Tiny Home Regulations in Louisiana: The Complete Guide

Small, cost-efficient living is becoming increasingly popular as property and housing prices have begun to increase. Whether it’s a first home, vacation spot, or rental that you are dreaming about, Zook Cabins makes this dream possible by offering luxury, legally compliant tiny homes. Browse our luxury, modern and rustic Park Model Homes, ADUs,
Across the nation, local and state governments are beginning to recognize this movement to tiny house living. They are adding more specifics in their building and permit codes to define the requirements for tiny homes more clearly and to guide homeowners in their next steps of legally living out their tiny-home dreams.
Are Tiny Houses Legal in Louisiana?

Yes. Tiny Houses are officially legal in Louisiana as it has adopted the 2021 International Residential Code (2021 IRC).
Appendix AQ of the state wide 2021 IRC details out specifics for Tiny Home Construction. These regulations apply specifically to Tiny Homes that are placed on a permanent foundation.
For tiny houses built on permanent foundations, the IRC specifies that
- It can be no more than 400 Sq. Ft.
- At least one room in the tiny house must measure 120 square feet.
- Lofts must have windows and stairs (not ladders) for emergency exits.
- Ceilings, including those in loft areas, must be elevated to a minimum of 7 feet.
- Stairs, hallways, and doors should be at least 3 feet.
- Safety regulations dictate that lofts must have windows and stairs (not ladders) for emergency exits. (source)
If your tiny mobile home has a trailer/wheel base, it no longer falls under these specifications. Rather, tiny homes on wheels (THOWs) are legally classified as RVs and will need to be liscensed accordingly. Tiny Homes could also be legally counted as an Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADUs) if they are being added to a property with existing residential buildings. Depending on the legal classification of your tiny home living space, specifications, permit requirements, and living expectations may vary.
You will want to contact your local government for more specific information and regulations as they apply to your planned project. The IRC 2021 applies to all parishes (counties) and municipalities, but local governments are allowed to implement and adopt more stringent policies and requirements if desired. Therefore, always contact your local municipality (or parish, if applicable) directly, as their adopted codes may differ slightly. Most local government sites in Louisiana offer little information on their sites about building code specifics, requiring to visit an office in person or contact them online. Sometimes permit forms or copies are available online. However, it is strongly recommended to speak to the zoning and building department directly in order to avoid accidental noncompliance, resulting in fees and penalties. See helpful links to parish and city information below.
Are Park Models the Same Things As Tiny Homes?

While park models can fall under the category of tiny homes, not all tiny homes are park models. Tiny homes in Louisiana are 400 square feet or smaller, are built on a permanent foundation, and hold to the requirements laid out in Appendix AQ of the 2021 IRC as stated previously. Tiny homes on permanent foundations are legally classified and permitted as either ADUs or Permanent Tiny Homes.
Park model tiny homes are typically constructed on wheels, allowing them to be transported easily. Park model tiny homes, Tiny Homes on Wheels (THOWs), are legally referred to as RVs and must meet the RV Industry Association’s Standards (ANSI A119). It’s important to note that park-model tiny homes are not always explicitly addressed in local regulations. Depending on the area, they may also be referred to as campers, travel trailers, similar terms, or PMRVs (park model recreational vehicles). However, park models are not the only kinds of THOWs, to learn more about the two main kind of THOWS check out our blog RVIA Vs NOAH Tiny Homes and learn the difference.
If added to a property with an existing residential building, your tiny home may be classified as an Accessory Dwelling Unit. The regulations for these structures can be slightly different from tiny homes or park model tiny homes. Specifications on placement, size, utility hookups, and foundations will apply. (For example, ADUs generally can be larger, but are required to be a certain distance from property lines or existing buildings, have a certain foundationt type, etc.). In short, you should contact your local municipality for a good understanding of the regulations that apply to your tiny home project and obtain your building and zoning permits as is most relevant to you.
What Parishes in Louisiana allow tiny homes?

Currently all parishes allow tiny homes. Most follow the state-wide adopted the 2021 IRC which specifies some regulations regarding tiny homes. Some parishes have adopted additional clauses surrounding Park Model RVs and Permanent Tiny Homes. The majority of the time you will have to seek this information directly from the building or zoning department as most Louisiana government websites have sparse building code information. ADUs are not generally included yet in Louisiana building codes and regulations, though they are expected to be specifically accounted for in the next adopted codes. More on ADU laws in LA.
Feel free to skip this list if you want to view the regulations for municipalities.
Does Ascension Parish, Louisiana, allow tiny homes?
Yes, Ascension Parish Allows tiny home living. There is not a lot of information online about tiny homes, ADUs, and RVs, specific to Ascension Parish. You can find contact information for their local Building Department for more specific information and permit applications on their government website.
Does Bossier Parish, Louisiana, allow tiny homes?
Yes, Bossier Parish allows tiny homes and even contains some tiny home community options. Before you install your tiny home, however, contact the Code Inspections Plus (the acting building official of Bossier Parish for all areas outside of incorporated areas). You will also need to obtain a building permit for your tiny home, adu, or park model (whatever applies to you).
Does Caddo Parish, Louisiana, allow tiny homes?
Yes, Caddo Parish allows tiny homes. The City of Shreveport enforces all building codes and regulations for Caddo Parish. They have adopted the state wide IRC 2021 as their building codes. You can find contact and some permit information on the City of Shreveport website. They also list helpful Permit FAQs to help clarify the process and expectations.
Does East Baton Rouge Parish, Louisiana, allow tiny homes?
Yes, Baton Rouge Parish allows tiny homes. The City of Baton Rouge enforces all building codes and regulations for Baton Rouge Parish. While you can’t find specific information regarding tiny homes online, they have provided contact information for their Building Department and more specific Residential Permit and Fees Info.
Does Iberia Parish, Louisiana, allow tiny homes?
Yes, Iberia Parish allows tiny homes. Iberia Parish offers little online about their specific codes for tiny homes and park models apart from the state accepted IRC 2021. Contact the Iberia Parish Permit Office and the Planning and Zoning Department if you live outside other incorporated municipalities.
Does Jefferson Parish, Louisiana, allow tiny homes?
Yes, Jefferson Parish allows tiny homes. You will need to contact their Planning and Building Departments directly for more information.
Does Lafayette Parish, Louisiana, allow tiny homes?
Yes, Lafayette Parish allows tiny homes. As far as you can see online, Lafayette Parish is only subject to the IRC 2021 regulations (unless you live in an incorporated municipality that has adopted additional codes). The City of Lafayette controls and enforces the parish codes currently. You can find access to their online permit and information portal here, and copies of their building codes here.
Does Lafourche Parish, Louisiana, allow tiny homes?
Yes, Lafayette Parish allows tiny homes and enforces the 2021 International Residential Code. They have provided many permit forms on their website, and request that any planning/zoning and building permit questions be directed to their office. They provide different forms for trailers, modular homes, and residential additions, so check that you are submitting the forms and info relevant to your specific project.
Does Livingston Parish, Louisiana, allow tiny homes?
Yes, Livingston Parish allows tiny homes. However, “Work may not commence on any site, including clearing, until approval has been issued.” You can find contact information for the planning department on their site. Inspections can be scheduled, and more permit information can be obtained by contacting the Building and Permits office.
Does Orleans Parish, Louisiana, allow tiny homes?
Yes, Orleans Parish allows tiny homes, but specific regulations for ADUs, tiny homes on wheels, and tiny homes may vary. All Orleans Parish Building and Planning Codes are enforced by the City of New Orleans (the parish seat). You will need to contact the Department of Safety and Permits and City Planning Commission for more specific information concerning the construction and zoning codes that apply to your situation, as they are not posted anywhere on their site. You can find contact information at the provided links. They have also provided a helpful Guide to Building Permits and some other resources to assist you.
Does Ouachita Parish, Louisiana, allow tiny homes?
Yes, Ouachita Parish allows tiny homes. For more information on the specific building specifications and requirements that may apply in addition to the 2021 IRC state regulations, contact the Ouachita Department of Code Enforcement. The Ouachita Parish Permit Office will also walk through all building permit requirements as it applies to you and your tiny home dreams. Currently, Ouachita Parish “does not have any zoning ordinances at this time to control land use outside of the municipal boundaries.” However, “developments may require a site development, drainage impact statement, or building permits prior to construction.”
Does Rapides Parish, Louisiana, allow tiny homes?
Yes, Rapides Parish allows tiny homes. There’s not much information on building codes and permits in Rapides Parish. If you live in a municipality in Rapids Parish, be sure to check their building department for regulations and relevant permits instead. If you live outside of municipalities, follow the steps on the RAPC website.
Does St. Landry Parish, Louisiana, allow tiny homes?
Yes, St. Landry Parish allows tiny homes. To obtain building and zoning permits for anyone outside the incorporated areas of St. Landry Parish or anyone located in the city limits of Arnaudville, Palmetto, Melville you must visit the St. Landry Parish Permits Office. If you live in St. Landry Parish but in a different municipality, you must visit their site for building permits and regulations that apply to you.
Does St. Tammany Parish, Louisiana, allow tiny homes?
Yes, St. Tammany Parish allows tiny homes. In order to gain more specific information on regulations, codes, permits, and inspections, contact the St. Tammany Parish Planning and Development Department and the Permit and Inspections Department.
Does Tangipahoa Parish, Louisiana, allow tiny homes?
Yes, Tangipahoa Parish allows tiny homes. For specific permit information, contact the Tangipahoa Parish permit office. You can also submit permits and fees online through their websitel.
Does Terrebone Parish, Louisiana, allow tiny homes?
Yes, Terrebone Parish allows tiny homes. For specific regulation information contact the Planning and Zonning Department of Terrebone Parish. If you live in a municipality in Terrebone Parish, check if your municipality has codes and permits that are relevant to you instead.
Does Vermilion Parish, Louisiana, allow tiny homes?
Yes, Vermilion Parish allows tiny homes, but you will need to get a building and zoning permit before you install or live in your tiny home structure. Browse their building codes and contact their Permit Department to make sure you are following local guidelines. If applicable, contact your city departments as well.
Find Your Park Model Tiny Home Regulations in Louisiana by Municipality
Does Alexandria, Louisiana allow tiny homes?
Yes, Alexandria, LA allows tiny homes. Tiny homes with permanent foundations, THOWs, and ADUs may have specific requirements for placement, zoning, permits, etc. Alexandria follows the 2012 IRC adopted by Louisiana. For more specific information relevant to your plans and tiny home structure, you will need to contact the Construction Development Department.
Does Baton Rouge, Louisiana allow tiny homes?
Yes, Baton Rouge, LA permits tiny homes. Depending on the type, such as tiny homes on permanent foundations, THOWs (Tiny Homes on Wheels), or ADUs (Accessory Dwelling Units), there may be specific requirements regarding placement, zoning, and permits. In Baton Rouge, the city adheres to the 2012 IRC adopted by Louisiana. For detailed guidance tailored to your plans and the type of tiny home you’re considering, it’s best to reach out to their Development Department.
Does Bossier City, Louisiana allow tiny homes?
Yes, Bossier, LA permits tiny homes, as it has adopted the 2021 IRC. You can find contact information to their Permits & Inspections Division and Planning and Zoning Department on their site, as well as other code and permit information.
Does Houma, Louisiana allow tiny homes?
Yes, tiny homes are allowed in Houma, LA. For regulation information, refer to Terrebone Parish, as the Houma Municipality has virtually no online presence. Contact the Planning and Zonning Department of Terrebone Parish for permit and code specifics. You will need to get a zoning and building permit for your tiny home structure (or a liscence if it is a park model).
Does Kenner, Louisiana allow tiny homes?
Yes, tiny homes are allowed in Kenner, LA, as this municipality has adopted the 2021 IRC. For more regulation information relevant to the location, type of tiny home structure, and uses, you will need to contact the Inspection & Code Enforcement Department and Planning and Zoning Commission. You can find some permit and code references here.
Does Lafayette City, Louisiana allow tiny homes?
Yes, Lafayette, LA permits tiny homes. Lafayette has adopted the 2021 IRC with minimal additions. For more detailed information regarding the regulations differences of park model homes and tiny homes, and for direction on obtaining your building and zoning permits, reach out to the Community Development & Planning Department and the Permits & Codes Division.
Does Lake Charles, Louisiana allow tiny homes?
Yes, tiny homes are allowed in Lake Charles, LA. The Lake Charles Municipality has adopted the 2021 IRC. For detailed information on the regulatory differences between park model homes and tiny homes, as well as guidance on obtaining building and zoning permits, you can contact the Development & Planning Department and the Planning & Zoning Commission.
Does Laplace, Louisiana allow tiny homes?
Yes, tiny homes are allowed in Laplace, LA. There is not much said online about specific regulations regarding tiny homes or parkmodels. Contact the Laplace Planning and Zoning Department to ensure you are meeting all relevant requirements and to find the correct permit applications.
Does Marrero, Louisiana allow tiny homes?
Yes, tiny homes are allowed in Marrero, LA. For regulation information, refer to Jefferson Parish, as the Marrero Municipality has virtually no online presence. You will need to contact the Planning and Building Departments of Jefferson Parish directly for specific tiny home and park model information.
Does Metairie, Louisiana allow tiny homes?
Yes, tiny homes are allowed in Metairie, LA. For regulation information, refer to Jefferson Parish, as the Metairie Municipality has virtually no online presence. You will need to contact the Planning and Building Departments of Jefferson Parish directly for specific tiny home and park model information.
Does Monroe, Louisiana allow tiny homes?
Yes, tiny homes are allowed in Monroe, LA. For more regulation information relevant to the location, type of tiny home structure, and uses, you will need to contact the Planning & Urban Development Department and Inspections & Permitting Resource.
Does New Orleans, Louisiana allow tiny homes?
Yes, tiny homes are allowed in New Orleans, LA. You will need to contact the Department of Safety and Permits and City Planning Commission for more specific information concerning the construction and zoning codes that apply to your situation, as they are not posted anywhere on their site. You can find contact information at the provided links. They have also provided a helpful Guide to Building Permits and some other resources to assist you.
Does Prairieville, Louisiana allow tiny homes?
Yes, tiny homes are allowed in Prairieville, LA. The City of Prairieville Municipality has no online presence. You should refer to the Ascension Parish building codes and departments for more specific requirements for ADUs, RVs, and stand alone tiny homes. You can find contact information to their local Building Department for specific information, and permit applications on the Ascension Parish website.
Does Shreveport City, Louisiana allow tiny homes?
Yes, Shreveport, LA permits tiny homes, as it has adopted the 2021 IRC. Obtain more specific regulation information pertaining to your specific legal classification of tiny home (ADU, THOWs, or RV) by contacting their Division of Permits and Inspections.
Does Slidell, Louisiana allow tiny homes?
Yes, tiny homes are allowed in Slidell, LA. This municipality has adopted the 2021 IRC for its regulations. For permit process information and building code requirements specific to your tiny home structure, placement, and project, contact the Building Safety, Permits, & Code Enforcement and the Planning & Zoning Commission.
Does Terrytown, Louisiana allow tiny homes?
Yes, tiny homes are allowed in Terrytown, LA. For regulation information, refer to Jefferson Parish, as the Terrytown Municipality has virtually no online presence. You will need to contact the Planning and Building Departments of Jefferson Parish directly for specific tiny home and park model information.
What Parishs in Louisiana don’t allow tiny homes or park models?

Great news! Tiny homes are permitted in some capacity across all parishes in Louisiana. Park model tiny homes are typically allowed in areas designated for recreational vehicles. Meanwhile, permanent tiny homes are generally accepted anywhere residential buildings are permitted, as long as they comply with the local zoning and residential regulations for that area.
There are expectations. Some municipalities ONLY allow Park Models in an RV designated area and others allow them to also function similar to ADUs. Similarly, Permanent Tiny Homes are often not accepted in RV parks, while Park Model Tiny Homes (mobile tiny homes) are. Additionally, Park Models can have restriction on length of residency while ADUs and tiny homes can be used as permanent dwellings.
Park Model Tiny Homes That Are Allowed In Lousiana

The A-Frame

The A-Frame Studio

The Aspen
Park Model Regulations in Louisiana

Can I Live in A Park Model Tiny Home in Louisiana?
Tiny Homes built on permanent foundations can usually be used as permanent dwellings as long as they meet applicable building codes and specs. Some THOWs (tiny homes on wheels) are not allowed to be used as a permanent dwelling and have a time limit for residency. However, THOWs (RV) regulations are dependent on the location, as some municipalities will allow it, and others require part-time residency.
Can Park Model Tiny Homes Be Used As An ADU in Louisiana?
Generally, yes, you will be able to use a park model tiny home (RV) as an ADU in Louisiana. However, it is important to remember that some local governments will have different specifications as to property density, property line setback, placement, permits, and long/short-term residency. It is expected that in the new IRC that will soon be adopted, there will be a section specific to ADUs in addition to the existing tiny home content. This will help differentiate between the two, the bring clarity what exactly is expected.
Do you need a permit for a tiny home in Louisiana?
Yes! In all areas of Louisiana that permit tiny home living, you’ll need to secure a permit before residing in one. In some cases, you may also need a special permit linked to the parcel of land where you plan to place your park-model tiny home. Your local building or code enforcement office is usually the best source for accurate permitting information. Most likely, you will need both a building and zoning permit. If you plan to use your building as a rental, you may be required to gain a special permit for your tiny home structure specific to its planned use as a part-time or full-time rental. Always obtain the necessary permits before moving into or installing your tiny home to avoid extra fees and penalties. If unsure on the requirements and if you have everything covered, always talk directly to your local building department.
Are There Any Tiny Home Communities in Louisiana?

New Orleans RV Resort & Marina – New Orleans, Louisiana
New Orleans RV Resort & Marina, previously known as Pontchartrain Landing, is a gated RV park and marina offering a relaxing escape just 12 minutes from the French Quarter. Situated on Lake Pontchartrain, it provides a perfect blend of tranquility and access to New Orleans’ vibrant culture and history.
The resort features furnished villas, including three unique floating villas, and deluxe waterfront RV sites. Guests can enjoy a swimming pool, on-site restaurant, convenience store, souvenir shop, and both short- and long-term storage options. Whether you’re seeking a peaceful waterfront getaway or a base to explore the city, New Orleans RV Resort & Marina combines comfort and convenience for an unforgettable stay. See more features and amenities.
Burleigh Plantation Tiny Home Community (Park Models) – Grand Coteau, Louisiana
Burleigh Plantation is a community reserved for Park Model Tiny Homes only (tiny homes on wheels).
Each lot offers a parking pad specifically designed for tiny homes, complete with a gravel driveway and parking space. The community is arranged into groups of three THOWs per phase, with access to shared common areas. The monthly rent for a lot is $500, which includes utilities such as water, sewer, electricity, trash removal, and lawn maintenance. This community is perfect for those who enjoy connecting with others and have a passion for gardening, arts, holistic living, recreation, and fostering relationships.
To become part of the community, applicants must complete a background check, agree to HOA rules, and sign a one-year lease. The property is conveniently located near local law enforcement, adding a sense of security and friendly company. Residents can also enjoy regular social events at the pavilion, where food, music, and good times bring everyone together. Read Karen McCoy’s first hand experience at this Tiny Home Community. See more details about this community on Nomad Adjacent.
Pine Crest Park – Slidell Louisiana, United States
Set among the towering pines of Slidell, Louisiana, Pine Crest offers a convenient location just 30 minutes from New Orleans’ French Quarter and the Mississippi Gulf Coast. This serene and secure community is perfect for both short-term stays and longer visits.The newly updated office features a kitchen, meeting space, laundry facilities, and comfortable lounge area. Upgraded bathhouses provide added convenience, while the scenic lakes and surrounding natural beauty create a relaxing, scenic environment. With 250 lots, including half designated for tiny homes, Pine Crest is a welcoming destination for seasonal and short-term residents alike. (source: Nomad Adjacent)
Benefits of Tiny Home community Living
Affordability: Living in a tiny home or park model community in Louisiana offers an affordable and practical alternative to traditional housing. One of the key benefits is the potential for significant savings, particularly on utility costs. This lifestyle provides a cost-effective option while still delivering the comfort and functionality of a thoughtfully designed home.
Sustainability: Many of these communities in Louisiana emphasize self-sustainability and eco-friendly practices, such as establishing community gardens. With lower cost and a more “green” lifestyle, you will quickly discover the mental and financial benefits of simple living.
Community Living: Tiny home and park model communities foster a sense of belonging and connection. Known for their close-knit and socially engaging atmosphere, these neighborhoods often feature shared spaces and host regular events, making it easy for residents to form friendships and enjoy a supportive, welcoming environment.
Simplicity: Choosing to live in a tiny home or park model promotes a simpler, more intentional lifestyle. The reduced space encourages better organization and minimizes the stress of maintaining a larger home. This minimalist approach allows you to focus on what truly matters, leading to a more peaceful and fulfilling way of life.

Can you live in a tiny home permanently in Louisiana?
Tiny Homes built on permanent foundations can usually be used as permanent dwellings as long as they meet applicable building codes and specs. Some THOWs (tiny homes on wheels) are not allowed to be used as a permanent dwelling and have a time limit for residency. However, this THOWs (RV) regulation depends on the location, as some municipalities will allow it. Read more on Full-Time RV Living in Louisiana.
Will a tiny home increase your property value?
Absolutely! having a tiny home will increase your property value greatly. Not only does it provide extra rooms and dwelling space, but it also could be easily used as a rental or airbnb investment. See examples of Zook Cabin Park Models already being used as rentals. We are confident that the cost efficiency and benefits of tiny homes from Zook Cabins make the initial cost and set up worth every penny.
How much does a Park Model tiny home cost in Louisiana?
The cost of a tiny home varies widely, typically ranging from $30,000 to over $100,000. Several factors impact the final price, such as
- whether you build it yourself or hire a professional,
- the design features and upgrades you choose
- delivery/installation costs (if you are ordering it from a builder)
- the cost of permits and inspections (these vary by local government and most have not posted building permit fee figures online)
- the price of land (unapplicable if used as an ADU)
- what kind of foundation is needed (a contractor may by needed)
To get a clear estimate, start by choosing the tiny home style you want and identifying the location where it will be placed. Be sure to check with local authorities for any additional costs related to permits or compliance. If you’re looking for a detailed cost breakdown for park model tiny homes or need a custom quote, we’re here to help! You can get a free cost estimate for any of our Park Model Tiny Homes or other Cabins for free today.
What is the minimum size for a tiny home in Louisiana?
In any park model or permanent tiny home, one room must be at least 120 sq. ft., according to the most recently adopted IRC. Read More about tiny house dimension requirements.
What’s the largest Size that a tiny home be in louisiana?
The maximum size of a permanent tiny home is 400 square feet. Park Model tiny homes (PMRVs) also can be no larger than 400 square feet. Accessory Dwelling Units, however, can be quite a bit larger depending on the municipalities codes (which vary greatly).
Can you rent out a tiny home in Louisiana?
Yes, you can rent out a tiny home in Louisiana. Some incorporated areas will have you apply for a short-term rental or long-term rental permit before using it as a rental, so check with your local government permit office on the current policy. You also want to be aware if your tiny home or park model is allowed to be used for permanent residency or if their are time restrictions. This aside, tiny home rentals can be a very profitable investment especially as the tiny home and retreat trend grows in popularity. Check out some Zook Cabin Park Models that are currently being utilized as rentals.
Where do I get a permit for my tiny home in Louisiana?
You should get a building and zoning permit for your tiny home from your local government. If you live in an incorporated municipality, visit their government site and contact their building department or permit office. If you live outside any city limits, contact your parish departments. Occasionally, a city will not have any building departments or codes set up. In this case, resort to your parish departments and codes to issue your permits.
How do Louisiana building codes work?
Here’s a quick rundown of how Louisiana building codes have been set up to clear up confusion on what applies to you:
- Louisiana has adopted the 2021 IRC and IBC. This applies to the entire state, regardless if they are incorporated or unincorporated. No local government is allowed to adopt codes that are “less strict” then what is contained in the state adopted IRC
- A Parish may adopt the IRC and add clauses and additional requirements if desired. This will apply to all people living outside city limits. (If your parish government website has no building or zoning department information, it is likely that the municipality that acts as the parish seat is responsible for enforcing and creating these codes)
- A local city government may add even more specifications to the parish’s adopted codes if deemed necessary. These only apply to that municipality’s area. (If the you live inside city limits and no building or zoning department is listed, you should contact your parish departments for information and permit services.)
Can A Park Model Tiny Homes Have Multiple Bedrooms and Bathrooms?
Yes, it’s entirely possible to have two bedrooms in your tiny home! While fitting two bedrooms into a compact space can seem tricky, Zook Cabins specializes in creating innovative designs that make the most of every square foot. Models like the “Nook Family Park Model Home” and “The Cascade Park Model Home” are thoughtfully designed to include two bedrooms while still providing plenty of room for comfortable living. It is important to remember though, that Louisiana’s state building codes require that one room be at least 120 square feet.
What Features Are Included in a Park Model Home From Zook Cabins?
Zook Cabins provides a wide variety of park model homes, each designed with unique features to match your personal style. Whether you’re drawn to a charming rustic cabin or a more modern aesthetic, we have options to fit every preference. Our park models typically measure around 400 square feet and come fully equipped with essentials like lighting, plumbing, and other standard home features. For added peace of mind, we also include crucial safety elements, such as a fire exit. Each of our Park Model and ADU designs combine luxury comfort and style, with space efficiency. Go check them out!