning department, leaving questions about tiny homes without a clear point of contact. Your best option is to consult your local city or town government officials. If you live outside a city or town’s jurisdiction, tiny homes may be permitted since no governing body enforces restrictions in unincorporated areas. However, even without local regulations, you are generally expected to adhere to Alabama’s state building codes to ensure compliance with state laws and to guarantee your home is safe to live in.
Does Franklin County, Alabama, Allow Tiny Homes?
Franklin County has no building, planning, or zoning department. Their Highway Department handles subdivision regulations regarding roads and may be able to guide them in the realm of building regulations. However, this decision is likely left up to your city or town government officials, so please consult them before contacting the Franklin County Highway Department. Areas with no building, planning, or zoning department may not enforce their own rules, but they may still expect you to uphold the state building code. Please follow that code for safety and legal reasons.
Does Geneva County, Alabama, Allow Tiny Homes?
They have no zoning or building regulations enforced in their rural jurisdiction. In translation, if you are not within the jurisdiction of a city or town within Geneva County, there are no building or zoning regulations you must follow. This means tiny homes of any kind are permitted. For those within a city or town’s jurisdiction, you must defer to those officials to get a clear answer to this question.
If you reside in one of these rural areas with no one but the county to govern them, the Road & Bridge Department in Geneva is the one that clearly states there are no regulations. If you have any follow-up questions, please direct them to these officials. Remember that while they may have no zoning or building department, they may require you to at least comply with state building codes for legal and safety reasons.
Does Greene County, Alabama, Allow Tiny Homes?
They leave the decision regarding tiny homes up to their municipalities, so this answer varies depending on which city or town jurisdiction you are under in Greene County. If you are under no city or town jurisdiction, there is no county building, planning, or zoning department enforcing any codes regarding tiny homes, so they are permitted in this case. However, please refer to the state building code to avoid safety concerns or potential legal issues.
Does Hale County, Alabama, Allow Tiny Homes?
Hale County does not have a building, planning, or zoning department. For guidance, contacting your local city or town government officials is best. If your area does not have local government oversight and you typically rely on the county government, you are generally free to live in any structure, provided it adheres to state building codes. However, compliance is effectively self-regulated without county officials to enforce these codes. You should still comply with state building codes for safety and legal purposes.
Does Henry County, Alabama, Allow Tiny Homes?
Henry County does not have a building, planning, or zoning department. Therefore, you must defer to city or town government regulations for building or zoning requirements. If you are in an unincorporated area, outside the jurisdiction of a city or town, tiny homes are likely allowed, as there are no specific regulations or county officials to enforce building codes or restrictions in these areas. However, ensuring compliance with state building codes for safety and legal purposes is always advisable.
Does Houston County, Alabama, Allow Tiny Homes?
In Houston County, the Road & Bridge Department handles building permits for unincorporated areas. However, the county does not conduct building inspections or issue Certificates of Occupancy. Regulations, building codes, and inspections are typically managed by city or town governments within Houston County. For unincorporated areas, there appear to be no local regulations in place. If you are building in one of these areas, ensure your project complies with Alabama state building codes to meet the requirements for the permit issued by the Road & Bridge Department.
Does Jackson County, Alabama, Allow Tiny Homes?
Jackson County doesn’t have any zoning laws and doesn’t require any building permits. This lack of regulation means you can likely reside in a tiny home in unincorporated areas, as building or zoning laws do not govern them. However, this does not apply to those within the jurisdiction of a municipality. If you have a city or town government with building and zoning laws, you must adhere to them. Stay tuned as we’ll cover tiny home regulations for cities and towns in Alabama later in this article. You may discover whether your city or town government allows tiny homes there.
Does Jefferson County, Alabama, Allow Tiny Homes?
Whether park models or tiny homes are permitted in Jefferson County is yet to be determined. They allow accessory dwelling units (ADUs) 200 square feet or less, meaning a tiny home could be used as an ADU. To find out if you are permitted to use your park model tiny home as a place of permanent residence, consult with their Building Division.
Does Lamar County, Alabama, Allow Tiny Homes?
The county currently has no website, building codes, or designated officials to contact, making expectations at the county level unclear. In the absence of this information, it’s best to consult with your city or town government officials for more straightforward guidance on tiny home regulations.
Does Lauderdale County, Alabama, Allow Tiny Homes?
This county lacks a website, building codes, and specific officials to address inquiries, leaving county-level requirements uncertain. To gain clarity, you should reach out to your local city or town government for guidance on tiny home regulations.
Does Lawrence County, Alabama, Allow Tiny Homes?
Lawrence County, Alabama, does not have zoning, building, or occupancy permit requirements for unincorporated areas, meaning tiny homes are generally permitted in these parts of the county. However, if your project is located within the municipal limits of a city or town, you will need to contact the respective municipality for their regulations. Lawrence County does enforce subdivision regulations and a floodplain ordinance and requires a pipe/access permit if applicable. However, these regulations do not mention tiny homes specifically.
It’s important to remember that if you are building in an unincorporated area, ensure your tiny home complies with Alabama state building codes for safety and legal purposes.
Does Lee County, Alabama, Allow Tiny Homes?
Lee County has adopted the 2021 International Residential Code (IRC), including Appendix AQ, which allows tiny homes. However, it’s unclear whether park model homes are permitted, as Appendix AQ does not provide specific guidelines. To ensure compliance, contact the Lee County Building Inspections Department before making a park model tiny home your full-time residence.
Does Limestone County, Alabama, Allow Tiny Homes?
Limestone County, Alabama, does not have dedicated building or zoning departments, and there are no county-level building inspections or zoning regulations in unincorporated areas. This lack of regulation means tiny homes are generally allowed in these areas. However, for properties located within city limits, building codes, and regulations are determined by the local municipal authorities, so you will need to check with the appropriate city or town government. Additionally, while there are no specific restrictions in unincorporated areas, ensuring your tiny home complies with Alabama state building codes for safety and legal compliance is advisable.
Does Lowndes County, Alabama, Allow Tiny Homes?
Lowndes County, Alabama, has no dedicated building or planning department on its website. However, the county enforces subdivision regulations and a floodplain ordinance, which may impact land development and the placement of structures, including tiny homes. Additionally, a pipe/access permit is required for new access within the county right-of-way; this permit is free, and the county will inspect the location to determine the necessary pipe size. Local municipal authorities handle building and zoning regulations for properties within city limits. Therefore, contacting the respective city or town hall for information pertinent to your area is advisable. While there may be no specific county regulations against tiny homes for unincorporated areas, ensuring compliance with Alabama state building codes and any applicable county ordinances is vital.
Does Macon County, Alabama, Allow Tiny Homes?
Macon County, Alabama, does not appear to have a specific building or zoning department mentioned on its official website. If your property is located within a city or town, the local government is responsible for managing building and zoning requirements, so contacting the relevant city or town office is recommended. In unincorporated areas, no explicit county rules against tiny homes seem to exist, but you should still follow Alabama state building codes and any applicable ordinances. You can contact the Macon County Commission Office directly for more information or guidance.
Does Madison County, Alabama, Allow Tiny Homes?
Madison County has adopted the 2018 International Residential Code, which includes Appendix Q, which allows tiny homes. Appendix Q does not make note of park models being permitted for use as a tiny home. With this lack of clarity, please consult with their Inspections Department to determine if your park model tiny home can be used as your full-time residence.
Does Marengo County, Alabama, Allow Tiny Homes?
Marengo County, Alabama, does not have a dedicated building or zoning department at the county level, meaning there are no specific county-wide restrictions on tiny homes in unincorporated areas. However, regulations are determined by municipal authorities for properties within city limits. If you are considering a tiny home in an unincorporated area of Marengo County, it’s essential to adhere to Alabama state building codes to ensure safety and compliance. For clarity on your situation, contact the Marengo County Commission Office or the relevant city or town government.
Does Marion County, Alabama, Allow Tiny Homes?
Marion County is yet another county that does not govern tiny home regulations for unincorporated areas, meaning that tiny homes are allowed so long as they comply with the Alabama State Building Code. If you reside in the jurisdiction of a city or town within Marion County, you should visit their local government to determine if your tiny home is allowed.
Does Marshall County, Alabama, Allow Tiny Homes?
Marshall County leaves the decision for tiny homes up to the cities and towns within the county limits. For the best answer to this question, please consult with your local building department to determine if your tiny home is permitted. If you are in an unincorporated area of Marshall County, a tiny home is allowed so long as it complies with the Alabama State Code.
Does Mobile County, Alabama, Allow Tiny Homes?
Yes! Mobile County has adopted the 2018 International Building Codes, including Appendix Q, outlining the requirements for tiny homes. This code outlines requirements for the home to be 400 square feet, proper skylights and windows, a certain ceiling height for each room, and more. As for park model tiny homes, this is unclear, but you can consult with their Planning & Development Department to find out if you can use your park model as a tiny home.
Does Monroe County, Alabama, Allow Tiny Homes?
Monroe County does not have a building, zoning, or planning department to regulate tiny homes. Regulations are instead enforced by the city or town governments within the county, so the rules may vary depending on where you live. If your property is in an area without a city or town government, tiny homes are generally permitted since no specific legislation prohibits them. However, following the Alabama State Building Code is crucial to avoid legal issues and ensure your home meets safety standards.
Does Montgomery County, Alabama, Allow Tiny Homes?
In Montgomery County, Alabama, the Engineering Department handles permits for construction projects larger than 200 square feet. You will likely need a building permit if your tiny home exceeds that size. No specific county regulations prohibit tiny homes, so tiny homes are generally allowed in areas without city or town government oversight. However, it’s crucial to comply with Alabama state building codes to ensure safety and avoid legal issues. If your property is within the city limits of Montgomery or the town of Pike Road, you must follow their specific regulations regarding tiny homes.
Does Morgan County, Alabama, Allow Tiny Homes?
Morgan County, Alabama, does not have a dedicated building or zoning department, meaning no county-wide regulations explicitly prohibit tiny homes in unincorporated areas. However, the county’s Engineering Department oversees subdivision regulations and floodplain ordinances, which may impact where tiny homes can be placed. If your property is located within city limits, the local municipal government determines building and zoning regulations, so it is essential to contact your city or town officials for guidance. While tiny homes are generally allowed for unincorporated areas, it is essential to ensure compliance with Alabama state building codes and any relevant county ordinances to avoid legal or safety issues.
Does Perry County, Alabama, Allow Tiny Homes?
Perry County, Alabama, does not have a building or zoning department to regulate tiny homes at the county level. This means that in unincorporated areas of the county, tiny homes are generally allowed since there are no specific county restrictions against them. However, if your property is within city limits, the rules regarding tiny homes will depend on the local municipal authorities, so it’s important to contact the city or town hall for guidance. Regardless of location, ensuring compliance with Alabama state building codes is essential to meet legal requirements and maintain safety standards. For further assistance, you can also reach out to the Perry County Commission Office.
Does Pickens County, Alabama, Allow Tiny Homes?
Tiny homes are allowed in unincorporated areas of Pickens County, Alabama since the county does not have a specific building, planning, or zoning department to regulate them. However, if your property falls within city limits, such as in Aliceville, local authorities oversee building permits and regulations, so it’s important to check with them directly. Wherever your tiny home is located, following Alabama state building codes is crucial to ensure safety and legal compliance.
Does Pike County, Alabama, Allow Tiny Homes?
Pike County, Alabama, does not have an official website or a dedicated building, planning, or zoning department, making it difficult to determine specific regulations for tiny homes at the county level. Without county oversight, decisions about tiny homes are likely left to the local city or town governments within Pike County. If your property is located in an unincorporated area, there are no county officials to enforce building or zoning regulations, meaning tiny homes are generally permitted as long as they comply with Alabama state building codes.
Does Randolph County, Alabama, Allow Tiny Homes?
Randolph County, Alabama, has no dedicated building, planning, or zoning department to regulate tiny homes. Incorporated areas will likely have their own zoning ordinances and building regulations. So, if you reside in one of those areas, you must adhere to their regulations regarding tiny homes.
In unincorporated areas of Randolph County, there are no specific county-level regulations governing tiny homes. However, ensuring compliance with Alabama state building codes is crucial even though nobody enforces regulations in these areas.
Does Russell County, Alabama, Allow Tiny Homes?
Yes! They have adopted the 2018 International Residential Code, which includes Appendix Q, outlining requirements for your tiny home to be utilized as a residence. As for park models, Appendix Q’s guidelines are unclear as to whether they’d be permitted as a tiny home. It’s best to consult the Russell County Building & Inspection Department to get a clear answer about your park model tiny home.
Does Saint Clair County, Alabama, Allow Tiny Homes?
In St. Clair County, tiny homes and other buildings are regulated by the cities and towns within its jurisdiction. If your property is in a city or town, you should contact the local government for guidance on tiny home regulations. For unincorporated areas where county oversight typically applies, tiny homes are generally allowed. However, it’s essential to comply with Alabama state building codes to ensure safety and meet legal requirements.
Does Shelby County, Alabama, Allow Tiny Homes?
Yep! A tiny home with an axle is permitted on a legal lot of any size within unincorporated or unzoned areas in Shelby County, so long as they follow the regulations for Manufactured Home Communities. This means that park model tiny homes are also permitted. Any tiny homes constructed on a permanent foundation must comply with the adopted building code.
Specifying that this is the regulation for tiny homes in unincorporated areas means that tiny homes in a city or town within Shelby County must defer to their local government regulations. Keep reading to see if your city or town within Shelby County has any requirements regarding tiny homes, as this answer may differ depending on where you reside within the county.
Does Sumter County, Alabama, Allow Tiny Homes?
Sumter County has no dedicated building, planning, or zoning department, so the answer to this question is largely left up to your city or town government within Sumter County. For those who would typically defer to the county government as they are not under the jurisdiction of a city or town government, tiny homes are generally allowed. Ensure that your tiny home complies with the state building code, as it will need to meet safety standards. Failing to meet these standards could result in potential legal issues, so following the guidelines is an important step to ensure your home is safe and up to code.
Does Talladega County, Alabama, Allow Tiny Homes?
At this point, it is unclear. They must clearly state which building codes they have adopted or outline minimum square footage requirements or rules regarding park models, leaving lots of room for interpretation. To get a clear answer to this question, please contact their Permits, Building, & Development Department to find out what they allow.
Does Tallapoosa County, Alabama, Allow Tiny Homes?
Tallapoosa County currently adheres to the 2015 International Building Code, which does not include any provisions for tiny homes. Without any legislation that clearly states that tiny homes are or aren’t permitted, it is still unclear. It’s best to consult with the Tallapoosa County Building Department to see where they stand on tiny homes to get a clear answer to this question.
Does Tuscaloosa County, Alabama, Allow Tiny Homes?
Tiny homes are generally allowed in unincorporated areas of Tuscaloosa County since there’s no dedicated county department regulating them. However, it’s crucial to follow Alabama state building codes for safety and legal compliance. If you reside in a city or town government’s jurisdiction, you must comply with their building code and tiny home regulations. Please consult with them first before beginning to live in a tiny home full-time.
Does Walker County, Alabama, Allow Tiny Homes?
Yes! Walker County has no building, planning, or zoning department to regulate tiny homes, so as long as you follow the Alabama state building code and live in an area that’s not under a city or town government’s jurisdiction, a tiny home is permitted. However, you must first defer to your city or town government. So, if they have regulations regarding tiny homes you must follow that before following the state building code.
Does Washington County, Alabama, Allow Tiny Homes?
Absolutely! In Washington County, there’s no county-level building, planning, or zoning department to oversee tiny homes. This means tiny homes are allowed in unincorporated areas, provided they comply with Alabama state building codes. However, if your property falls within a city or town, you’ll need to check with the local government first, as their rules take precedence. Once you’ve ensured compliance with any municipal regulations, you can focus on adhering to the state building code to make your tiny home both legal and safe.
Does Wilcox County, Alabama, Allow Tiny Homes?
Tiny homes are generally allowed in unincorporated areas of Wilcox County, Alabama, as there is no dedicated county department regulating them. However, if your property is within a city or town, such as Camden, local governments manage building permits and regulations, so you’ll need to contact them for specific guidelines. In unincorporated areas, it’s important to ensure compliance with Alabama state building codes to meet safety standards and legal requirements.
Does Winston County, Alabama, Allow Tiny Homes?
In Winston County, Alabama, tiny homes are generally permitted in unincorporated areas since the county doesn’t have a specific department to regulate them. However, if your property falls within the limits of a city or town, local governments handle building permits and enforce zoning regulations. In unincorporated parts of Winston County, it’s essential to follow Alabama state building codes to ensure your tiny home meets safety standards and complies with legal requirements.
Does Your Municipality in Alabama Allow Park Model Tiny Homes?
Does Abbeville, Alabama, Allow Tiny Homes?
While they don’t have their building department on their website, they do include their Code of Ordinances, which states that they follow the 2012 International Building Code. This notably excludes Appendix Q, which includes provisions for tiny homes. However, they clearly state that recreational vehicles (RVs) must meet all requirements for new construction, including anchoring and elevation requirements, and are not to be considered temporary residences. This may mean that your park model tiny home is permitted, but without clear legislation, it’s best to visit the Abbeville government to get a clear answer.
Does Addison, Alabama, Allow Tiny Homes?
The town of Addison has no resources regarding their building department or tiny home regulations on their website. However, you can visit their office at 30793 HWY 278 in Addison, Alabama, to get an answer to this question.
Does Andalusia, Alabama, Allow Tiny Homes?
Andalusia has adopted the 2012 IRC, which does not include Appendix Q permitting tiny homes. However, they note that if an RV can meet new construction standards, it can be permitted on a site for more than 180 consecutive days. According to their code, park models that are 400 square feet or less meet the definition of an RV, meaning that your park-model tiny home could be permitted. Contact their Planning & Development Department to get approval before fully residing in your park model tiny home.
Does Aliceville, Alabama, Allow Tiny Homes?
Aliceville includes no direct points of contact for their Planning & Zoning Board, but you can use their contact form to find out more information. They have only adopted the 2006 International Residential Code, so their Planning & Zoning Board would be the best place to push for clear legislation or a clear answer to whether they will allow you to reside in a tiny home permanently.
Does Anniston, Alabama, Allow Tiny Homes?
Yes! The city of Anniston has adopted the 2021 International Residential Code, which includes Appendix Q, outlining precise requirements for tiny homes. However, the 2021 edition of the IRC still makes no mention of park-model tiny homes. Contact their building department to determine if your park model tiny home is permitted in Anniston.
Does Ashland, Alabama, Allow Tiny Homes?
The city of Ashland doesn’t have any building officials you can contact, nor are the codes they follow made publicly available to provide a clear answer to this question. You can call their government office at (256)-354-2121 to learn more about their building regulations regarding tiny homes.
Does Ashville, Alabama, Allow Tiny Homes?
Yes! Ashville has adopted the 2021 International Residential Building Code (IRC), including Appendix Q, which includes provisions that allow tiny homes so long as they meet their requirements. The 2021 IRC doesn’t include specific enough language to clearly determine one way or another if park model tiny homes are permitted. To find out if they allow tiny homes, contact the Ashville Building & Zoning Department.
Does Athens, Alabama, Allow Tiny Homes?
They sure do! Athens follows the 2018 International Residential Code (IRC), including Appendix Q, which allows tiny homes as long as they meet the specific standards outlined in that section of the code. As mentioned previously, the 2018 IRC doesn’t outline specific enough standards to determine whether park model tiny homes are permitted. The Athens Building Department is your best resource for a clear answer as to whether your park model tiny home will be allowed.
Does Bakerhill, Alabama, Allow Tiny Homes?
Bakerhill, along with other cities and towns in Barbour County, Alabama, has limited information available about building departments and codes, making it difficult to determine whether tiny homes are permitted. The best way to get a clear answer is to complete the Bakerhill contact form to connect with someone who can provide guidance or direct you to the appropriate resource for your tiny home inquiry.
Does Bay Minette, Alabama, Allow Tiny Homes?
Yep! Bay Minette has adopted the 2018 International Residential Code, which includes Appendix Q, detailing the requirements your tiny home must meet in order for you to reside in it full-time. Additionally, park model tiny homes may be permitted so long as they are in a designated residential vehicle (RV) park. To see if your park model tiny home would be permitted on your own parcel of land, please contact the Bay Minette Planning & Development Department.
Does Birmingham, Alabama, Allow Tiny Homes?
Birmingham has currently adopted the 2021 International Residential Code (IRC), which includes Appendix AQ allowing tiny homes. While they have adopted this code, their stance on park model tiny homes is unclear. In some cases, so long as the meet all standards for new construction and are anchored to a reinforced foundation, they may be classified as a manufactured home and therefore be allowed in a properly zoned manufactured home park. However, if they do not meet these standards, then they are allowed to be occupied on-site for no longer than 180 days.
Since recreational vehicles and park models must meet specific standards, it’s best to contact the Birmingham Department of Planning, Engineering, and Permits to find out exactly what your park model tiny home would be classified as and if it is permitted as a tiny home.
Does Brewton, Alabama, Allow Tiny Homes?
Brewton follows the 2015 International Residential Code, which does not include Appendix Q—the section that provides guidelines for tiny homes. While the code itself lacks specific provisions for tiny homes, this does not mean they are outright prohibited. Clear legislation on tiny homes would be needed to definitively answer whether they are allowed. For the most accurate information, contact the Brewton Planning & Zoning Department directly.
Does Butler, Alabama, Allow Tiny Homes?
Butler follows the 2015 International Residential Code, which does not include specific provisions for tiny homes. However, this does not mean tiny homes are prohibited. The absence of clear legislation makes it difficult to determine Butler’s official stance on tiny homes. The Butler Town Council is responsible for adopting codes and enacting building and zoning laws. For a definitive answer on whether your tiny home can be used as a full-time residence, it’s best to contact the Town Council directly.
Does Camden, Alabama, Allow Tiny Homes?
At this point in time, Camden, and other major cities and towns in Wilcox County, do not have official websites pointing out which building codes to follow or what department handles building, planning, or zoning. Try to visit your local government in person first to get a clear answer as to whether your tiny home is permitted. If you are unable to get a clear answer, it is best practice to follow the Alabama state building code, which does permit tiny homes.
Does Chatom, Alabama, Allow Tiny Homes?
Chatom does not directly link to their building, planning or zoning department, and their zoning ordinance does not clearly state any minimum building requirements or adopted codes. Without clearly defined regulations regarding tiny homes, it’s hard to say one way or the other what they allow. Contact their Town Council on their departments page or visit a town hall meeting to encourage clear legislation to be passed regarding tiny homes.
Does Clanton, Alabama, Allow Tiny Homes?
No. Clanton does not permit tiny homes within the official boundaries of their city.
Does Centre, Alabama, Allow Tiny Homes?
It is unclear at this time what they allow as they have no clear adopted building codes or regulations made available. You can contact the Centre Building Inspector for more information regarding tiny homes in the city.
Does Centreville, Alabama, Allow Tiny Homes?
Centreville also does not include their building code or zoning ordinances on their site. Contact their Permits & Forms Department to find out if they allow tiny homes.
Does Columbiana, Alabama, Allow Tiny Homes?
Based on their Zoning Ordinance and the fire code they’ve adopted, Columbiana’s stance on tiny homes is unclear. The zoning ordinance does not outline specific requirements for tiny homes, and while the city has adopted the 2015 International Fire Code in coordination with Shelby County Building Inspection officials, there is no mention of adopting any International Building Codes.
Shelby County does have legislation allowing park models and tiny homes, but it’s unclear if Columbiana follows these same rules. To confirm whether Columbiana adheres to Shelby County’s regulations regarding tiny homes, contact the city’s Planning & Zoning Commission for clarification.
Does Cullman, Alabama, Allow Tiny Homes?
Yes! They have adopted the 2021 International Residential Code, including Appendix AQ, and make note of tiny homes in their code of ordinances, requiring them to be 500 square feet or less. As for park model tiny homes, the legislation isn’t clear enough to state one way or the other if they are allowed. It’s best to consult with their Planning & Zoning Department for a clear answer to this question.
Does Dadeville, Alabama, Allow Tiny Homes?
They do! Dadeville has adopted the 2018 International Residential Code, which includes Appendix Q, outlining permissions for tiny homes. This appendix doesn’t make note of park model tiny homes, however. So, if you’re interested in residing in a park model tiny home full-time, it’s best to contact their Building Department to find out what they allow.
Does Decatur, Alabama, Allow Tiny Homes?
Decatur has only adopted the 2009 International Residential Code which doesn’t include any appendices outlining permissions for tiny homes. Without clear regulations stating one way or the other if tiny homes are allowed, it’s difficult to provide a yes or no answer to this question. Please contact the Decatur Building Department for a definitive answer to this question.
Does Demopolis, Alabama, Allow Tiny Homes?
They have only adopted the 2015 International Residential Code, making it unclear one way or the other if they permit tiny homes. Contact their Building Department to find out what they allow.
Does Dothan, Alabama, Allow Tiny Homes?
While there have been discussions about adopting the 2021 International Residential Code (IRC), Dothan has only adopted the 2015 International Residential Code (IRC). Unlike the 2021 edition, the 2015 edition of the IRC doesn’t include any requirements or regulations for tiny homes. Additionally, according to their zoning ordinance, recreational vehicles (RV) or park-model tiny homes are not permitted as a permanent place of a dwelling unless in a properly zoned RV park.
To determine precisely where Dotan stands on park models and tiny homes, please contact their Planning & Zoning Department.
Does Double Springs, Alabama, Allow Tiny Homes?
Double Springs has no apparent building, planning, or zoning department, nor do they list any building codes or zoning ordinances to outline whether tiny homes are permitted. Their town clerk is responsible for requests for information and preparing ordinances, so please consult with them to find out if they allow tiny homes or encourage them to implement legislation regarding tiny homes.
Does Elba, Alabama, Allow Tiny Homes?
Elba has only adopted the 1991 Standard Building Code, which of course does not include any clear legislation regarding tiny homes. You can contact their code enforcement official at (334) 897-2333 for more information about tiny homes in Elba.
Does Enterprise, Alabama, Allow Tiny Homes?
Yes! Enterprise has adopted the 2021 International Residential Code (IRC), which includes Appendix AQ detailing the requirements for tiny homes that are permitted. This appendix makes no mention of park models, so at this time, it’s unclear if they would allow park modelt tiny homes. Their Engineering Department will be able to provide you with a definitive answer as to whether park model tiny homes are permitted as a permanent place of residence.
Does Eutaw, Alabama, Allow Tiny Homes?
Eutaw is currently working to develop an online Building Permit & Code Enforcement services page that provides key resources for building permits and regulations. Once this page is complete, there will be clear resources for those trying to find out if tiny homes are allowed. However, at this time, you best resource for this information is to contact Cliff Taylor at (205) 496-4468.
Does Evergreen, Alabama, Allow Tiny Homes?
Evergreen doesn’t have any clear regulations regarding tiny homes nor do they have a designated building, planning, or zoning department. To determine if they allow tiny homes, use their contact form to find our more about their regulations regarding tiny homes.
Does Fayette, Alabama, Allow Tiny Homes?
According to their zoning ordinances they have adopted the latest edition of the International Building Codes. It is unclear exactly which edition this refers to, but likely this means the 2021 edition that the state of Alabama has adopted, which does include Apendix AQ creating regulations to follow that allow tiny homes as permanent dwellings. If you want to find out if your tiny home or park model tiny home are allowed contact their Planning Department.
Does Florence, Alabama, Allow Tiny Homes?
Florence has only adopted the 2003 International Residential Code which doesn’t have any legislation surrounding tiny homes. For more information on whether Florence allow park models or tiny homes, contact their Building Department.
Does Fort Deposit, Alabama, Allow Tiny Homes?
Their zoning ordinances make no mention of tiny homes and they have no building department or building codes available on their website. To get an answer to this question, call the Fort Deposit government office at (334) 227-4841.
Does Fort Payne, Alabama, Allow Tiny Homes?
Fort Payne has also only adopted the 2003 International Residential Code which makes no note of tiny homes. Please contact their Inspections & Zoning Department to get a definitive answer to this question.
Does Gadsen, Alabama, Allow Tiny Homes?
Gadsden has adopted the 2021 International Residential Code (IRC), including Appendix AQ, detailing requirements to follow in order to reside in your tiny home full-time. This appendix doesn’t clearly outline any requirements that mention whether park model tiny homes are permitted. For a clear answer to this question, consult the Gadsen Building Department.
Does Geneva, Alabama, Allow Tiny Homes?
Geneva has only adopted the 2009 International Building Code which makes no mention of any tiny home regulations. To find out if they allow tiny homes, or park models as permanent residences, contact their Building Department.
Does Greensboro, Alabama, Allow Tiny Homes?
Greensboro doesn’t have clear regulations that state whether tiny homes are permitted. You can contact the Code Enforcer AT (334) 507-6648 to find out if they allow tiny homes or park models as permanent residences.
Does Greenville, Alabama, Allow Tiny Homes?
Greenville has adopted the 2021 International Residential Code in accordance with the state of Alabama. This code notably includes Appendix AQ which details square footage, loft, window, stair, and other requirements for tiny homes. Among the requirements outlined, none mention park models or recreational vehicles being used as tiny homes. To find out if park model tiny homes are permitted in Greenville, please contact their Building Department official.
Does Guntersville, Alabama, Allow Tiny Homes?
Guntersville has only adopted the 2006 International Residential Code. This code makes no mention of tiny homes. So, at this point in time, your best resource to get an answer to this question is the Guntersville Building Department.
Does Gulf Shores, Alabama, Allow Tiny Homes?
Gulf Shores does allow tiny homes. They have currently adopted the 2021 International Residential Code, including Appendix AQ, which outlines the requirements your tiny home must meet. Notably absent from this appendix is any reference to recreational vehicle or park model tiny homes. Please consult with the Gulf Shores Building Department for further clarification on this subject.
Does Hamilton, Alabama, Allow Tiny Homes?
Hamilton, Alabama, has only adopted the 2006 editions of the International Building Codes. With that edition including no legislation around tiny homes, it’s best to contact their Ordinances Department at (205) 921-2121.
Does Heflin, Alabama, Allow Tiny Homes?
Heflin has only adopted the 2009 International Residential Code which makes no mention of tiny homes. Their city clerk will be able to provide you with a clear answer on tiny homes.
Does Hoover, Alabama, Allow Tiny Homes?
Hoover, Alabama, follows the 2021 International Residential Code, aligning with state standards. This version of the IRC includes Appendix AQ, which specifies requirements for tiny homes, such as square footage, loft dimensions, window sizing, and stair design. However, the appendix does not address park models and recreational vehicles as potential tiny home options. To determine whether park model tiny homes are permitted in Hoover, reach out to the city’s Inspection Services Department for clarification.
Does Huntsville, Alabama, Allow Tiny Homes?
While Huntsville has adopted the 2018 International Residential Code (IRC), they notably only adopted appendices E, H, and J, not Appendix Q, which allows for tiny homes. According to their minimum standards, every dwelling unit must have at least one 150 square foot space for one occupant and another 100 square feet for each additional occupant. This makes it possible to reside in a tiny home, but with a lack of clarity, it’s best to consult their Urban & Economic Development Department at (256) 427-5300.
Does Jackson, Alabama, Allow Tiny Homes?
Yes! Jackson permits pre-fabricated, modular, or site-built single-family tiny homes that are 500 square feet or less. Recreational vehicles or park models are also classified as manufactured homes, and Jackson outlines requirements for designated manufactured and tiny home parks. This means that park-model tiny homes are likely permitted as well. Please double-check this with the Jackson Public Works Department.
Does Jasper, Alabama, Allow Tiny Homes?
Jasper has only adopted the 2015 International Residential Code (IRC). This edition of the IRC makes no mention of tiny homes, making it unclear if they are permitted in Jasper. To get a definitive answer, please contact their Building Inspector.
Does Lafayette, Alabama, Allow Tiny Homes?
Lafayette has adopted the 2021 International Residential Code, which includes Appendix AQ on tiny homes. It is unclear if this include park model tiny homes, so please contact their Street, Sanitation, and Cemetery Department who is responsible for buildings.
Does Livingston, Alabama, Allow Tiny Homes?
Livingston makes no note of their building codes or zoning ordinances, so it is unclear at this time if tiny homes are permitted. Please contact their zoning department to find out more.
Does Luverne, Alabama, Allow Tiny Homes?
Luverne does not mention their adopted building codes or tiny home regulations, so what they allow is uncertain. Please contact their City Clerk for more details about their building codes and tiny home regulations.
Does Marion, Alabama, Allow Tiny Homes?
Marion must mention the building codes they adhere to or whether tiny homes are permitted. Please contact their governing body to find out more.
Does Millport, Alabama, Allow Tiny Homes?
At this point, it is unclear what building codes or tiny home regulations Millport, Alabama, has in place. Their website has a citizen questions center that allows you to fill out a simple form with any questions or requests. If you want to know if they permit tiny homes or if you want to urge them to draft legislation for tiny homes, please fill out this form.
Does Mobile, Alabama, Allow Tiny Homes?
Yes! Mobile has adopted the 2021 International Residential Code, including Appendix AQ on tiny homes. However, this appendix does not refer to park model tiny homes. Thankfully, Mobile has a website dedicated to building in the city to help you quickly determine if your park model tiny home is allowed. Simply visit their contact page and contact their Planning & Zoning Division.
Does Montgomery, Alabama, Allow Tiny Homes?
Montgomery does allow tiny homes. They have adopted the 2024 edition of the International Residential Code, including Appendix BB on tiny houses. However, this appendix still doesn’t include any provisions for park model tiny homes. To find out if they are allowed, contact the Montgomery Inspections Department.
Does Moulton, Alabama, Allow Tiny Homes?
Moulton allows tiny homes. In 2022, they adopted the 2018 International Residential Code, which includes Appendix Q outlining the requirements for tiny homes. The appendix, however, does not mention park model tiny homes. For a clear answer on this, ask the Moulton Building Department.
Does Northport, Alabama, Allow Tiny Homes?
They do! Northport follows the Alabama State Code that allows for tiny homes. However, this code does not mention park-model tiny homes. If you want to reside in one full-time, run it by the Northport Planning & Inspections Department.
Does Oneonta, Alabama, Allow Tiny Homes?
Oneonta has currently only adopted the 2015 International Residential Code. This edition does not include any requirements or regulations for tiny homes. To determine if your plans for your tiny home are allowed, run them by the Building Inspections & Permit Department.
Does Opelika, Alabama, Allow Tiny Homes?
It seems like they have adopted the most recent edition of the IRC, but it is still unclear. Your best resource for a clear answer to this question is the Building Inspections or Code Compliance Department.
Does Ozark, Alabama, Allow Tiny Homes?
Yes! Ozark has adopted the 2018 International Residential Code, including Appendix Q. This appendix does not note park model tiny homes. To find out if they are allowed in Ozark, consult with their Inspection Department.
Does Pell City, Alabama, Allow Tiny Homes?
Yep! They have adopted the state building codes, which feature the 2021 editions of all the international codes and include provisions for tiny homes. Before residing in your park model or tiny home full-time, please run your plans by the Pell City Planning & Zoning Department.
Does Phenix City, Alabama, Allow Tiny Homes?
While they have adopted the 2021 International Residential Code, they have notably excluded Appendix AQ from their list of adopted appendices. This could mean they don’t allow tiny homes, but it’s hard to know where they stand without clear legislation. To get a definitive answer, please contact the Phenix City Building Department.
Does Prattville, Alabama, Allow Tiny Homes?
Yes! They have adopted the 2021 International Residential Code, including Appendix AQ, outlining tiny home requirements. As for park model tiny homes, their Planning & Zoning Department can tell you if they are permitted in Prattville.
Does Rockford, Alabama, Allow Tiny Homes?
It is unclear what building codes they follow, and they have no designated building, zoning, or planning department on their website. To find out if tiny homes are allowed in Rockford, fill out their contact form.
Does Russellville, Alabama, Allow Tiny Homes?
They have only adopted the 2003 International Residential Code. This edition makes no note of tiny homes. Please contact their Building, Licensing, and Zoning Department official for a clear answer to this question.
Does Scottsboro, Alabama, Allow Tiny Homes?
Scottsboro currently follows the 2015 International Residential Code and makes no note of allowing tiny homes of any kind. To find out if yours is allowed, contact the Scottsboro Building Department.
Does Selma, Alabama, Allow Tiny Homes?
Selma has only adopted the 2003 International Residential Code, including no appendixes that outline requirements for tiny homes. For more information about tiny home regulations, contact their Building Inspector to see if yours would be allowed.
Does Talladega, Alabama, Allow Tiny Homes?
It is unclear at this time. Having only adopted the 2015 International Residential Code, there are no clear regulations regarding tiny homes in Talladega. The Building Inspector can provide a clear answer as to whether they allow tiny homes.
Does Troy, Alabama, Allow Tiny Homes?
Yes! They follow the Alabama State Codes, including the 2021 IRC, which includes Appendix AQ on tiny homes. This appendix does not mention any park model tiny homes. The Inspection Department can tell you whether or not they allow park model tiny homes.
Does Tuskegee, Alabama, Allow Tiny Homes?
It is unclear at this time what they allow. Please contact their Buildings, Codes, and Inspections Department to learn more about their tiny home regulations.
Does Union Springs, Alabama, Allow Tiny Homes?
Union Springs has only adopted the 2003 edition of the International Residential Code. Including no provisions for tiny homes, it’s unclear if they would permit them in Union Springs. Please reach out to the City Clerk on the Union Springs government page to find out where they stand on tiny homes.
Does Wadley, Alabama, Allow Tiny Homes?
Wadley makes no note of any building codes or tiny home regulations on their ordinances page. They also have no designated building, planning, or zoning department to which you can direct these questions. Your best bet for more information on this subject is to give the Town of Wadley government a call at (256)-395-2261 or email them at wadleytownhall@yahoo.com.
Does Warrior, Alabama, Allow Tiny Homes?
Warrior does not have their building codes publicly available nor do they make any mention of tiny homes. Their permitting portal or permit department is likely the best resource to get a clear answer to this question. While no contacts are listed on their permitting page, you can visit the City of Warrior home page and call or email them requesting more information on tiny homes.
Does Wetumpka, Alabama, Allow Tiny Homes?
They likely allow tiny homes. According to their Zoning Ordinance, they have adopted the 2021 International Residential Code (IRC), which includes Appendix AQ on tiny homes. However, their website states that they have only adopted the 2015 edition of the IRC. With this conflicting information, it’s hard to give a definitive answer. Even if they follow the 2021 IRC, appendix AQ does not mention park model tiny homes. For clarification on this information, please contact the Wetumpka Building Department.
Other Cities/Towns in Alabama
This list does not include every city and town in Alabama, so if your location isn’t mentioned, it’s still important to check your city or town’s website or visit their offices to learn about their specific requirements and regulations for tiny homes. Most counties in Alabama defer decisions on tiny homes to municipal governments, so relying on your county government for guidance may not provide the information you need—they will likely direct you back to your city or town officials. Always consult the correct local authority to avoid confusion and get accurate information.
Park Model tiny Homes That Are Allowed In Alabama

The A-Frame

The A-Frame Studio

The Aspen
Park Model Regulations in Alabama

Can I Live in A Park Model Tiny Home in Alabama?
Alabama follows the 2021 International Residential Code (IRC) at the state level, which permits tiny homes but does not specifically address park model tiny homes. Regulations for park models vary across the state—some areas allow them, while others do not. It’s important to note that park model tiny homes are often classified as recreational vehicles, meaning they are considered temporary structures in many jurisdictions. Some places may allow park models but require them to be placed on a permanent foundation. To ensure compliance, always contact your local building, planning, or zoning office to confirm whether park model tiny homes are permitted in your area.
Does Alabama Allow Park Model Tiny Homes To Be Used As ADUs?
Some areas in Alabama permit park model tiny homes to be utilized as acessory dwelling units (ADUs) while others do not. Some areas may permit tiny homes as ADUs but won’t include park models in their definition of a tiny home or acceptable ADU. At this point in time, check to see if your municipality allows ADUs, and then check with your local building, planning, or zoning department to determine if they will allow your park model tiny home to be utilized as an ADU.
Do You Need a Permit for a Tiny Home in Alabama?

Yes. Alabama and its municipalities, alongside almost all other states, will typically require a permit of some sort for a new addition or new construction on your property. You will likely also need a special use permit to have a tiny home or utilize a tiny home as an ADU. To see if you need a permit and obtain the correct one, your building or permitting office will be the best resource.
Are There Any Tiny Home Communities in Alabama?

Yes! Alabama has numerous tiny home communities, thanks to its minimal regulations, which make living in tiny homes straightforward. With the state’s diverse landscapes, you can find a variety of communities offering different amenities and locations to suit your tiny living aspirations. Here’s a look at some of these communities:
Eagles Landing Lake Martin
Location: 8300 Parker Creek Mariana RD, Equality, AL 36026
Experience the charm of this lakeside tiny home community in Equality, Alabama. Each home offers modern comforts, including a 13-foot vaulted ceiling, a cozy queen bed in the master bedroom, stainless steel appliances, cable TV, and Wi-Fi. Enjoy the serene lakeside setting from your screened-in porch, perfect for soaking in the stunning views. This cozy retreat combines the best of modern living with the tranquility of nature.
Atkinson Cottages
Location: 33230 US Highway 280, Childersburg, AL 35044
These modern tiny homes feature all the amenities you’re used to – multiple rooms, appliances, fans, wifi, and more. You can enjoy a gorgeous stay with less of the hassle and upkeep of a traditional home or cabin.
The Cottages at Pine Lake
Location: 6585 Hwy 431 S, Ste E451 Owens X Rds, AL 35763
Now introducing a tiny home community that allows you to stay in your park model tiny home full-time! The Cottages at Pine Lake is the first and only tiny home community in Huntsville, Alabama, that allows tiny homes on wheels! Featuring low monthly lot rents at $300/mont,h including utilities and a beautiful lake view, you don’t want to miss the tiny home community.

How Much Does it Cost to Build a Tiny House in Alabama?
Building a tiny home can range from $30,000 to over $100,000, depending on factors like quality, features, materials, and square footage. Additionally, you’ll need to account for land costs, lot rental, permit fees, and other associated costs. We can provide a detailed cost breakdown for park model tiny homes or even an exact quote tailored to your needs. Once you have this information, along with permit fee details from your local permitting office and the costs of the location where you plan to place your tiny home, you’ll be able to determine the total cost of your tiny home in Alabama.
Where is the Cheapest Place to Put a Tiny House in Alabama?
The cheapest place to put a tiny house in Alabama will likely be in rural areas with low costs for land. However, the exact answer to this question will vary depending on the regulations in your area. Those that are friendly to tiny homes and allow them to be placed on any parcel of land and require minimal permit fees will likely be more affordable than areas that require them to be in specifically zoned areas and require lots of permit fees. Places with lot rental will likely be more expensive, but it’s worth comparing rental prices to the cost of purchasing land and obtaining necessary permits.
How Small Does a House Have to Be to Be Considered a Tiny Home?
Most tiny homes are no greater than between 400-600 square feet. However, according to the definition of a tiny house in Appendix AQ of the 2021 International Residential Code that the state of Alabama has adopted, they are no larger than 400 square feet.
What is the Minimum Square Footage For A Tiny House in Alabama?
The 2021 International Residential Code (IRC) requires that each habitable room in a home must have a minimum floor area of 70 square feet. Although many tiny homes combine the kitchen, bathroom, and bedroom into one space, it’s practical to aim for a home at least 200 square feet. This site not only exceeds the minimum requirements in most areas, which are often larger than 70 square feet but also provides enough space to move comfortably and store your belongings.
Can A Park Model Tiny Homes Have Multiple Bedrooms and Bathrooms?
Of course! More can fit in 400 square feet of space than you would think! Additionally, with only 70 square feet of space required for each habitable room, you could easily fit around 5 rooms in a 400 square feet tiny home. Are you curious about what having multiple bedrooms or bathrooms in a tiny home would look like? Check out our Cascade, Pinecrest, Aspen, and Nook Family Park Models, which all feature 2 or more rooms. Just because tiny is in the name doesn’t mean your home needs to be cramped. You can enjoy all the amenities of modern life inside just 400 square feet.
What Features Are Included In A Park Model Home From Zook Cabins?
Our park model tiny homes are designed to provide all the comforts of a modern lifestyle. Available in a range of styles—from classic cabin designs to sleek, modern finishes—you can choose the look that suits your preferences. Each model comes with essential features such as light fixtures, faucets, toilets, ample cabinet space, storage solutions, and more, ensuring you have everything you need in a compact and stylish home.
Are Park Model Tiny Homes A Good Investment?
Absolutely! Many of our customers have successfully transformed their park models into thriving rental properties. Take Bobby Lee and Andrew, for example—they created an ideal RV rental camp using 11 Zook Cabins Park Models. Curious to see how it’s done? Check out their story, and if you’re considering a park model as a rental investment, complete our pro forma to get all the details you need to get started.
What Do Other States Say about Tiny Living?
Each state has different regulations for what is allowed for tiny living. Take a look at the table below to see what your state or the state that you would like to move has to say about tiny living.