Tiny Home Regulations in Nevada: The Complete Guide

Let’s face it: The cost of homes is rising across the United States, making it harder and harder to find an affordable place to live. In response, many have started migrating towards minimalistic lifestyles and tiny living, giving them a more cost-effective way to own their first home. Tiny homes are more than just a trend; they are emerging as a practical solution to affordable housing needs, and many local governments are beginning to take notice.
If you live in Nevada and want to take advantage of this budget-friendly solution to owning your first home, you’re in luck! In this article, we’ll detail everything you need about tiny home regulations in NV and anything else you may want to learn about the tiny home lifestyle.
We’ll answer questions like:
Are Tiny Houses Legal in Nevada?

Yes! Tiny homes are legal in Nevada!
Recognizing the need to mitigate the problems with the housing market, legislators passed Senate Bill 150 into law, requiring municipalities with populations above a specific level to modify their zoning rules to include provisions for tiny homes.
In addition, most counties in Nevada have adopted the 2018 International Residential Code, including Appendix Q, which includes requirements for living in a tiny home.
However, with Senate Bill 150 in place, whether your municipality allows tiny homes may vary depending on population size. In addition, they may have different requirements for your tiny home’s size, type, and features. Keep reading to find out if tiny homes are permitted where you live.
Are Park Models the Same Things As Tiny Homes?

The answer to this question largely depends on what your municipality allows, so it’s hard to give a clear answer. While park models can be tiny homes, THOWS to be exact, not all tiny homes are park models. Tiny homes are typically 400 square feet or less and are on a permanent foundation. Park models are typically on wheels and can be readily transported if needed. Because of this distinction, some municipalities will allow tiny homes but not park models since they are on wheels.
Remember that park models are often not mentioned directly when looking into your area’s regulations. They are usually classified as Recreational Vehicles (RVs) as they comply with the RV Industry Association’s Standards (ANSI A119) or NOAH standards. However, some areas may call them campers, travel trailers, and more. We have written an article comparing park model homes to tiny homes so that you can learn more about these distinctions.
What Counties in Nevada Allow Park Model Tiny Homes?

Most counties within Nevada have entirely adopted the 2018 International Residential Building Code, including Appendix Q on tiny homes. However, their requirements and stance on park model tiny homes vary. Keep reading to find out if your county in Nevada permits tiny homes or park model tiny homes.
Carson City County | There is no county-wide website; it is an independent city; please refer to the Carson City website: Carson City Community Development Department Carson City Building Code |
Churchill County | Churchill County Public Works, Planning & Building Department Churchill County Building & Construction Code |
Clark County | Clark County Building Department Clark County Building Codes |
Douglas County | Douglas County Building Division Douglas County Planning Division |
Elko County | Elko County Tiny Home Requirements Elko County Building & Safety Department Elko County Planning & Zoning Department |
Esmeralda County | Esmeralda County Nevada Esmeralda County Contact Information |
Eureka County | Eureka County Planning Commission Eureka County International Building Code |
Humboldt County | Humboldt County Building Department Humboldt County Planning & Zoning Department Humboldt County Codes |
Lander County | Lander County Building Department Lander County Planning & Zoning Department Lander County Building Code |
Lincoln County | Lincoln County Planning Department Lincoln County Building Department Lincoln County Building Code |
Lyon County | Lyon County Planning Department Lyon County Building Department |
Mineral County | Mineral County Building Inspector Contact Information Mineral County Codes & Regulations |
Nye County | Nye County Building Department Nye County Zoning Department Nye County Comprehensive Land Use Planning & Zoning |
Pershing County | Pershing County Planning & Building Department Pershing County Residential Building Code |
Storey County | Storey County Planning Department Storey County Building & Construction Code |
Washoe County | Washoe County Building Department Washoe County Planning Department Washoe County Adopted Building Codes |
White Pine County | White Pine County Building Department White Pine County Building Codes & Design Criteria |
Does Carson City, Nevada, Allow Tiny Homes?
It is currently unclear. Carson City adopted the 2018 International Residential Building Code, which permits habitable rooms with a floor area of no less than 70 square feet, which is friendly towards those looking to live in a smaller home. However, they have not yet adopted Appendix Q in regards to tiny homes, so it is hard to know if they are allowed or not.
Does Churchill County, Nevada, Allow Tiny Homes?
The Churchill County Building Code has adopted the current International Building Codes and all subsequent appendixes, which would include Appendix Q on tiny homes. However, it is unclear if they permit park model tiny homes, so it’s best to consult with their Public Works, Planning and Building Department officials. With the state of Nevada requiring municipalities with populations of over 100,000 to include provisions for tiny homes, it may also be good to check with your local officials to find out if your city/town would allow your park model tiny home.
Does Clark County, Nevada, Allow Tiny Homes?
Yes! Clark County has adopted all the 2018 International Building Codes, including tiny home provisions. As for park model tiny homes, nothing is clearly stated. Please contact their Building Department officials to find out what they allow.
Does Douglas County, Nevada, Allow Tiny Homes?
Douglas County has adopted the 2018 International Building Codes as well, which permit tiny homes in Appendix Q. As for park model tiny homes, there are no specific regulations made available at the county level. Please contact either their building or planning division officials for more information.
Does Elko County, Nevada, Allow Tiny Homes?
Yes! The Building & Safety Department has organized their tiny home requirements into a convenient PDF for easy reference. These requirements state that you must have at least one habitable room of no less than 120 square feet, and others must have at least 70 square feet. All tiny homes must be on a permanent foundation, so keep this in mind if you plan to live in a park model tiny home in Elko County. Please read their complete list of requirements to ensure that your tiny home is compliant.
Does Esmeralda County, Nevada, Allow Tiny Homes?
As Nevada’s smallest county, with a population under 800, there aren’t many clear resources for building codes or who to contact. We recommend visiting their contact page to reach the appropriate official, as their website does not link directly to the building department. With Nevada only requiring areas with a population of 100,000 to codify tiny home regulations, it isn’t easy to know what is permitted in Esmeralda County.
Does Eureka County, Nevada, Allow Tiny Homes?
They have only adopted the 2003 International Building Code, which doesn’t include any provisions for tiny homes. With a population of just under 2,000, the county’s localities are likely not required to create legislation for tiny homes per SB150. With a lack of clarity, there is much room for interpretation. We recommend visiting the Planning Commission’s page on their website and giving them a call to find out exactly what is permitted in Eureka County.
Does Humboldt County, Nevada, Allow Tiny Homes?
Yes! They, too, have adopted the 2018 International Building Codes, including Appendix Q of the International Residential Code. This does not include clear enough definitions to determine whether park model tiny homes are permitted. Please contact their Building or Planning & Zoning Department for more information.
Does Lander County, Nevada, Allow Tiny Homes?
Tiny homes are allowed in Lander County. The county has adopted the 2018 International Residential Building Code, which includes Appendix Q, allowing for tiny homes. However, this appendix does not specify enough guidelines to know whether park model tiny homes are permitted. Please contact their Building or Planning & Zoning Department to find out if they are allowed in Lander County, or keep reading to find out if they are allowed in your municipality.
Does Lincoln County, Nevada, Allow Tiny Homes?
Yes, tiny homes are allowed in Lincoln County, Nevada. Like many other counties in Nevada, they have adopted the International Residential Building Code, which includes regulations permitting tiny homes. Additionally, they adhere to Nevada state requirements, stating that if a tiny home is not a permanent foundation, you must obtain a special permit that ties it to the parcel of land you plan to place it on. This means that park-model tiny homes are also permitted as long as you obtain the proper permits.
Does Lyon County, Nevada, Allow Tiny Homes?
Yes, according to their Building Department’s webpage, Lyon County has adopted the 2018 Building Codes, which include the 2018 Residential Code allowing for tiny homes. Additionally, you are also permitted to utilize a tiny home as an Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU).
Does Mineral County, Nevada, Allow Tiny Homes?
According to the Mineral County Building Inspector, the county has adopted the 2012 International Building & Residential Codes (IBC & IRC). These codes notably do not include Appendix Q, an amendment in the 2018 edition that permits tiny homes. However, while the 2012 IRC doesn’t specifically outline construction requirements for tiny homes, it does have favorable minimum requirements for a permanent residence. You must have at least one habitable room that’s no less than 120 square feet, and every other room must be at least 70 square feet.
With no clear legislation in place as to whether tiny homes or park model tiny homes are in place, it’s best to either contact the Building Inspector in Mineral County or continue reading to find out what is allowed in your municipality.
Does Nye County, Nevada, Allow Tiny Homes?
Yes! Amazingly, Nye County has made the distinction between recreational vehicles and park models, allowing park model tiny homes to be used as a place of permanent residence! As they coin it, park model recreational dwelling units must be built on a permanent chassis, have a gross trailer area of no more than 400 square feet, and be certified by the manufacturer as compliant with the American National Standard Institute (ANSI) 119.5 standards.
For those residing in properly zoned park model tiny home parks, you must have it properly anchored to the ground. Additionally, it must comply with water, sanitation, fire, and other building requirements expected of any dwelling unit within Nye County. If you plan to have a tiny home not on a permanent foundation, you must obtain a certificate of occupancy tied to the land you plan to reside on.
Does Pershing County, Nevada, Allow Tiny Homes?
Yes. Pershing has adopted the 2018 International Residential Code alongside many other counties within Nevada, which permits tiny homes. As noted previously, the code does not clearly state whether park models are acceptable for use as a tiny home. Our advice is to contact the Building and Planning Department to find out what their stance is on park model tiny homes.
Does Storey County, Nevada, Allow Tiny Homes?
Storey County also allows tiny homes. Like many other counties within Nevada, they have also adopted the 2018 IRC, which outlines requirements for tiny homes. It’s important to note that Storey County has a few requirements of its own. This includes a minimum of 401 square feet of space within the tiny homie in a Foresty or Estate 40 acre zone. Additionally, your tiny home must be on a permanent foundation unless in a mobile home park. This means that model tiny homes likely aren’t permitted except when located within a properly zoned park. To learn more about Storey County’s stance regarding park models, please contact their Planning Department.
Does Washoe County, Nevada, Allow Tiny Homes?
Washoe County has also adopted the 2018 IRC, including Appendix Q, which permits tiny homes. Their stance on park model tiny homes, however, is unclear. We recommend either consulting with their Planning Department to learn more about zoning ordinances for park model tiny homes or running your plans for your park model tiny home by the Building Department to see if they would be approved.
Does White Pine County, Nevada, Allow Tiny Homes?
White Pine County has adopted the 2018 International Residential Code, which includes provisions for tiny homes. However, their exact stance on park model tiny homes and tiny homes in general is unclear. It is best to consult with their Building Department before proceeding with your tiny home.
Find Your Park Model Tiny Home Regulations in Nevada by Municipality
Boulder City | Boulder City Planning & Zoning Department Boulder City Building Code |
Caliente | They do not have a Building or Planning Department, contact the number on their Services page with any questions. Caliente Building Code |
Carlin | Carlin Building Department Carlin Residential Building |
Carson City | Carson City Community Development Department Carson City Building Code |
Elko | Elko Planning & Zoning Department Elko Building Department Elko Building Code |
Ely | Please refer to the information for Eureka County as there is no city website. |
Enterprise | Enterprise |
Eureka | Please refer to the information for Eureka County, as there is no city website. |
Fallon | Fallon Departments Fallon Building Code |
Fernley | Fernley Building Department Fernley Building Regulations |
Gardnerville | Town of Gardnerville |
Hawthorne | Please refer to the information for the county it is the seat of, Mineral County. |
Henderson | Henderson Building Department Henderson Planning Commission Henderson Building Code |
Las Vegas | Las Vegas Planning & Zoning Department Las Vegas Building Safety Resources |
Lovelock | Contact Lovelock |
Mesquite | Mesquite Building Division Mesquite Planning & Zoning Mesquite Currently Adopted Building Codes Mesquite Building Code |
Minden | Minden Community Planning |
North Las Vegas | North Las Vegas Planning & Zoning Department North Las Vegas Building Safety North Las Vegas Building Code |
Pahrump | Pahrump Building & Grounds Department |
Reno | Reno Development Services Reno Land Development Code |
Sparks | Sparks Planning & Zoning Department Sparks Building Code |
West Wendover | West Wendover Community Development Department West Wendover Building Codes |
Winnemucca | Winnemucca Building Inspector Winnemucca Building Code |
Yerington | Yerington Building Department Yerington Building Code |
Does Boulder City, Nevada, Allow Tiny Homes?
Yes! Boulder City has adopted the 2018 IRC, including Appendix Q, which outlines requirements for utilizing tiny homes as a dwelling unit. As for park model tiny homes, their stance is unclear; please consult with the Planning & Zoning Department.
Does Caliente, Nevada, Allow Tiny Homes?
It seems so. According to their building code, they have adopted the latest editions of the IRC & IBC. Tiny homes are likely permitted with their latest editions, including Appendix Q. As for park model tiny homes, nothing is clearly stated, so please call the number on their Services page to see what they allow.
Does Carlin, Nevada, Allow Tiny Homes?
Yes! Carlin has adopted the 2018 IRC, including any subsequent amendments, which include Appendix Q, permitting tiny homes that meet those standards. It’s unclear what their stance on park model tiny homes are. Please contact their Building Department for more information.
Does Carson City, Nevada, Allow Tiny Homes?
This is currently unclear. They have adopted the 2018 International Residential Code but make no mention of Appendix Q, nor do they state that they will adopt any amendments to the 2018 IRC. With this lack of clarity, the officials within their Community Development Department are the best resource to find the exact answer to this question.
Does Elko, Nevada, Allow Tiny Homes?
Elko permits tiny homes. Not only have they adopted Appendix Q of the 2018 IRC, but the city also resides within Elko County, which clearly outlines the requirements for living in a tiny home. Park model tiny homes are also permitted, but you must place them on a permanent foundation. Please direct any questions about whether your tiny home would be approved to Elko’s Building or Planning & Zoning Department.
Does Ely, Nevada, Allow Tiny Homes?
Not only do they allow tiny homes, but they even have a helpful page on tiny home information so that you know all the requirements you need to meet to live in a tiny home in Ely, Nevada. Tiny homes that are in accordance with the standards outlined in the 2018 IRC are permitted in Ely. However, based on the tiny home information document, it does not seem like park model tiny homes are permitted in Ely. Please consult with their Building Department to find out more.
Does Enterprise, Nevada, Allow Tiny Homes?
Yes, they defer to Clark County, which has adopted the 2018 IRC and permits tiny homes.
Does Eureka, Nevada, Allow Tiny Homes?
Eureka follows the same regulations as the county within which it resides. With no clearly outlined regulations for or against residing in tiny homes full-time, we recommend visiting Eureka’s Planning Commission to find out what they allow.
Does Fallon, Nevada, Allow Tiny Homes?
Fallon has adopted the 2012 International Residential Code. While this edition does not include Appendix Q outlining the requirements for tiny homes, it does have favorable minimum requirements if you’re interested in living in a tiny home. This includes having at least one room of 120 square feet; each additional room must be at least 70 square feet. Visit Fallon’s Department page to find the right person to contact about whether your park model tiny home would be permitted.
Does Fernley, Nevada, Allow Tiny Homes?
Yes! Fernley follows Appendix Q of the 2018 International Residential Code, which outlines requirements for tiny homes. They also permit tiny homes to be used as accessory dwelling units (ADUs).
Does Gardnerville, Nevada, Allow Tiny Homes?
They do! Gardnerville follows the same building regulations as Douglas County, where it resides. Therefore, as long as your tiny home complies with the 2018 IRC, you’re all good to go!
Does Hawthorne, Nevada, Allow Tiny Homes?
They follow Mineral County’s regulations for tiny homes, which currently do not exist. With no clear legislation regarding them in place, we recommend consulting with their Building Inspector Department.
Does Henderson, Nevada, Allow Tiny Homes?
Yes, they do! Henderson has adopted the 2018 International Residential Code, which permits tiny homes. Tiny homes can also be utilized as ADUs in Henderson. As for park model tiny homes, their stance is unclear. Please ask their Planning or Building Departments to approve your park model tiny home plans or advocate for them to include more in-depth legislation regarding park models.
Does Las Vegas, Nevada, Allow Tiny Homes?
Yes, so long as they comply with Appendix Q of the 2018 IRC. The city of Las Vegas doesn’t clearly state whether park model tiny homes are allowed, so please visit their Planning & Zoning Department to find out more.
Does Lovelock, Nevada, Allow Tiny Homes?
With no Building Department page or online building code, it is hard to know what is allowed. We recommend contacting Lovelock to contact the right person to find out if they allow tiny homes.
Does Mesquite, Nevada, Allow Tiny Homes?
Yes! So long as your tiny home is consistent with the standards outlined in Appendix Q of the 2018 IRC, you can reside in it full-time in Mesquite. As for park model tiny homes, this is unclear. Please visit their Building or Planning Department for help determining if your park model tiny home is permitted.
Does Minden, Nevada, Allow Tiny Homes?
Their Community Planning Department states that Minden follows Douglas County’s building codes. Since Douglas County follows the 2018 IRC, Minden also allows tiny homes.
Does North Las Vegas, Nevada, Allow Tiny Homes?
Yes, they follow the 2018 IRC as well. Park model tiny homes are also permitted so long as they are placed in properly zoned parks.
Does Pahrump, Nevada, Allow Tiny Homes?
As the county seat of Nye County, they adhere to Nye County’s regulations regarding tiny homes, meaning yes, tiny homes are allowed. They also allow park model tiny homes.
Does Reno, Nevada, Allow Tiny Homes?
Per their Land Development regulations, it is unclear if tiny homes are allowed. If they follow Washoe County’s regulations, tiny homes would be permitted under Appendix Q of the 2018 IRC. However, this is not stated anywhere. We recommend consulting with their Development Services Department to determine what is allowed in Reno.
Does Sparks, Nevada, Allow Tiny Homes?
While Sparks adopted the 2018 IRC, they notably do not include Appendix Q within the list of appendices they have adopted. Since it is unclear, please contact their Planning & Zoning Department for clarification.
Does West Wendover, Nevada, Allow Tiny Homes?
West Wendover, Nevada, has adopted the 2003 IRC, which does not include provisions for tiny homes. With a lack of clear regulations regarding tiny homes, we advise you to run your tiny home plans past their Community Development Department.
Does Winnemucca, Nevada, Allow Tiny Homes?
Winnemucca has adopted the 2012 International Residential Code, which doesn’t include Appendix Q for tiny homes. However, the minimum square footage requirements favor those interested in tiny living. We recommend checking with their building inspector to find out what kinds of tiny homes they permit as permanent residences.
Does Yerington, Nevada, Allow Tiny Homes?
Yes! They have adopted the 2018 International Residential Code, which permits tiny homes. As for park model tiny homes, this is unclear. They state that recreational vehicles can not be utilized as permanent residences. However, park models don’t quite fit their definition of an RV. Please check with their Building Department to see if a park model is considered an RV and not permitted for full-time occupation.
What Counties in Nevada Don’t Allow Park Model Tiny Homes?

At this point in time, no counties in Nevada clearly state that they are against park model tiny homes or tiny homes in general. While the state of Nevada is very friendly towards tiny homes, they largely leave it up to municipalities, meaning that it could vary depending on where you reside. It’s always best practice to consult with your local officials to find out whether your tiny home is permitted before proceeding to use it as a permanent residence.
Park Model Tiny Homes That Are Allowed in Nevada

The A-Frame

The A-Frame Studio

The Aspen
Park Model Regulations in Nevada

Can I Live in A Park Model Tiny Home in Nevada?
Yes, it’s possible to live in a park model tiny home in Nevada. However, exactly what is allowed varies between counties and municipalities. Some permit them only in designated RV parks, others allow them on properties, but they must be on a permanent foundation, while others allow them completely with no restrictions. With this in mind, it’s always best to check with local authorities to find out what they allow.
Can Park Model Tiny Homes Be Used As An ADU in Nevada?
In some cases, yes. In others, no. Some areas will allow a park model tiny home to be utilized as an accessory dwelling unit (ADU), while others do not. It’s always best to check with your local building or zoning department or read up on your local zoning ordinance to find out if you can use your park model tiny home as an ADU.
Do You Need A Permit For Tiny Homes in Nevada?

Yes! Most areas in Nevada that allow you to reside in a tiny home require obtaining a permit first. In some cases, you will even need to obtain a special permit attached to the parcel of land on which you plan to place your park model tiny home. Your local building or code enforcement department is the best resource for permitting information. Please obtain a permit before living in your tiny home full-time.
Are There Any Tiny Home Communities in Nevada?

As a very friendly state to tiny living, you’ll find lots of tiny home communities in Nevada. Whether you enjoy the quiet of the sprawling desert or hiking through mountains, Nevada is home to various terrains. Check out some of the tiny home communities and find the one that feels like it could fit you.
Sparks RV Park
Location: 2006 Prater Way Sparks, NV 89431
Amenities: Full hookups, 50 Amp Service, Pull-Thru Sites, Big Rig Access, Wifi, Cable, Pets Allowed, Laundry Facilities, Fishing, Boating, Hiking Trails, and more!
Ideally situated between Sparks Marina Park and the cities of Spark and Reno, you can enjoy the thrill of city life or wind down by fishing, taking a hike, or having a picnic. This is perfect for those who want a mix of urban and rural life.
There are other notable tiny home communities and parks within Nevada. However, none of them have websites. You could enjoy tiny living throughout Nevada, including Las Vegas, Winnemucca, Fernley, Pahrump, Carson City, Boulder City, and more!

How Much Does it Cost to Build a Tiny House in Nevada?
Building and owning a tiny home can cost between $30,000 to $100,000 or more. The cost of building a tiny home can vary dramatically depending on whether you build it yourself or have someone else build it for you, the features and options included, any permits you need to obtain, the parcel of land you plan to place it on if it needs to be on a foundation or not, and more. It’s always best to find the tiny home you want to reside in and the land you want to place it on to calculate the total costs. Contact your local officials to determine how much more you would need to spend on permitting. If you’re interested in getting a cost breakdown of park model tiny homes or an exact quote for your tiny home, we’d be happy to help!
How Small Does a House Have to Be to Be Considered a Tiny Home?
In Nevada, most areas follow the 2018 IRC, which defines tiny homes as no larger than 400 square feet. However, other areas in Nevada allow tiny homes to be 600 square feet or less. Generally, most tiny homes are 400-600 square feet at maximum.
Is There A Minimum Size My Tiny Home Must Be In Nevada?
Yes, Nevada has largely adopted the 2018 International Residential Code, which requires habitable rooms to be at least 70 square feet and 7 feet tall.
Where is the Cheapest Place to Put a Tiny House in Nevada?
The cheapest place to put a tiny home in Nevada is a rural county like Nye or Elko. Not only do they have relatively low land prices, but they also both have tiny home-friendly legislation in place. Nye County might be slightly more affordable as they allow park model tiny homes, while Elko requires all tiny homes to be on a permanent foundation, which can increase their cost. Also, average land prices in Elko are around $137,500 per acre, while it’s about $110,000 per acre on average in Nye County.
Can A Park Model Tiny Homes Have Multiple Bedrooms and Bathrooms?
Absolutely! The 2018 IRC and many other editions of the IRC present favorable minimum room sizes to allow for multiple bedrooms and bathrooms within a tiny home. If you’re interested in seeing what a park model tiny home with multiple rooms would look like, check out some of our park models! Our Cascade, Pinecrest, Aspen, and Nook Family Park Models all feature 2 or more bedrooms. Just because the home is tiny doesn’t mean you must sacrifice the privacy of having separate rooms.
What Features Are Included In A Park Model Home From Zook Cabins?
It may be easier to tell you what features aren’t included in our park model tiny homes. They feature a variety of styles, from a classic, charming log cabin look to a modern, luxury-style home. Most of our park models are around 400 square feet or less and come completely finished with light fixtures, faucets, toilets, cabinets, shelving, and more!
Are Park Model Tiny Homes A Good Investment?
Yes! But don’t just take our word for it; many customers have turned their park models into profitable rental businesses. Want to learn more? See how Bobby Lee and Andrew converted 11 Zook Cabins Park Models into their perfect RV rental camp. If you’re interested in one of our park models as an investment rental property, fill out this pro forma to learn more.
What do other states have to say about tiny living?
At Zook Cabins, all of our tiny homes are built to RVIA standards. This means that it should be relatively easy to find out how your state fits into your tiny living situation. However, its not always so cut and dry when looking for answers. That was until we created a guide for the entire continental USA to help you live tiny. Take a look at the chart below and start dreaming of where you want to start living tiny!