Tiny Home Regulations in Iowa: The Complete Guide

close up of fire pit and chairs on porch of park model tiny home

Many communities across the United States are increasingly recognizing the need for more affordable housing options. In response, tiny homes have gained popularity as a practical and innovative solution. However, not all areas are quick to embrace change. In Iowa, many localities strictly enforce established building codes, and some view tiny homes as incompatible with current regulations.

In states like Iowa, it’s essential to engage with your local government and make your voice heard. Advocate for the adoption of laws that support tiny home living. While change takes time, living tiny in Iowa is not impossible. Several counties have already passed legislation favorable to tiny homes.

If you’re dreaming of enjoying Iowa’s rolling plains and gently undulating landscapes from your own tiny home, keep reading to discover where you can live full-time in a tiny house in the Hawkeye State.

Are Tiny Houses Legal in Iowa?

log cabin style park model tiny home on permanent foundation with back porch

Iowa has only adopted the 2015 International Residential Code (IRC), which does not mention tiny homes. At the state level, no clearly defined regulations regarding tiny homes exist. The Iowa State Code does make mention of factory-built homes, which some counties in the state allow recreational vehicles, or park model tiny homes to be classified as. So long as they meet elevation and anchoring requirements and aren’t ready for highway use, you will likely be able to reside in them full-time. However, this decision is primarily left up to local governments. Keep reading to find out if where you live or plan to live in Iowa permits tiny homes. 

Are Park Models the Same Things As Tiny Homes?

blue park model tiny home in snow with fire pit out front

Yes! All of park model homes that Zook Cabins builds are Tiny Homes On Wheels or THOWs.

Not necessarily. Park models can be used as tiny homes in some areas, but not all areas classify park models as tiny homes. Confusion around this often arises because most park models are 400 square feet or less, which is the standard for most tiny homes. However, because they are often on wheels and a chassis, many legislators classify it as a temporary structure that isn’t permitted for permanent use. 

Typically, park models are most akin to RVs as they comply with the RV Industry Association’s ANSI 119.5 standards, which is what makes them be seen as temporary structures. If they are not built to RVIA standards they are built to NOAH standards. To learn the difference between the two check out our blog title RVIA VS NOAH TIny Homes.

What Counties in Iowa allow Park Model Tiny Homes?

gray park model with large front window placed between two trees

Below, we’ve compiled a list of all 99 counties in Iowa, including links to the best resources for more information or help with tiny homes. These officials can help you determine if tiny homes are permitted in your area. It’s important to note that not all counties enforce tiny home regulations or have clear information. In some cases, your local building, planning, or zoning department may be a better resource.

Keep reading to find a description of each county’s stane on tiny homes if available. If you can’t find any clear information for your area, follow the link in the chart or continue on to find regulations for some major cities and towns in Iowa.

Adair CountyAdair County Supervisors
Allamakee CountyAllamakee County Planning & Development
Appanoose CountyAppanoose County Planning & Zoning Department
Audubon CountyAudubon County Planning & Zoning Department
Benton CountyBenton County Land Use Department
Black Hawk CountyBlack Hawk County Planning & Zoning Department
Boone CountyBoone County Planning & Development Department
Bremer CountyBremer County Building, Zoning, & Environmental Health Department
Buchanan CountyBuchanan County Planning & Zoning
Butler CountyButler County Zoning Department
Calhoun CountyCalhoun County Zoning Department
Carroll CountyCarroll County Planning & Zoning Deaprtment
Cass CountyCass County Zoning & Planning Department
Cerro Gordo CountyCerro Gordo County Planning & Zoning Department
Cherokee CountyCherokee County Zoning Department
Chickasaw CountyChickasaw County Land Use Department
Clarke CountyClarke County Zoning Department
Clay CountyClay County Zoning Department
Clayton CountyClayton County Health & Zoning Department
Clinton CountyClinton County Zoning Department
Crawford CountyCrawford County Board of Supervisors
Dallas CountyDallas County Planning & Development
Davis CountyDavis County Board of Supervisors
Decatur CountyDecatur County Board of Supervisors
Delaware CountyDelaware County Zoning 
Des Moines CountyDes Moines County Land Use Department
Dickinson CountyDickinson County Zoning & Environmental Health Department
Dubuque CountyDubuque County Zoning Department
Emmet CountyEmmet County Iowa
Fayette CountyFayette County Planning & Zoning Department
Floyd CountyFloyd County Planning & Zoning Department
Franklin CountyFranklin County Zoning Department
Fremont CountyFremont County Zoning Information
Greene CountyGreene County Planning & Zoning Department
Grundy CountyGrundy County Zoning Department
Guthrie CountyGuthrie County Planning & Zoning Department
Hancock CountyHancock County Zoning Department
Hardin CountyHardin County Planning & Zoning Department
Henry CountyHenry County Planning & Zoning Department
Howard CountyHoward County Board of Supervisors
Humboldt CountyHumboldt County Zoning Department
Ida CountyContact Ida County
Iowa CountyIowa County Zoning Department
Jackson CountyJackson County Zoning Department
Jasper CountyJasper County Community Development Department
Jefferson CountyJefferson County Code of Ordinances
Johnson CountyJohnson County Department Directory
Jones CountyJones County Land Use Department
Keokuk CountyKeokuk County Board of Supervisors
Kossuth CountyKossuth County Planning & Zoning Department
Lee CountyLee County Ordinances
Linn CountyLinn County Planning & Development Department
Louisa CountyLouisa County Zoning Department
Lucas CountyLucas County Board of Supervisors
Lyon CountyLyon County Zoning Department
Madison CountyMadison County Zoning Department
Mahaska CountyMahaska County Buildings & Maintenance
Marion CountyMarion County Zoning Department
Marshall CountyMarshall County Planning & Zoning
Mills CountyMills County Building & Zoning Department
Mitchell CountyMitchell County Planning & Zoning
Monona CountyMonona County Environmental Health & Zoning Department
Muscatine CountyMuscatine County Zoning Department
Muscatine County Building Department
O’Brien CountyO’Brien County Board of Supervisors
Osceola CountyOsceola County Zoning Department
Page CountyPage County Zoning Department
Palo Alto CountyPalo Alto County Zoning Department
Plymouth CountyPlymouth County Zoning Department
Pocahontas CountyPocahontas County Zoning Department
Polk CountyPolk County Planning & Development Department
Poweshiek CountyPoweshiek County Zoning Department
Ringgold CountyRinggold County Board of Supervisors
Scott CountyScott County Planning & Development Department
Shelby CountyShelby County Planning and Zoning Department
Story CountyStory County Planning & Development Department
Taylor CountyTaylor County, Iowa
Union CountyUnion County Board of Supervisors
Van Buren CountyVan Buren County Board of Supervisors
Wapello CountyWapello County Planning & Zoning Department
Warren CountyWarren County Planning & Zoning Office
Washington CountyWashington County Planning & Development Department
Wayne CountyWayne County Assessor
Winnebago CountyWinnebago County Zoning Department
Winneshiek CountyWinneshiek County Planning & Zoning Department
Woodbury CountyWoodbury County Planning & Zoning Department
Worth CountyWorth County Planning & Zoning Department
Wright CountyWright County Planning & Zoning Department

Does Adair County, Iowa, Allow Tiny Homes?

Adair County does not have publicly available building codes or regulations addressing tiny homes. Additionally, there is no designated department responsible for managing building regulations. The County Board of Supervisors, responsible for enacting ordinances, may be the best resource for advocating for new legislation or policies related to tiny homes.

Does Allamakee County, Iowa, Allow Tiny Homes?

Allamakee County may allow park model tiny homes so long as they are in a properly zoned park. They do classify manufactured homes, mobile homes, and recreational vehicles used as dwellings as factory-built homes. Still, there is no clarification in their zoning ordinance as to what this means. Please contact the Allamakee County Planning & Development Department for more information on their stance toward tiny homes. 

Does Audubon County, Iowa, Allow Tiny Homes?

They appear to have strict requirements regarding using recreational vehicles as permanent residences. They are not permitted as a full-time dwelling unit unless on a permanent foundation. However, the exact guidelines surrounding utilizing them as a home are unclear. As for tiny homes in general, they do not mention them or any minimum construction standards. At this point, contacting their Planning & Zoning Department is the best way to find out exactly what they allow.

Does Benton County, Iowa, Allow Tiny Homes?

At this time, their legislation makes no note of tiny home regulations, making it unclear if they are allowed in Benton County or not. You can contact their Land Use Department to find out if they permit tiny homes. 

Does Black Hawk County, Iowa, Allow Tiny Homes?

Black Hawk County has only adopted the 2009 International Residential Code, which does not mention tiny homes like later editions. Their minimum square footage for homes is favorable for those interested in tiny living but does not guarantee that your tiny home will be permitted. Your best resource for a clear answer to this question is their Planning & Zoning Department

Does Boone County, Iowa, Allow Tiny Homes?

Boone County does not mention tiny homes in its zoning ordinance, nor does it note which building codes it has adopted. They note that they leave regulations like these to the city and town governments within their jurisdiction. In this case, it’s best to contact the Boone County Planning & Development Department or defer to your local building, planning, or zoning department.

Does Bremer County, Iowa, Allow Tiny Homes?

Bremer County has adopted the 2018 International Residential Code, including Appendix Q on tiny homes. However, they note that the appendices in the 2018 IRC are only for reference purposes, meaning they are not adopted or enforced. Please check with the Bremer County Building, Zoning, and Environmental Health Department to see where they stand on tiny homes. 

Does Buchanan County, Iowa, Allow Tiny Homes?

Buchanan has adopted the state building code, which follows the 2015 International Residential Code (IRC) regulations. This edition of the IRC does not mention tiny homes, so it is unclear at this time what Buchanan County allows. Please consult with your local building, planning, or zoning department or the Buchanan County Planning & Zoning Department to determine whether your tiny home is allowed. 

Does Butler County, Iowa, Allow Tiny Homes?

Yes, they do allow tiny homes, so long as they comply with the standards of a habitable single-family dwelling. However, they strictly prohibit recreational vehicles from being used as permanent dwellings even if placed on a permanent foundation, meaning they also do not permit park model tiny homes. If you have further questions about tiny homes in Butler County, contact their Zoning Department

Does Calhoun County, Iowa, Allow Tiny Homes?

Calhoun County does not have a local building code but rather follows the Iowa State Building Code. Iowa only follows the 2015 International Residential Code (IRC), which makes no mention of any tiny homes. The decision for tiny homes is largely left up to your city or town government within Calhoun County. If you reside in an unincorporated area, the Calhoun County Zoning Department asks that you refer any questions about building code-related items to the Iowa State Building Code Bureau at (515) 725-6145.

Does Carroll County, Iowa, Allow Tiny Homes?

Carroll County has no set building code, nor do they mention any tiny home regulations. To find out if they allow tiny homes, contact their Planning & Zoning Department

Does Cass County, Iowa, Allow Tiny Homes?

Cass County adheres to the Iowa State Codes. This means that they likely follow the 2015 International Residential Code, which doesn’t include provisions for tiny homes. For insight into whether they allow tiny homes, contact the Cass County Zoning & Planning Department

Does Cerro Gordo County, Iowa, Allow Tiny Homes?

While they follow the state of Iowa in only having adopted the 2015 International Residential Code, they do have favorable legislation regarding park models. The county permits recreational vehicles to be on a site for over 180 days as long as they are on a permanent foundation at least one foot above base flood elevation and properly anchored with over-the-top or frame ties as denoted in the state building code. To find out if they’ll allow your park model tiny home, contact the Cerro Gordo County Planning & Zoning Department

Does Cherokee County, Iowa, Allow Tiny Homes?

It is unclear what Cherokee County, Iowa, allows at this time. Please consult with their Zoning Department for more information.

Does Chickasaw County, Iowa, Allow Tiny Homes?

They have no regulations regarding tiny homes, and do not clearly state what building codes they follow. Please check with their Land Use Department to see if you can live in a tiny home on your property, or contact your local building, planning, or zoning department to find out where they stand. 

Does Clarke County, Iowa, Allow Tiny Homes?

Clarke County follows the Iowa State Code, meaning that they adhere to the 2015 International Residential Code, which does not mention tiny homes. Their zoning ordinance also does not provide enough information to make it clear one way or the other where they stand on tiny homes. The Clarke County Zoning Department is the best person to provide you with an answer to this question. 

Does Clay County, Iowa, Allow Tiny Homes?

They may allow recreational vehicles to be occupied for longer than 180 consecutive days so long as they are on a permanent foundation and properly anchored, which is good news for park model tiny homes. However, they have adopted the Iowa State Codes, only the 2015 editions of all the International Codes. This means there is not enough detail in their regulations or codes to know whether or not a tiny home is permitted. Your best option at this point is to contact the Clay County Zoning Department to determine what they allow. 

Does Clayton County, Iowa, Allow Tiny Homes?

They make no mention of tiny homes or any adopted building codes, so it’s hard to provide an exact answer. Their Health & Zoning Department is the best resource for finding out exactly what is allowed in Clayton County. 

Does Clinton County, Iowa, Allow Tiny Homes?

Clinton County has adopted the Iowa State Building Code, which is the same as the 2015 International Residential Code in regard to permanent residences. While they do not provide clear regulations regarding tiny homes, the city of Clinton does. This means that some localities in Clinton County may permit tiny homes. It’s best to check with your local officials or the Clinton County Zoning Department to determine if your tiny home is allowed. 

Does Crawford County, Iowa, Allow Tiny Homes?

They have adopted the Iowa State Building Code, which would follow the 2015 International Residential Code (IRC) regarding tiny homes. However, this edition of the IRC does not mention tiny homes. To find out if they are allowed, contact the Crawford County Building Supervisors or check with your local building, planning, or zoning department within Crawford County. 

Does Dallas County, Iowa, Allow Tiny Homes?

Dallas County has only adopted the 2006 edition of the International Residential Code, which does not include tiny home regulations. The Dallas County Planning & Development Department can tell you whether tiny homes are permitted. Please reach out to them before proceeding with your tiny home plans. 

Does Davis County, Iowa, Allow Tiny Homes?

Davis County makes no note of any tiny home regulations or adopted building codes. You can check with their Board of Supervisors to see where they stand on tiny homes and to encourage them to codify legislation for tiny homes. 

Does Decatur County, Iowa, Allow Tiny Homes?

Decatur County does not mention specific regulations or building codes related to tiny homes. To learn more about their stance or advocate for tiny home legislation, consider contacting the Board of Supervisors for clarification and to discuss potential policy development.

Does Delaware County, Iowa, Allow Tiny Homes?

Delaware County also does not outline any regulations for tiny homes or which building codes it follows. Based on their zoning ordinance, it seems they mostly defer to the Iowa State Code, which does not mention tiny homes. Contact their Zoning Department for clarification on this matter. 

Does Des Moines County, Iowa, Allow Tiny Homes?

Des Moines County also follows the Iowa State Code, which does not mention any tiny home regulations. Contact the county Land Use Department for a clearer answer to this question. 

Does Dickinson County, Iowa, Allow Tiny Homes?

It is unclear at this time which building codes Dickinson County follows and their stance on tiny homes. For more information, contact the Dickinson County Zoning & Environmental Health officials. 

Does Dubuque County, Iowa, Allow Tiny Homes?

Dubuque County adheres to the Iowa State Code, which does not explicitly address tiny homes. However, the City of Dubuque has adopted the 2021 International Residential Code (IRC), including Appendix AQ, which provides guidelines for tiny homes.

If you’re in Dubuque County, contact the Zoning Department to confirm what is permitted in unincorporated areas. If you live within city or town limits, consult your local government to understand their specific regulations for tiny homes.

Does Emmet County, Iowa, Allow Tiny Homes?

The regulations in Emmet County regarding tiny homes are currently unclear. As of this writing, their website is under construction, and the zoning ordinance does not reference any adopted building codes or tiny home laws. You can check their website here, but there is no timeline available for when the updated version will be fully functional.

Does Fayette County, Iowa, Allow Tiny Homes?

At this time, it is uncertain if Fayette County allows tiny homes as they have no listed building codes or ordinance documents available to view. You can contact their Planning & Zoning Department to find out more.

Does Floyd County, Iowa, Allow Tiny Homes?

In Floyd County, Iowa, dwellings must comply with Iowa state codes. However, the Iowa state codes make no mention of any tiny home regulations or requirements. For a definitive answer to this question, contact the Floyd County Planning & Zoning Department.

Does Franklin County, Iowa, Allow Tiny Homes?

Franklin County follows the Iowa State Building Code, which doesn’t include any provisions for tiny homes. To find out if they are allowed in Franklin County, contact their Zoning Department.

Does Fremont County, Iowa, Allow Tiny Homes?

Fremont County may follow the Iowa State Building Code. While their ordinances suggest they might, the specific legislation in place is unclear. Visit the Zoning Information page to learn more and contact the appropriate officials for clarification.

Does Greene County, Iowa, Allow Tiny Homes?

It is uncertain if tiny homes are permitted in Greene County. For clarification on this matter, contact their Planning & Zoning Department.

Does Grundy County, Iowa, Allow Tiny Homes?

At this time, there is no clear legislation regarding tiny homes in Grundy County. Contact their Zoning Department to find out if they allow them and to encourage them to create legislation surrounding tiny homes. 

Does Guthrie County, Iowa, Allow Tiny Homes?

Guthrie County follows the 2003 International Residential Code and explicitly prohibits recreational vehicles from being used as permanent residences. This likely means that tiny homes are not permitted in the county. However, regulations may vary depending on your city or town. Contact local officials to confirm whether tiny homes are allowed in your area.

Does Hancock County, Iowa, Allow Tiny Homes?

In their zoning ordinance, it is not clearly stated one way or the other if tiny homes are allowed. However, their policy regarding recreational vehicles is favorable for those interested in living in a park model tiny home. They include recreational vehicles in the definition of modular homes and permit them to be on-site for more than 180 consecutive days so long as they meet proper anchoring and elevation standards. If you have any questions about tiny homes or to ensure that your park model tiny home is permitted before taking the leap to live in it full-time, contact the Hancock County Zoning Department.

Does Hardin County, Iowa, Allow Tiny Homes?

Hardin County lacks any clear regulations regarding tiny homes or recreational vehicles. In fact, their zoning makes no mention of either at all. With this lack of clarity, your best resource for a clear answer to this question is the Hardin County Planning & Zoning Department

Does Henry County, Iowa, Allow Tiny Homes?

Henry County’s zoning ordinance includes several regulations prohibiting using recreational vehicles as permanent residences. Additionally, recreational vehicles cannot be placed on permanent foundations, making it difficult to convert them into permanent housing. If you want to advocate for tiny homes being permitted in Henry County, contact the Planning & Zoning Department for further discussion.

Does Howard County, Iowa, Allow Tiny Homes?

It is unclear. They do not have their zoning ordinance fully available online, nor do they mention the building codes they have adopted. Even if they have adopted the Iowa state building code, that still makes no mention of tiny homes. In this case, the Howard County Board of Supervisors can answer this question more clearly. 

Does Humboldt County, Iowa, Allow Tiny Homes?

Humboldt County’s zoning ordinance for its unincorporated areas does not mention tiny homes or recreational vehicles. This question is better for your local city or town government officials. If you reside in an unincorporated area of Humboldt County, contact their Zoning Department for more information regarding tiny homes. 

Does Ida County, Iowa, Allow Tiny Homes?

It is unclear what they allow at this time and which department is responsible for tiny home regulations. Please contact Ida County or your local building, planning, or zoning officials. 

Does Iowa County, Iowa, Allow Tiny Homes?

What Iowa County allows also needs to be clarified. They don’t have their zoning ordinance publicly available, nor have they mentioned what building codes they follow. For more information, contact the Iowa County Zoning Department

Does Jackson County, Iowa, Allow Tiny Homes?

Jackson County makes no mention of tiny homes in their zoning ordinance. They do note that travel trailers, which park models and recreational vehicles would be included in the definition of, should not be placed on a site for more than 90 days in a calendar year is being used for habitation. If it does, it meets the classification of a mobile home, which means it needs to meet the foundation and other requirements expected for mobile homes. If you have questions about this or need approval for your tiny home, contact the Jackson County Zoning Department. 

Does Jasper County, Iowa, Allow Tiny Homes?

Jasper County has only adopted the 2006 International Residential Code (IRC), which includes no provisions for tiny homes like later editions. This does not explicitly mean that the county doesn’t permit tiny homes. Since their zoning ordinance does not mention them either, it’s best to check with their Community Development Department to see if they’ll allow them. 

Does Jefferson County, Iowa, Allow Tiny Homes?

Jefferson County has adopted the Iowa building code, which does not refer to tiny homes. Their zoning ordinance also makes no mention of tiny homes, recreational vehicles, or any other classification that park models would fit under. To find out if your tiny home is allowed in Jefferson County, contact the officials listed on the county code of ordinances page. 

Does Johnson County, Iowa, Allow Tiny Homes?

Johnson County has adopted the 2018 International Residential Code (IRC), which includes Appendix Q on tiny homes. However, their zoning ordinance only adopts certain appendices from the 2018 IRC, and Appendix Q is not one of them. This could mean that tiny homes aren’t permitted, but that isn’t certain without direct confirmation from the Johnson County planning officials. You can contact them with questions at (319)-356-6083 or email planning@johnsoncountyiowa.gov.

Does Jones County, Iowa, Allow Tiny Homes?

Jones County follows the 2005 Iowa Code, which is old enough that it doesn’t provide enough information to determine if tiny homes are allowed. The best source for a definitive answer to this question is the Jones County Land Use Department

Does Keokuk County, Iowa, Allow Tiny Homes?

It is unclear now if tiny homes are allowed in Keokuk County. Contact their Board of Supervisors to learn more. 

Does Kossuth County, Iowa, Allow Tiny Homes?

Kossuth County doesn’t include much information about tiny homes or recreational vehicles in its zoning ordinance. All that is mentioned is that recreational vehicles don’t meet the definition of a mobile home. This could mean your park model tiny home is prohibited, but this isn’t certain unless you hear this directly from the Kossuth County Planning & Zoning Department

Does Lee County, Iowa, Allow Tiny Homes?

Lee County follows the Iowa state building code. Under this, if your recreational vehicle is on a permanent foundation and properly anchored, it can meet the classification of a factory-built home. To see if your tiny home is allowed or to find out more, call (319) 372-3705.

Does Linn County, Iowa, Allow Tiny Homes?

Linn County has adopted the 2021 International Residential Code (IRC), which includes Appendix AQ on tiny homes. However, they only mention adopting appendices K and F. To find out if they will permit a tiny home following Appendix AQ, contact their Planning & Development Department

Does Louisa County, Iowa, Allow Tiny Homes?

Their zoning ordinance does not mention tiny homes, making it unclear if they allow them. Contact the Louisa County Zoning Department to find out what they allow. 

Does Lucas County, Iowa, Allow Tiny Homes?

It is unclear whether tiny homes are allowed in Lucas County, as there doesn’t seem to be a specific department responsible for zoning regulations. To clarify, reach out to the Board of Supervisors to inquire about tiny home permissions. If tiny homes are not currently permitted, you can advocate for the Board to consider passing legislation to allow them.

Does Lyon County, Iowa, Allow Tiny Homes?

Lyon County follows the Iowa Building Code, which has only adopted the 2015 edition of the International Residential Code, which does not mention tiny homes. Their zoning ordinance does state that recreational vehicles on site for more than 180 days must meet the anchoring and elevation requirements of mobile or factory-built homes. This could mean tiny homes are permitted in Lyon County if they meet anchoring and elevation requirements. However, what is allowed is unclear without specific confirmation from the Lyon County Zoning Department

Does Madison County, Iowa, Allow Tiny Homes?

Madison County also follows the Iowa Building Code, which follows the standards for residential buildings outlined in the 2015 International Residential Code. This doesn’t mention tiny homes, making it unclear if they are permitted as permanent residences in Madison County. To find out more about their tiny home regulations, contact their Zoning Department

Does Mahaska County, Iowa, Allow Tiny Homes?

It is unclear what Mahaska County permits at this time, as their zoning ordinance makes no mention of tiny homes. Park model tiny homes may be permitted, provided that they meet the anchoring and elevation requirements of factory-built homes, but this is not confirmed unless you contact the Mahaska County Building & Maintenance Department. They can help answer questions about tiny homes, permitting requirements, and more. 

Does Marion County, Iowa, Allow Tiny Homes?

Yes! Marion County outlines provisions for tiny homes in their zoning ordinance. Tiny homes are permitted if they are 400 square feet or less. However, park model tiny homes, or tiny homes on wheels, are considered recreational vehicles per their zoning regulations. This means it cannot be used as a tiny home unless properly tied down and skirted. You can contact the Marion County Zoning Department to get approval for your tiny home. 

Does Marshall County, Iowa, Allow Tiny Homes?

Marshall County’s zoning ordinance doesn’t include any tiny home regulations or note any adopted building codes. However, it does note that recreational vehicles can be on site for longer than 180 consecutive days with a special use permit and can be classified as factory-built homes so long as they meet anchoring and elevation standards. This could mean that your park model tiny home is permitted. To obtain a special use permit and determine if your park model tiny home is allowed as a permanent residence, contact the Marshall County Planning & Zoning Department

Does Mills County, Iowa, Allow Tiny Homes?

Mills County does allow tiny homes. They follow the 2018 International Residential Code (IRC), which includes Appendix Q, outlining requirements that allow tiny homes to be used as permanent residences. This appendix does not include any requirements for park model tiny homes, making it unclear if they are permitted. Additionally, Mills County’s zoning ordinance does not clarify if recreational vehicles are permitted for use for more than 180 consecutive days. The county’s Building & Zoning Department can tell you whether park model tiny homes are allowed or help you obtain permitting and approval for your tiny home that complies with Appendix Q. 

Does Mitchell County, Iowa, Allow Tiny Homes?

Mitchell County doesn’t outline any requirements for tiny homes, making it hard to determine if they allow them. Their Planning & Zoning Department is the best resource for finding out if tiny homes are allowed and if the one you plan to reside in meets their regulations. 

Does Monona County, Iowa, Allow Tiny Homes?

Monona County’s zoning ordinance does not address tiny homes or specify which building codes have been adopted. While it seems they follow the Iowa State Building Code, there isn’t enough information to confirm whether tiny homes are allowed. For clarification, contact the Monona County Environmental Health & Zoning Department.

Does Muscatine County, Iowa, Allow Tiny Homes?

Muscatine County has adopted the 2015 International Residential Code (IRC). This edition of the IRC doesn’t mention tiny homes and whether they are allowed as later editions do. Additionally, recreational vehicles cannot be on site for more than 180 consecutive days in Muscatine County unless properly anchored and elevated. Therefore, park model tiny homes must meet similar standards to be permitted for habitation for more than 180 consecutive days. The best course of action in this case is to contact the county Zoning Department to determine if they permit tiny homes to be placed on land and reside in for more than 180 days.

Does O’Brien County, Iowa, Allow Tiny Homes?

There is not enough information at this time to say if O’Brien County allows tiny homes. It is likely that, like many other areas, they haven’t codified any regulations for tiny homes yet. The Board of Supervisors is responsible for passing zoning ordinances and could pass tiny home regulations. You can contact the board here. It’s essential to check with your local city or town government first, as they likely are the ones who will determine whether or not your tiny home is allowed. 

Does Osceola County, Iowa, Allow Tiny Homes?

Osceola County has adopted the Iowa building code. This code makes no mention of tiny homes, and according to the county’s zoning ordinance, they also don’t allow recreational vehicles to be used as dwellings. Based on this information, park model tiny homes may not be allowed. Please contact the Osceola County Zoning Department for confirmation that park model tiny homes are prohibited. 

Does Page County, Iowa, Allow Tiny Homes?

Page County’s zoning ordinance provides no information about tiny homes, recreational vehicles, or adopted building codes. With this lack of information, it isn’t easy to answer this question definitively. We recommend contacting the Page County Zoning Department or your local officials for more information. 

Does Palo Alto County, Iowa, Allow Tiny Homes?

At this time, there is not enough information to determine whether Palo Alto County permits tiny homes or not. The best way to find this out is to contact the Palo Alto County Zoning Department

Does Plymouth County, Iowa, Allow Tiny Homes?

It is unclear what Plymouth County allows at this time based on what information is available in their zoning ordinance. Contact their Planning & Zoning Department to clarify this. 

Does Pocahontas County, Iowa, Allow Tiny Homes?

Tiny homes may be allowed in Pocahontas County, but this decision is up to their Zoning Department. With a lack of clear information about them in their zoning ordinance or adopted building codes, it’s best to contact the zoning department to find out what they allow. 

Does Polk County, Iowa, Allow Tiny Homes?

While Polk County, Iowa, doesn’t mention which building codes it has adopted, it does mention that recreational vehicles are prohibited from being used as permanent dwelling units. This means that park model tiny homes are likely not allowed. To find out if this is the case, contact the Polk County Planning & Development Department

Does Poweshiek County, Iowa, Allow Tiny Homes?

Poweshiek County does not mention any minimum square footage requirements for permanent residences, their stance on tiny homes, or what building codes they have adopted in their zoning ordinance. The ordinance does say that trailers, or recreational vehicles, should only be used for temporary dwellings. This could mean that park model tiny homes are not permitted. However, this lack of clarity makes it uncertain whether tiny homes are allowed in Poweshiek County. Please contact their Zoning Department to find out more. 

Does Ringgold County, Iowa, Allow Tiny Homes?

Ringgold County has no zoning ordinances or adopted building codes that are publicly available. In this case, it’s hard to say one way or the other whether tiny homes are permitted in Ringgold County. They also don’t have a dedicated building, planning, or zoning department. This often indicates that the decision is left up to your local government. In this case, please contact your city or town building, planning, or zoning department first to find out what they allow. If they offer no clarity or you are not under their jurisdiction, please consult with the Ringgold County Board of Supervisors and urge them to pass clearly defined regulations regarding tiny homes. 

Does Scott County, Iowa, Allow Tiny Homes?

Scott County may permit park model tiny homes. While recreational vehicles are not permitted to be resided in for more than 180 consecutive days, they can be resided in full-time if they are on a permanent foundation that keeps them one foot above base flood elevation. However, it seems unlikely that they do, as they require the minimum square footage for a dwelling unit to be 640 square feet, larger than most park models and tiny homes. For clarification on this, contact the Scott County Planning & Development Department. It’s important to note that these regulations are in place for unincorporated areas within the county, so please contact your local building, planning, or zoning department first to determine if they allow park model tiny homes.

Does Shelby County, Iowa, Allow Tiny Homes?

Shelby County does not mention any minimum square footage guidelines, nor do they include clear enough provisions to determine if park model tiny homes are permitted. The best resource for clarification on this matter is the county’s Planning & Zoning Department

Does Story County, Iowa, Allow Tiny Homes?

In an effort to bring more affordable housing options to the county, their minimum dwelling square footage was changed to 400 square feet in 2021. While they do not allow tiny homes less than 400 square feet, this still makes it possible for you to reside in a tiny home in Story County. As for park models, they can be classified as factory-built homes as long as they are on-site for longer than 180 consecutive days, are not fully licensed, and aren’t ready for highway use. 

Does Taylor County, Iowa, Allow Tiny Homes?

Taylor County does not mention a zoning ordinance, adopted building codes, or which department handles these matters. The County Engineer appears to handle permits, but none of the permits listed have anything to do with buildings. Their Board of Supervisors is responsible for putting in place clear legislation. Please contact them and request that clear tiny home regulations be placed on their agenda

Does Union County, Iowa, Allow Tiny Homes?

Union County does not have a clear zoning ordinance nor department dedicated to building or zoning regulations. The best resource for this information is the county Board of Supervisors. You can contact them and request that they develop and pass clear legislation regarding tiny homes. In many cases in Iowa, counties that do not clearly state this information typically defer to a city or town government’s discretion. Meaning, it’s best to contact your local building, planning, or zoning department to find out if they allow tiny homes. 

Does Van Buren County, Iowa, Allow Tiny Homes?

Van Buren County does have a code of ordinances that they recently re-adopted, but it is unclear what that document says about park models and tiny homes. Additionally, they have no department explicitly made to handle building codes, zoning regulations, or code enforcement. It’s best to either urge their Board of Supervisors to develop clearer regulations regarding tiny homes or contact your local building, planning, or zoning department to see what they allow. 

Does Wapello County, Iowa, Allow Tiny Homes?

It is unclear as their zoning ordinance makes no direct reference to tiny homes. They may be permitted in a properly zoned mobile home district so long as they are placed on a permanent foundation and not licensed for highway use. If you have any questions about this, contact the Wapello County Planning & Zoning Department

Does Warren County, Iowa, Allow Tiny Homes?

Warren County may permit tiny homes that are on a permanent foundation and properly elevated. Per their zoning ordinance, recreational vehicles, or park model tiny homes, aren’t permitted as permanent residences unless they are on a permanent foundation and not licensed for highway use. As for tiny homes in general, there is no mention of them in the zoning ordinance. Your best resource for a definitive answer to this question is the Warren County Planning & Zoning Office. Please also always check with your local

Does Washington County, Iowa, Allow Tiny Homes?

Washington County, Iowa, repealed it’s zoning ordinance on September 27, 2013, meaning there is no official code dictating tiny homes. As a result of this, a county zoning permit is not required for any uses or building projects in unincorporated areas. Permits may still be required under the Iowa State Code if there is electrical work done. For more information on these permits, you can contact the Iowa State Fire Marshall Division at (515) 725-6145

With no rules governing unincorporated areas, tiny homes are likely permitted there. As for those under the jurisdiction of a city or town government within Washington County, please refer to your local government officials to determine if they allow tiny homes. If you have any questions for Washington County, please call their Planning & Development Department at (319)-653-7718.

Does Wayne County, Iowa, Allow Tiny Homes?

Wayne County has no adopted zoning regulations. If you want to know if your tiny home is allowed, it’s best to first check with you city government officials. If you reside in an area outside of their jurisdiction, building permits can be obtained from the Wayne County Assessor’s office. Give them a call at (641) 872-2663 to see if they permit tiny homes. 

Does Winnebago County, Iowa, Allow Tiny Homes?

There are no clear regulations regarding minimum floor areas for dwellings or tiny homes in the county zoning ordinance. When this is the case, it’s best to check with their Zoning Department to find out what they allow. 

Does Winneshiek County, Iowa, Allow Tiny Homes?

Recreational vehicles can be classified as factory-built homes in Winneshiek County so long as they are on a permanent foundation that is at least one foot above base flood elevation. Additionally it must be properly anchored with over-the-top or frame ties or ground anchors as required by the Iowa State Buidling Code. In this case, they must also be placed in a factory-built home park or subdivision. This could mean that park model tiny homes are permitted. 

Before embarking on any building project, there are some guidelines you must follow. By following the steps outlined in this document, you can ensure that your tiny home is built in accordance with Winneshiek County requirements. If you are unsure if tiny homes are permitted, please contact the Planning & Zoning Department at (563)-387-4080.

Does Woodbury County, Iowa, Allow Tiny Homes?

Woodbury County allows recreational vehicles (RVs) to be utilized as factory-built homes so long as they are not ready for highway use. They must then meet elevation and anchoring requirements for factory-built homes and must be on a permanent foundation. To meet elevation requirements, RVs must be 1 foot above base flood elevation level. Additionally, to be properly anchored, they must have over-the-top or frame ties or use ground anchors as required by the Iowa State Building Code.

This is not enough to say for sure that park model tiny homes are permitted, but it is a good indication that they might be. To find out exactly what they allow, please contact the Woodbury County Planning & Zoning Department

Does Worth County, Iowa, Allow Tiny Homes?

Worth County does not have clear enough guidelines in their zoning ordinance to determine if tiny homes or park models are permitted as permanent residences. In this case, it’s best to contact the county Planning & Zoning Department to find out what they allow.

Does Wright County, Iowa, Allow Tiny Homes?

Their zoning ordinance makes no mention of any minimum square footage requirements for homes nor do they state enough information to know if recreational vehicles can be used as a full-time dwelling unit. For clarification on this, contact their Planning & Zoning Department.

Find Your Park Model Tiny Home Regulations in Iowa by Municipality

gray a frame park model tiny home in woods built in compliance with tiny home regulations in Iowa
Des MoinesDes Moines Development Services
Cedar RapidsCedar Rapids Development Services 
DavenportDavenport Building & Land Development Services
Sioux CitySioux City Planning & Zoning Division
Iowa CityIowa City Development Services
AnkenyAnkeny Licenses and Permits
DubuqueDubuque Planning & Zoning Department
UrbandaleUrbandale Community Development Department
MarionMarion Zoning Department
WaterlooWaterloo Planning & Zoning Department
AmesAmes Planning Department
Cedar FallsCedar Falls Community Development Services
Council BluffsCouncil Bluffs Community Development Department
BettendorfBettendorf Community Development Department
WaukeeWaukee Community Development Department

Does Des Moines, Iowa Allow Tiny Homes?

No. Des Moines enforces a strict minimum square footage requirement of 1,100 square feet or even up to 1,800 square feet depending on the location and number of stories. This makes it impossible for those interested in tiny living to build a home of an ideal size as most tiny homes are no larger than 400 to 600 square feet.

Does Cedar Rapids, Iowa Allow Tiny Homes?

Cedar Rapids also enforces strict regulations regarding recreational vehicles and minimum square footage, making it unlikely that you’ll be able to reside in a tiny home. Homes in Cedar Rapids must be 500 square feet which is larger than most tiny homes, coming in at about 400 square feet. However, if you plan to reside in a tiny home that’s around 500 to 600 square feet and is on a permanent foundation it’s not impossible to enjoy the benefits of tiny living in the city of Cedar Rapids. 

Does Davenport, Iowa Allow Tiny Homes?

They have adopted the 2015 International Residential Code, which does allow for a minimum square footage of 120. However, they strictly prohibit recreational vehicles, even if altered to have a permanent foundation, from being used as a dwelling unit. This means park model tiny homes are not permitted in Davenport. If you have any questions about tiny homes in the city they can be directed to the Building & Land Development Services department

Does Sioux City, Iowa Allow Tiny Homes?

Sioux City doesn’t clearly state whether or not park models can be utilized as permanent residences or not if properly anchored, elevated, and placed on a permanent foundation. It does appear that recreational vehicles are considered only temporary if on wheels and a chassis. As for minimum square footage requirements, the adhere to the 2015 International Residential Code which requires at least one room of 120 square feet, favorable for those interested in tiny living. To find out exactly what they allow, contact their Planning & Zoning Division

Does Iowa City, Iowa Allow Tiny Homes?

It is unclear at this time. They have adopted the 2021 International Residential Code, but do not list Appendix AQ on tiny homes as one of the appendices they have adopted. This may be intentional and mean that tiny homes are not permitted or they could not yet have decided on the matter. It’s best to contact Development Services to find out if your tiny home in allowed in Iowa City.

Does Ankeny, Iowa Allow Tiny Homes?

Ankeny has also adopted the 2021 International Residential Code including all subsequent amendments, including Appendix AQ as it is currently not listed as one of the amendments within the code they have chosen not to adopt. It appears that they don’t permit park model tiny homes, however, as they are excluded from the definition of a dwelling. To find out if they truly follow Appendix AQ or if they would allow park model tiny homes, contact the Licenses and Permits Department

Does Dubuque, Iowa Allow Tiny Homes?

Per their building code, Dubuque follows the 2021 International Residential Code, which permits tiny homes. However, their stance on tiny homes and park model tiny homes is unclear. To find out exactly what standards your home must meet in order to be lived in full-time in Dubuque, contact their Planning & Zoning Department.

Does Urbandale, Iowa Allow Tiny Homes?

Yes. They have adopted the 2018 International Residential Code, which includes Appendix Q on tiny homes. Additionally, they allow recreational vehicles to be utilized as permanent dwelling units in properly zoned recreational vehicle parks.

Does Marion, Iowa Allow Tiny Homes?

They do. Marion County has adopted the 2021 International Reisdential Code and includes a defintition of tiny homes in their zoning ordinance. The ordinance does note that recreational vehicles do not meet the definition of a tiny home and can not be used as a permanent residence unless it is properly tied-down and skirted. 

Does Waterloo, Iowa Allow Tiny Homes?

It is unclear exactly what is permitted in Waterloo. It appears as though recreational vehicles are not permitted for permanent residences and it is not clearly stated as to whether placing them on a permanent foundation would change that. As for minimum square footage, it appears as though no habitable room can be less than 7 feet in length and width, but they make no mention of the minimums for an entire home. Please check to see what is permitted with the Waterloo Planning & Zoning Department.

Does Ames, Iowa Allow Tiny Homes?

Ames has only adopted the 2015 International Residential Code, which makes no mention of tiny homes. The city’s zoning ordinance does mention that recreational vehicles are prohibited from being used as a permanent dwelling in a residential district, meaning park model tiny homes are likely not allowed. If yo have any questions about this, please direct them to the Ames Planning Department.

Does Cedar Falls, Iowa Allow Tiny Homes?

While they have adopted the 2021 International Residential Code, they do note that the have deleted chapters 11 through 44 and all appendices from the adoption, meaning that they do not adhere to Appendix Q which allows tiny homes. Their zoning ordinance does consider recreational vehicles to be factory-built homes, however, so long as they are properly anchored and elevated, and aren’t ready for highway use. This means that you may be able to reside in a tiny home. Your best bet is to clarify this with the Cedar Falls Community Development Department.

Does Council Bluff, Iowa Allow Tiny Homes?

Council Bluff strictly prohibits the use of a recreational vehicle as a dwelling unit. They strictly enforce that it can only be used as sleeping quarters on a residential property for no more than 72 consecutive hours and not more than 14 days in a calendar year. This makes it not possible to live in a park model tiny home. 

As for tiny homes on permanent foundations, there is not enough information to say. It appears as though they enforce the 2015 International Residential Code which requires a minimum square footage of 120 for at least 1 room and 70 square feet for each additional room. Council Bluff requires each dwelling unit to have at least a kitchen and a bathroom. This makes it possible to reside in a home that is less than 400 square feet, but it’s always best to check with their Community Development Department before residing in a tiny home.

Does Bettendorf, Iowa Allow Tiny Homes?

It is unclear exactly what is allowed in Bettendorf at this time. Their zoning ordinance makes no mention of recreational vehicles, making it difficult to say whether park model tiny homes would be allowed. They do note in their building code that they have adopted the 2015 International Residential Code, which does have favorable minimum sizing requirements for permanent dwelling for those interested in tiny living. The best source for clarity on this is the Bettendorf Community Development Department.

Does Waukee, Iowa Allow Tiny Homes?

No. Waukee not only classifies recreational vehicles as temporary structures, but they also require a minimum of 1,050 square feet for most dwellings, which is much larger than any tiny home.

What Counties in Iowa Don’t allow Park Model Tiny Homes?

park model tiny home at night with lights on showing bedroom and kitchen space inside
Adams CountyAdams County Zoning Department
Buena Vista CountyBuena Vista County Zoning Department
Cedar CountyCedar County Zoning Department
Hamilton CountyHamilton County Board of Supervisors
Harrison CountyHarrison County Zoning Department
Monroe CountyMonroe County Planning & Zoning Department
Montgomery CountyMontgomery County Zoning Department
Pottawattamie CountyPottawattamie County Planning & Development Department
Sac CountySac County Planning & Zoning Department
Sioux CountySioux County Zoning Department
Tama CountyTama County Zoning Department
Webster CountyWebster County Planning & Zoning Department

Does Adams County, Iowa, Allow Tiny Homes?

It appears as though Adams County does not permit tiny homes. According to their zoning ordinance, dwellings should have a floor area of no less than 600 square feet, which is larger than most tiny homes. Since there is no direct mention of tiny homes, there is a chance this is not the case. For clarification on this, you can contact their Zoning Department

Does Buena Vista County, Iowa, Allow Tiny Homes?

They make no note of tiny homes. Additionally, they clearly state the recreational vehicles are not to be used for human occupancy in any residential district, meaning park model tiny homes are likely not allowed. For more information on this, contact the Buena Vista County Zoning Department

Does Cedar County, Iowa, Allow Tiny Homes?

Cedar County has adopted the 2015 International Residential Code (IRC) that the Iowa State Government follows. This code requires you to have at least one room of 120 square feet and each additional room must 70 square feet. So long as your tiny home meets these minimum floor area requirements, it may be permitted. However, recreational vehicles, and therefore park model tiny homes are strictly prohibited. Please check with the Cedar County Zoning Department to find out their requirements before building or residing in a tiny home. 

Does Hamilton County, Iowa, Allow Tiny Homes?

While no information can be found clearly about their current building code adoptions or zoning ordinances, it appears that tiny homes on wheels (i.e., park model tiny homes) are not permitted. According to this local news article on the Hamilton County rezoning code, some people are advocating for new zoning laws to be put in place, allowing tiny homes. If you want to join the push for zoning codes to be adopted permitting tiny homes or have any questions about the Hamilton County building code, contact their Board of Supervisors

Does Harrison County, Iowa, Allow Tiny Homes?

Tiny homes are permitted in Harrison County, Iowa, so long as they are 400 square feet or less and on a permit foundation. However, tiny homes not on a permanent foundation (i.e. park models) are prohibited. For more information on their tiny home regulations or to begin obtaining permits to place a tiny home on your property, contact the Harrison County Zoning Department.

Does Monroe County, Iowa, Allow Tiny Homes?

Monroe County follows the Iowa Building Code, which is based on the 2015 International Building Codes adopted by the state of Iowa. This makes no mention of tiny homes. However, their zoning ordinance makes it clear that recreational vehicles are prohibited from being used as a permanent residence, meaning that park model tiny homes are not allowed in Monroe County. If you have any questions about this, please reach out to the the Planning & Zoning Department

Does Montgomery County, Iowa, Allow Tiny Homes?

Montgomery County follows the Iowa Building Code, which does not address tiny homes. Additionally, their zoning ordinance specifies that recreational vehicles do not qualify as dwelling units, making it unlikely that park model tiny homes are permitted. Before proceeding with any tiny home plans, it’s best to consult the Zoning Department or local officials for clarification.

Does Pottawattamie County, Iowa, Allow Tiny Homes?

According to the county building code, Pottawattamie has adopted Iowa state’s standards for residential buildings. This means that they likely have adopted the 2015 International Residential Code, which includes no provisions for tiny homes. Additionally, the county zoning ordinance strictly prohibits recreational vehicles from being used as a place of permanent residence. You can only reside in one for 14 consecutive days in any calendar year, making it unlikely that park-model tiny homes are permitted. To determine whether tiny homes on permanent foundations are permitted, contact the Pottawattamie County Planning & Development Department

Does Sac County, Iowa, Allow Tiny Homes?

No, Sac County does not permit tiny homes. They do not permit recreational vehicles as permanent residences, meaning that park model tiny homes are not allowed. Additionally, the minimum square footage requirement for a dwelling unit is 600 square feet which is larger than most tiny homes. 

Does Sioux County, Iowa, Allow Tiny Homes?

Sioux County does not permit recreational vehicles to be utilized as permanent residences for more than 30 consecutive days in a calendar year. Additionally, all residential dwellings must have a minimum floor area of no less than 800 square feet, larger than all tiny homes. This means that tiny homes of all kinds are not permitted in Sioux County. The answer to this question could be different depending on which city or town within the county you reside in. Please double-check with your local building, planning, or zoning department to confirm this. 

Does Tama County, Iowa, Allow Tiny Homes?

Tama County does not appear to permit park-model tiny homes as permanent residences. Under permitted uses for residential districts, “trailers,” which park models would likely be classified under, are only permitted when used as temporary offices or for tool storage. As for tiny homes on permanent foundations, no minimum square footage standards are outlined to tell us if they would be permitted. It’s best to consult with the Tama County Zoning Office or your local building, planning, or zoning department to determine if your tiny home is allowed.

Does Webster County, Iowa, Allow Tiny Homes?

No, Webster County does not permit tiny homes. Not only does the county zoning ordinance prohibit recreational vehicles as permanent residences, but all dwelling units on a permanent foundation must have a minimum of 700 square feet. With tiny homes being a maximum of 400 to 600 square feet at most, this makes it impossible to have one in the county. This could be different depending on your city or town government’s requirements, so always check with them first. 

Park Model Tiny Homes That Are Allowed In Iowa

Park Model Regulations in Iowa

gray a frame park model tiny home on permanent foundation in forest

Can I Live in A Park Model Tiny Home in Iowa?

The answer to this question isn’t very straightforward, unfortunately. There are many areas in Iowa that strictly prohibit park models from being resided in full-time. Other areas permit them to be classified as factory-built homes so long as they are no longer ready for highway use, on a permanent foundation, properly elevated, and anchored.The best approach is to reach out to your local county, city, or town officials to find out their specific rules about park model tiny homes. Since regulations can vary so much, getting local advice will give you a clearer picture than looking for a statewide answer.

Can Park Model Tiny Homes Be Used As An ADU in Iowa?

In some cases, yes. In others, they are still seen as temporary structures or do not meet the minimum square footage requirements, making them ineligible for use as an accessory dwelling unit (ADU). This is another case where the best resource for a definitive answer is your local building, planning, or zoning department.

Do You Need A Permit for A Tiny Home in Iowa?

interior of park model tiny home featuring modern kitchen and living area

Yes. Like most other states, a permit is required for most new construction and when placing a structure on land. The type of permits you will be required to obtain will likely vary depending on where you live. Again, the best resource for whether you need a permit and what type you’ll need is your local building, planning, or zoning department. 

Are There Any Tiny Home Communities in Iowa?

aerial view of park model tiny home community in Iowa with black a grame homes on permanent foundations

There is a small collection of tiny home communities in Iowa. None have a website, but they all offer an array of amenities from free wi-fi, laundry facilities, grilling areas, fitness centers, and more. In the future, as more areas in Iowa adopt tiny home friendly regulations, it’s likely that more tiny home communities will emerge.


kitchen inside a frame park model with shelving and lots of storage and gray marble countertops

How Much Does it Cost to Build a Tiny House in Iowa?

The cost of a tiny home can range widely, typically falling between $30,000 and $100,000 or more. Several factors influence the final price, including whether you build it yourself or hire a builder, the design features and upgrades you choose, required permits, the cost of the land, and whether it needs to be placed on a foundation.

To get an accurate estimate, it’s a good idea to start by selecting the tiny home you want and identifying the land where you’ll place it. Don’t forget to check with your local officials to understand any additional costs for permits or compliance requirements. If you’d like a detailed cost breakdown for park model tiny homes or a custom quote for your dream tiny home, we’d love to assist!

How Small Does a House Have to Be to Be Considered a Tiny Home?

Most tiny homes are 400 square feet, but they can range between 400 to 600 square feet depending on your preferences. With many areas having minimum requirements, most tiny homes aren’t much less than 120 square feet.

Is There A Minimum Size My Tiny Home Must Be In Iowa?

Iowa follows the 2015 International Residential Code, which sets a minimum square footage of 120 square feet for at least one room and 70 square feet for each additional room. However, these requirements can vary depending on the city, town, or county. Some areas have much higher minimum square footage requirements, making it challenging to place tiny homes there. To get accurate information, it’s best to contact your local government officials and find out the specific rules in your area.

Where is the Cheapest Place to Put a Tiny House in Iowa?

The best places to put a tiny house in Iowa are often rural or unincorporated areas. Unincorporated areas in counties without county-wide building or zoning regulations are especially affordable, as they have fewer requirements, allowing for more cost-effective construction and placement options.

Rural counties like Pocahontas, Humboldt, and Clayton are also worth considering for their lower land prices. Ultimately, the most affordable option is an area that allows tiny homes, has reasonably priced land, and imposes minimal construction and permitting requirements.

Can A Park Model Tiny Homes Have Multiple Bedrooms and Bathrooms?

Definitely! Per the 2015 International Residential Code that Iowa enforces, one room must be at least 120 square feet and each additional room must be 40 square feet. Most tiny homes are around 400 square feet, which leaves plenty of space for multiple bedrooms and bathrooms. To see how this possible, check out our Cascade, Pinecrest, Aspen, and Nook Family Park Models—each designed with two or more bedrooms. Living tiny doesn’t mean giving up the comfort and privacy of separate spaces!

What Features Are Included In A Park Model Home From Zook Cabins?

Our park model tiny homes come packed with features, making it hard to think of what’s missing! Whether you’re drawn to the timeless charm of a log cabin design or the sleek elegance of a modern luxury home, we’ve got you covered. Most of our models are 400 square feet or smaller and arrive fully equipped with essentials like light fixtures, faucets, toilets, cabinets, shelving, and much more!

Are Park Model Tiny Homes A Good Investment?

Absolutely! Many of our customers have successfully transformed their park models into thriving rental ventures. Take Bobby Lee and Andrew, for example—they created an amazing RV rental camp with 11 Zook Cabins Park Models. Curious about how you could do the same? Check out their story for inspiration, and if you’re considering one of our park models as a rental investment, complete our pro forma to get all the details you need to get started.

what do other states have to say about tiny homes?

Each and every state has totally different qualifications for tiny living. We know that it can feel really overwhelming to find all of that information. However, we have collected data for every state that we serve to make your research easier.

AlabamaIllinoisMinnesotaNorth CarolinaTexas
ArizonaIndianaMississippiNorth DakotaUtah
ConnecticutLouisianaNevadaPennsylvaniaWest Virginia
DelawareMaineNew HampshireRhode IslandWisconsin
FloridaMarylandNew JerseySouth CarolinaWyoming
GeorgiaMass.New MexicoSouth Dakota
IdahoMichiganNew YorkTennesse
We do not offer Park Model homes in Alaska or Hawaii at this time.

Ready for the Cabin Life?

“I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived.”

- Henry David Thoreau