Tiny Home Regulations in Vermont: The Complete Guide

Tiny homes are becoming increasingly common throughout the United States. Not only do they offer a solution to housing shortages, but they also allow people to live more affordably, cutting back on unnecessary expenses. As more and more people are interested in tiny homes, more states are adopting tiny home-friendly policies.
While Vermont has not signed any tiny home bills into law, there are proposals to include tiny home regulations in VT’s building code. With a somewhat vague International Residential Building Code, there is a lot of flexibility as to what kind of tiny homes are allowed in Vermont. In the meantime, whether or not tiny homes are allowed is largely up to your local building, planning, or zoning department.
Are Tiny Houses Legal in Vermont?

Yes, so long as they comply with Vermont’s International Residential Building Code standards, tiny homes are legal in Vermont. Exact regulations for tiny homes in Vermont will vary depending on local guidelines and requirements. However, if your tiny home has one habitable room with a minimum of 120 square feet, each additional room is at least 70 square feet, and has a minimum ceiling height of no less than 7 feet; then it is likely allowed in Vermont.
There are no clear guidelines stating whether or not park model tiny homes, recreational vehicles, and other tiny homes on wheels are permitted as permanent residences. With no specific regulations, this leaves a lot of room for interpretation. It’s always best practice to check with your local building, planning, or zoning department to see if they will allow park model tiny homes.
Are Park Models the Same Thing As Tiny Homes?

Yes, park models usually fit the definition of a tiny home, more specifically a THOW. However, the exact rules for tiny homes versus park models may vary in different areas throughout Vermont. Some counties may permit tiny homes but will not allow park models since they classify them as recreational vehicles, campers, or other livable spaces on wheels, which they view as temporary living spaces. Others may allow park models as tiny homes, but only if they are placed on a permanent foundation or if they are being used solely as an Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU). To find out exactly what is allowed in your area, keep reading.
While the tiny homes at Zook Cabins are built to RVIA ASNI 119.5 standards, not every tiny home company builds them this way. In fact, the other popular certification is NOAH. To learn about the difference between the two, check out our blog RVIA Vs. NOAH Tiny Homes to learn more!
What Counties in Vermont Allow Park Model Tiny Homes?

Vermont currently has no clear-cut regulations in place regarding tiny homes of any kind, park models or not. Currently, whether or not they are permitted is primarily determined by your municipality. As a result, there is not enough information to say one way or the other if they are allowed at the county level. Below is a list of each county in Vermont’s government officials. Please run your tiny home questions by them to find out if your park model tiny home would be allowed before beginning to live in one.
Bennington County | Currently, there are no online resources; please see the Town Of Bennington for more details. |
Caledonia County | No website for Caledonia County, please visit their county seat, the town of St.Johnsbury’s website. |
Chittenden County | Chittenden County Municipal Planning Assistance |
Essex County | Essex County Government Website |
Franklin County | No website at the county level, please visit their county’s seat, the city of St. Albans, to find out more information. |
Grand Isle County | There is no website or regulations for Washington County available online. Please consult with their county seat officials, the city of Montpelier, VT. |
Lamoille County | Lamoille County Planning Comission |
Orange County | Currently no Orange County Website, check out the town of Orange, VT website. |
Orleans County | No county website, please visit their county s seat’s website, the town of Newport, VT. |
Rutland County | Rutland County Chamber & Economic Development |
Washington County | Currently, there is no website for the county; please visit the Town of Windsor website or contact their county seat officials, the town of Woodstock, VT. |
Windham County | Currently no county website, check out the town of Windham VT website or visit their county seat’s website, the town of Newfane, VT. |
Windsor County | Currently no website for the county; please visit the Town of Windsor website or contact their county seat officials, the town of Woodstock, VT. |
Does Bennington County, VT, allow tiny homes?
Without a county website, it’s difficult to identify the right officials. However, park model tiny homes are likely allowed if permitted by your municipality. Read on to find out if your city or town allows them.
Does Caledonia County, VT, allow tiny homes?
Since they do not have regulations available, park model tiny homes may be allowed in Caledonia County. Most of Vermont leaves decisions surrounding tiny homes to the local level, meaning that the town of St. Johnsbury, or other municipalities’ websites to find out if your park model tiny home is allowed where you live.
Does Chittenden County, VT, allow tiny homes?
Park model tiny homes may be permitted in Chittenden County, but there is no clear guidelines one way or the other. Contact their municipal planning assistance to find out more.
Does Essex County, VT, allow tiny homes?
Essex County does not offer a clear stance one way or the other in terms park model tiny homes. Visit their government website or keep reading to see if it is permitted within your municipality.
Does Franklin County, VT, allow tiny homes?
Franklin County and all other counties within Vermont leave tiny home regulations up to municipalities. Contact the the city of St. Albans, their county seat, for more information or keep reading to see if your park model tiny home is allowed in your local area.
Does Grand Isle County, VT, allow tiny homes?
Grand Isle County doesn’t have a website or regulations made available. Please check and see what the town of Grand Isle has to say in regards to park model tiny homes.
Does Lamoille County, VT, allow tiny homes?
It is unclear what they allow since they have no regulations available publicly regarding tiny homes. Go to their planning commission’s website to contact the proper official who can provide you with the answer to that question.
Does Orange County, VT, allow tiny homes?
There is no website or set of regulations available for the county of Orange, Vermont. It seems like decisions around tiny homes and tiny living are left up to the local level. Please visit the town of Orange’s website to contact their local officials and find out if park model tiny homes are allowed in your municipality.
Does Orleans County, VT, allow tiny homes?
It is unclear what they allow at this time. The county of Orleans, VT, doesn’t seem to have an official website, and there are no regulations at the county level regarding tiny homes made publically available. Given that Vermont largely leaves these decisions to municipalities, it’s best to contact your city or town officials to find out if your park model tiny home is permitted. If you have any questions at the county level, please visit the town of Newport, Vermont’s website for more information.
Does Rutland County, VT, allow tiny homes?
As with all other counties in Vermont, there are no clear regulations surrounding park model tiny homes at the county level. We recommend visiting Rutland County’s Chamber & Economic Development website to try to find the right person to contact regarding their park model tiny home regulations or continue reading to find out the regulations at your local level.
Does Washington County, VT, allow tiny homes?
Washington County may allow park model tiny homes, however, they too do not have a county website or regulations made publicly available to clearly answer this question one way or the other. We suggest visiting their county seat’s website, the capital, Montpelier.
Does Windham County, VT, allow tiny homes?
Windham County has no clear regulations regarding tiny homes nor do they have a website pointing to the proper officials to contact, so in this case, it is hard to state definitively whether they permit park model tiny homes or not. Continue reading to see if your municipality permits park model tiny homes or contact their county seat, Newfane, VT, to find out more.
Does Windsor County, VT, allow tiny homes?
Park model tiny homes may be allowed in Windsor County, VT. Vermont leaves tiny home regulations up to the county level in most cases, so at this time it’s hard to say one way or the other. Visit their county seat, the town of Woodstcok, VT, for more information or keep on reading to find out if park model tiny homes are allowed in your area.
What Municipalities in Vermont Allow Park Model Tiny Homes?

Since park model and other tiny home regulations are left mainly to the local level, below is a list of some municipalities within Vermont and whether or not they permit park model tiny homes as a place of permanent residence.
Cities/Towns in Vermont That Allow Park Model Tiny Homes
Does Bennington, Vermont, Allow Tiny Homes?
The types of tiny homes permitted in Bennington, Vermont, are still being determined. Park models, recreational vehicles, and other tiny homes on wheels are strictly prohibited from being utilized as permanent dwellings in any capacity. However, no minimum square footage has been outlined for homes, so you can build a tiny home so long as it is not on wheels.
Does Brattleboro, Vermont, Allow Tiny Homes?
Yes, however, they must be located within a designated cottage row zoning district. The exact minimum square footage for the home is not specified, so it’s best to contact your local government to determine what is allowed. It seems like park model tiny homes are not permitted as permanent residences either. Be sure to run your plans for your tiny home past your planning and zoning department.
Does Burlington, Vermont, Allow Tiny Homes?
Since they follow the state of Vermont’s regulations regarding minimum standards for homes, tiny homes with at least one room of 120 square feet, each additional room being only 70 square feet, and having a minimum ceiling height of 7 feet are permitted. However, where they stand on park model tiny homes is unclear, so it’s best to check with the permitting and inspection officials to see if they are allowed.
Does Chelsea, Vermont, Allow Tiny Homes?
Yes, park models are permitted as a place of permanent residence as long as they meet all applicable dimensional, health, and safety standards. While not clearly outlined, if they adhere to the state of Vermont’s standards, then your home must be on a permanent foundation, have all the necessary electrical hookups, have one room that is at least 120 square feet, and each additional room must be at least 70 square feet. It must have a minimum ceiling height of 7 feet.
Does Colchester, Vermont, Allow Tiny Homes?
What is allowed is unclear, as no clear minimum building standards are outlined. It’s best to contact their planning commission to determine if your tiny home is allowed.
Does Essex, Vermont, Allow Tiny Homes?
The regulations surrounding park models and other tiny homes in Essex are vague. To find out what is permitted, please contact their community development department.
Does Fairfax, Vermont, Allow Tiny Homes?
Yes, Farifax permits camping vehicles, park models, and other tiny homes on wheels so long as they are placed on a permanent foundation and are not readily moveable. While the minimum standards for homes are not outlined, they may follow the Vermont state guidelines, meaning your tiny home must comply with those standards to be utilized as a place of
permanent residence.
Does Grand Isle, Vermont, Allow Tiny Homes?
Grand Isle allows recreational vehicles, which park model tiny homes are typically defined as, to be occupied no more than 6 months out of the year at a time. Additionally, they do not clearly outline their minimum standards for a home, meaning that there is likely some flexibility with how small your home can be. In this case, it’s best to contact their Planning & Zoning Department before living in your park model tiny home full time.
Does Guildhall, Vermont, Allow Tiny Homes?
The town of Guildhall needs to outline specific guidelines for minimum construction standards for a place of permanent residence. However, they do state that travel trailers are not allowed as places of permanent residence. It is unclear if park models fit within this definition, so please check with their Zoning Board to find out if they allow tiny homes and what the requirements are for them.
Does Hartford, Vermont, Allow Tiny Homes?
Yes, so long as it complies with the state of Vermont’s Building Code standards for a permanent residence.
Does Hyde Park, Vermont, Allow Tiny Homes?
Park model tiny homes, are allowed in Hyde Park so long as they are constructed following the elevation and anchoring requirements for manufactured homes. They must also adhere to the Virginia State Building Code in order to be used as a dwelling in Hyde Park.
Does Lyndon, Vermont, Allow Tiny Homes?
Park models meet Lyndon’s definition of a travel trailer, which are permitted as residences so long as they are connected to the sewage disposal system and a permanent water supply.
Does Manchester, Vermont, Allow Tiny Homes?
It seems as though Manchester does not permit travel trailers to be utilized as permanent residences. What this means, and if park models are included in that definition, are unclear. As for other tiny homes, no precise minimum construction requirements are outlined. With their regulations needing to be clarified, contact their planning and zoning department to find out if they would allow your tiny home.
Does Middlebury, Vermont, Allow Tiny Homes?
Yes! Not only do they allow park models and other tiny homes on wheels to be utilized as permanent structures so long as they meet the standard building requirements for a dwelling, but they also include tiny houses in their definition of permitted permanent residences!
Does Montpelier, Vermont, Allow Tiny Homes?
While Montpelier, Vermont, follows the state of Vermont’s building codes, it also has in place strict design standards to preserve the historical look and feel of the city. They may be permitted so long as they follow the proper design standards and building requirements, but it is best practice to contact your local officials to see what they say.
Does Newfane, Vermont, Allow Tiny Homes?
Yes, Newfane permits tiny homes so long as they follow the Vermont state building standards. Additionally, park models are permitted as permanent residences so long as they don’t have wheels, are built on a chassis, and are affixed to a permanent foundation. They must comply with the standards required of a manufactured home.
Does Newport, Vermont, Allow Tiny Homes?
Their regulations are not made available through their government website. With no clear rules on which to base your decision, we suggest contacting their planning and zoning department to see what they allow.
Does North Hero, Vermont, Allow Tiny Homes?
While no minimum standards are set for permanent residences, North Hero doesn’t allow travel trailers to be used as permanent residences. Since it is unclear if park model tiny homes fit within the definition of a travel trailer, it is best to consult their planning commission to see if they will allow it as a permanent residence.
Does Orange, Vermont, Allow Tiny Homes?
The town of Orange does not have it’s zoning ordinance nor tiny home regulations available on it’s ordinances and policies page on their website. Without this resource, it is always best practice to consult with their Planning Commission to find out if your park model tiny home is allowed.
Does Rutland, Vermont, Allow Tiny Homes?
Rutland has not made their regulations clearly available online. In this case, we recommend consulting their planning and zoning department to find out where they stand on park model tiny homes.
Does Shelburne, Vermont, Allow Tiny Homes?
It is unclear what Shelburne allows. Please consult with their planning and zoning department to find out more information about living in a park model tiny home there.
Does St. Albans, Vermont, Allow Tiny Homes?
While no specific minimum building standards are outlined, they classify travel trailers as buildings if they are sited in such a manner that they are not readily moveable. However, they must be in designated mobile home parks. Please contact their planning and development department to determine if your park model tiny home fits within this definition.
Does St. Johnsbury, Vermont, Allow Tiny Homes?
Yes, so long as your park model tiny home complies with the requirements of a permanent structure, has a sturdy roof, is correctly attached to the ground, has an authorized sewer system, and has adequate insulation, it is allowed in St. Johnsbury, Vermont.
Does Springfield, Vermont, Allow Tiny Homes?
Springfield, Vermont, complies with the state of Vermont’s building code, meaning so long as your home has at least one room of 120 square feet, each additional room is 70 square feet, and it has a minimum ceiling height of 7 feet then it is allowed. As for park model tiny homes, it’s questionable if they are permitted, as travel trailers are not permitted for temporary residences and they could fit within that definition. It’s best to check with your local officials to see how they classify park models.
Does Waterbury, Vermont, Allow Tiny Homes?
They do not permit camping units as a full-time place of residence. What this means, and if park models fit within this definition, are left open to interpretation. However, they do clearly state that a home on wheels is not considered a camping unit if on a permanent foundation and if it does not have utilities that are easy to attach and detach as you please. On top of that, no clear minimum standards are set for homes, meaning that you could be able to have tiny home so long as it is on a permanent foundation. In this case, it’s best to run your plans by Waterbury’s Planning & Zoning Department before going ahead with your park model tiny home.
Does Windham, Vermont, Allow Tiny Homes?
Windham, Vermont, may allow park model tiny homes. Recreational vehicles are included in their definition of a dwelling unit when the remain on a parcel for more than 90 days within any consecutive 12-month period. No minimum square footage is outlined, so it is hard to say one way or the other if tiny living is allowed in Windham. In cases like this, it’s best to contact their Planning Commission and Zoning Board to find out what is allowed before moving forward with your park model tiny home plan.
Does Windsor, Vermont, Allow Tiny Homes?
Windsor permits park model tiny homes, which fit their definition of campers or RVs, to be parked in an appropriately zoned campground, or only if occupied for dwelling purposes for no more than 30 days within any one calendar year. Park model tiny homes may be permitted if they are built on a permanent chassis, transported to its site in one or more sections, and affixed to a permanent foundation. This foundation must be built at a proper elevation and with the proper materials to comply with floodplain management standards.
Does Woodstock, Vermont, Allow Tiny Homes?
Not only does Woodstock follow the state of Vermont’s minimum building standards, but they also allow park model tiny homes so long as they meet manufactured home requirements. This means they must be without wheels, built on a chassis, and affixed to a permanent foundation. In addition, they must follow the community’s flood plain management regulations and any building ordinances or laws.
What Counties in Vermont Do Not Allow Tiny Homes?

Addison County | Addison County Zoning DepartmentAddison County Zoning Regulations |
Does Addison County, Vermont, Allow Tiny Homes?
While Addison County does not outline the minimum building standards for homes, it does not allow campers, recreational vehicles, or park models to be used as a place of permanent residence.
Cities/Towns in Vermont That Don’t Allow Tiny Homes
Williston | Williston Planning & Zoning DepartmentWilliston Zoning Bylaw |
Does Williston, Vermont, Allow Tiny Homes?
No, they do not permit tiny homes to be less than 1,500 square fee, which is much larger than most tiny homes. Additionally, they will not allow any tiny homes on wheels.
Tiny Homes That Are Allowed in Vermont

The A-Frame

The A-Frame Studio

The Aspen
Park Model Regulations in Vermont

Can I live In a Park Model Home In Vermont?
Yes, in some parts of Vermont, you can utilize a park model, recreational vehicle, or other tiny homes on wheels as a permanent residence. The exact rules will vary depending on where you live. Some areas in Vermont allow park models entirely; some require that they be on a permanent foundation, while others may not allow them at all. It’s always best to check with your local building, zoning, planning, or community development department to find out exactly what their stance is on park model tiny homes.
What are the rules for tiny homes in Vermont?
Vermont currently doesn’t have any set legislation in place regarding tiny homes. Like many other states across the United States, as tiny homes have become more popular, legislation has been proposed in Vermont surrounding tiny living. For now, it is entirely up to local governments to decide what kind of tiny homes, if any, they will allow. However, the state of Vermont generally requires at least one room of 120 square feet, each additional room must be at least 70 square feet and a ceiling height of at least 7 feet.
Do you need a permit for a tiny home in Vermont?
Yes, most new structures being built in Vermont will require a permit. Depending on square footage, the type of tiny home, and more, the exact type of permit you’ll need to obtain will vary from place to place. It’s best to talk with the building or permit department to see what kind of permit you’ll need, how much it will cost, and where you can get it.
Are There Tiny Home Communities in Vermont?

Yes, there are several tiny home communities in Vermont. Some of them include Green Mountain Tiny Houses in Jericho, VT, Tiny House Resort in South Newfane, VT, Tiny Fern Forest in Lincoln, VT, Vermont Tiny House in Burlington, VT, and Tiny House Freedom in Stowe, VT.
That’s not all that Vermont allows. We even collaborated with Outbound Hotels in Stowe, Vermont, to help them create a unique hotel stay. See how our a frame park model tiny homes helped Outbound Hotels transform an ordinary getaway into the ultimate destination for a family vacation.

How Much Does it Cost to Build a Tiny House in Vermont?
Most tiny homes will cost between $30,000 to $60,000 to construct, this doesn’t include the cost to add amenities, furnish it, and place it on land. For higher-end park models, that feature more amenities, rooms, and other features, the typical cost is between $90,000 to $100,000. For an exact breakdown of pricing you can check out this article that offers a cost breakdown of one of our park models, or request a quote on your tiny home.
How Small Does a House Have to Be to be Considered a Tiny Home?
There is technically no set definition as to how small a home must be in order to be considered a tiny home. However, the most widely accepted definition is a home that is between 100 to 400 square feet. In Vermont, you must have at least one room of 120 square feet, so your home can not be smaller than that.
Is There A Minimum Size My Tiny Home Must Be In Vermont?
Yes, the state of Vermont’s building code states that every permanent dwelling must have at least one room of 120 square feet, each additional room must be at least 70 square feet, and your home must have a minimum ceiling height of 7 feet.
Where is the Cheapest Place to Put a Tiny House in Vermont?
The best place to put a tiny home in Vermont is in more rural areas with more affordable land prices such as Caledonia and Essex county. Of course, the most affordable place will depend on which place not only has affordable land prices, but also allows you to permanent reside in the type of tiny home you wish to live in.
Can A Park Model Tiny Homes Have Multiple Bedrooms and Bathrooms?
Absolutely! Vermont requires at least one room of 120 square feet, and each additional room must be at least 70 square feet. This allows room for multiple bedrooms and bathrooms within a 400 square feet tiny home. At Zook Cabins, we offer numerous models with several rooms, including our Cascade, Pinecrest, Aspen, and Nook Family Park Models, which all feature 2 or more bedrooms.
What Features Are Included In A Park Model Home From Zook Cabins?
Our park model homes boast an impressive array of features! We provide a variety of cabin designs, whether you prefer a contemporary aesthetic or a traditional log cabin feel. You can also choose from various sizes and layouts to suit your needs. Plus, each of our park model tiny homes is outfitted with all the necessary furnishings, including lighting, appliances, shelving, and much more!
Are Park Model Tiny Homes A Good Investment?
Without a doubt! Not only does it offer a low initial cost, but it also comes with high return on that initial investment. Many of our customers have even utilized our park models as short term rental properties and have seen even more of a return on their initial investment. Check out our pro forma or see how 11 park models were converted into a successful RV park to learn more about the benefits of investing in park model tiny homes.
What do other states require for Park Model Homes?
Each state has different laws that govern how tiny homes are used. Lucky for you, we have created a guide for every state that we deliver to, making it easy for you to find your ideal tiny living situation. Take a look at the table below to see where we can make the best place for you to live tiny.