Tiny Home Regulations in Wisconsin: The Complete Guide

In recent years, tiny homes have been rapidly growing in popularity. Many people are moving to tiny homes for a simpler lifestyle than traditional housing offers. With a tiny home, say goodbye to worrying about rent, mortgage, and the ridiculous prices in today’s housing market.
If you’re here, chances are you’re a Wisconsin resident interested in a tiny home, but you don’t know where to start–well, worry not! This guide will help you achieve a clear understanding of the tiny home regulations in Wisconsin.
As you and other Wisconsin residents explore tiny homes as a potential housing option, it’s essential to have answers to these key questions:
- Are tiny homes legal in Wisconsin?
- How much do tiny homes cost in Wisconsin?
- What is classified as a tiny home?
- What are the tiny home regulations in Wisconsin?
- Are Tiny Homes and Park Model Homes considered the same thing?
Use this article to discover the tiny home regulations in Wisconsin and explore some of the many benefits of tiny home living.
Are Tiny Homes Legal In Wisconsin?
Yes! Tiny homes are legal in Wisconsin.
The legality of tiny homes in Wisconsin depends largely upon where you are. While not all counties have established specific regulations for tiny homes, some areas leave it up to the municipalities to set the rules. This means that in certain places, zoning and building codes might vary even within the same county.
Wherever you are, however, you’ll still need to apply for building permits, and pass inspections in order to be approved for occupancy.
Are Park Models the Same Thing as Tiny Homes?

Park models and tiny homes are often talked about in the same breath, so are they the same thing? Well, the answer is–sort of! While tiny homes and park models very closely resemble each other, there are some key differences between them that you should be aware of.
A park model is a tiny home that’s on wheels. You can tow it with a vehicle, making it very easy to move your home if need be. Park models are considered recreational vehicles (RVs), so most of the time, different regulations will apply to them. In places with no clear regulations for park models, they’ll likely follow the RV Industry Association’s Standards (ANSI A119.) However, not ever THOW is built to RVIA standards, you can learn abouadditional certification in our blog RVIA VS NOAH Tiny Homes.
Tiny homes and park models are both allowed in Wisconsin; while not all throughout, there are places where both of these housing options are available.
What Counties in WI Allow Tiny Homes?

There are many counties in Wisconsin that are accommodating toward tiny homes. For most of them, the regulations depend on the different areas in the county that you are in. For example, it might be harder to have a tiny home the closer you are to any metropolitan area in your county, so the further away you are, the easier it should be to get approval for a tiny home.
Please refer to the list of counties below for information regarding tiny home regulations in any Wisconsin county. Click on any county to see if tiny homes are allowed there.
Feel free to skip this list if you want to view the regulations for municipalities.
Does Milwaukee County, WI Allow Tiny Homes?
Yes! Tiny homes are allowed in Milwaukee County, WI. Zoning regulations for tiny homes in Milwaukee County are not clearly defined, and you’ll have to abide by the laws in your respective municipality. Some areas in the county may be lenient towards tiny homes, and some may not. It’s best to check with your local zoning department to find out about the regulations in your area.
Does Dane County, WI Allow Tiny Homes?
Yes, tiny homes are permitted in some areas in Dane County.
The county allows tiny homes as Auxiliary Dwelling Units (ADUs) as an existing part of your property, and they must have an area of no greater than 150 square feet.
Does Waukesha County, WI Allow Tiny Homes?
Waukesha County, WI, does allow tiny homes, but your options in this county may be limited. Your best bet would be to check with the local building department in your area in the county.
Does Brown County, WI Allow Tiny Homes?
Yes! Brown County, WI, does permit tiny homes, given that they are built according to local building codes. In fact, there is even a tiny home community in the works in Green Bay, providing housing for veterans.
Wherever you are located in Brown County, we recommend that you communicate with your local building department, for some areas might have more restrictions than others.
Does Racine County, WI Allow Tiny Homes?
Racine County, WI, allows tiny homes. Some areas in the county might have stricter regulations than others, so it’s highly advisable to contact your local zoning department for all of the correct information.
If you’re looking to live in a park model or mobile home in Racine County, they’re only allowed in mobile home parks, specifically designated for mobile homes.
Does Outagamie County, WI Allow Tiny Homes?
Yes, tiny homes are allowed in Outagamie County, WI, but where exactly in the county you’re free to have them is quite unclear. You’ll want to get in touch with your local zoning office in order to find out. Park model regulations might be a bit stricter in this county than tiny home regulations.
Does Winnebago County, WI Allow Tiny Homes?
Yes! You’re allowed to have a tiny home in Winnebago County, WI, as long as your home meets the county’s building requirements for tiny homes. The regulations may vary throughout the county, so please get in touch with your local zoning office to get the right information.
Does Kenosha County, WI Allow Tiny Homes?
No. Unfortunately, tiny homes are not allowed in Kenosha County, WI. The county ordinance states that the minimum area in a permanent dwelling must be 800 square feet.
Does Rock County, WI Allow Tiny Homes?
Yep! You can have a tiny home in Rock County, WI. You’ll just have to make sure you contact the zoning authorities in your local area to find out about the specific regulations there. Some areas might enforce harsher tiny home regulations than others, so stay up to date!
Does Marathon County, WI Allow Tiny Homes?
Marathon County, WI, does permit tiny homes, but there are no county-wide regulations for tiny homes here. You’ll have to connect with your local zoning department in your municipality to find out more details.
Does Washington County, WI Allow Tiny Homes?
Yes, tiny homes are permitted in Washington County, however, the county itself doesn’t make the regulations. That job is left to the individual municipalities within the county. To find out more about the tiny home regulations in Washington County, don’t hesitate to contact your local zoning office for all the details.
Does La Crosse County, WI Allow Tiny Homes?
Yes! In La Crosse County, WI, tiny homes are allowed! You’ll ofcourse have to check with your local building department to find out about the regulations for tiny homes in your specific area inside the county.
Does Sheboygan County, WI Allow Tiny Homes?
Unfortunately, tiny homes aren’t allowed in Sheboygan County, WI.
Does Eau Claire County, WI Allow Tiny Homes?
Yes, generally, tiny homes are allowed in Eau Claire County, it just isn’t made definitely clear as to where exactly you’re allowed or aren’t allowed to place a tiny home. For this information, you’ll have to contact the zoning office in the area you plan to have your tiny home in.
Does Walworth County, WI Allow Tiny Homes?
Yes! Tiny homes are allowed in Walworth County, WI, but you’ll have to consider their regulations, which vary between municipalities. To find out about the rules in your area, please contact your local building department.
Does Fond du Lac County, WI Allow Tiny Homes?
There isn’t much available information regarding the legality of tiny homes in Fond du Lac County. You will have to reach out to your local zoning department to find out about your municipality’s tiny home regulations.
Does St. Croix County, WI Allow Tiny Homes?
Yes, St. Croix County, WI, does allow tiny homes, but only as long as you have them built in a Planned Development District (PDD). Contact your zoning department for more information!
Does Ozaukee County, WI Allow Tiny Homes?
Yes! You can have a tiny home in Ozaukee County, WI, as long as you adhere to the local codes and regulations in your respective municipality. Some areas might have different regulations, so contact the local zoning office in the area where you plan to have your tiny home to find out about the rules there.
Does Dodge County, WI Allow Tiny Homes?
Yes. You can have a tiny home in Dodge County, WI, as long as you follow the tiny home regulations in your municipality. To find out about the specific regulations in your area, please reach out to your zoning department.
Does Jefferson County, WI Allow Tiny Homes?
There isn’t a lot of information pertaining to the allowance of tiny homes in Jefferson County, WI. You will have to be in touch with the local building department in your area to find out more.
Does Manitowoc County, WI Allow Tiny Homes?
Indeed. You should be able to have a tiny home in Manitowoc County, WI. You’ll just have to ensure that your home meets the local building standards for tiny homes. Please get in touch with the zoning department in your area to learn about the rules and restrictions for tiny homes in Manitowoc County.
Does Wood County, WI Allow Tiny Homes?
Yes, you can have a tiny home in Wood County if you build it in the Unrestricted District!
Does Portage County, WI Allow Tiny Homes?
Tiny homes are allowed in Portage County, WI. You’ll still need to do your research regarding the municipal tiny home laws and where the best place to have one would be. For this, it’s best to get in contact with the zoning authorities in the area you’ve got your eye on for a tiny home.
Does Chippewa County, WI Allow Tiny Homes?
Yes, you’re able to have a tiny home in Chippewa County, WI, as long as your tiny home is built up to local building standards. Chippewa County is also home to a tiny home community called Hope Village, which is meant to house families in need of housing, or temporary housing.
Does Sauk County, WI Allow Tiny Homes?
Yes, tiny homes are allowed in Sauk County, WI, but it isn’t as easy as some of the other counties in Wisconsin. To live in a tiny home in this county, not only will you have to obtain building permits for your construction–you’ll also be required to have a special exception permit. For further details, please reach out to your local zoning department and ask about tiny home regulations.
Does Columbia County, WI Allow Tiny Homes?
Currently, there isn’t a lot of available information that dictates the legality of tiny homes in the entire Columbia County. However, you should find out about local laws in your municipality by consulting your local building department.
Does Calumet County, WI Allow Tiny Homes?
Yes! In Calumet County, WI! The tiny home must have an area of less than 400 square feet, and adhere to all other regulations in your area. Rules may vary across the county, so it’s best practice to check with the zoning authorities in the area where you plan to build your home.
Does Grant County, WI Allow Tiny Homes?
Yes, you’re allowed to own a tiny home in Grant County, WI, as long as you follow the guidelines set in place by the municipalities. Please reach out to your local zoning authorities to find out more details about the rules and regulations for tiny homes in Grant County.
Does Waupaca County, WI Allow Tiny Homes?
Definitely! In Waupaca County, you are allowed to have a tiny home! Different municipalities will likely have different regulations, so you’ll have to check with the building department in your area for accurate information.
For example, in the Town of Dupont, a tiny home is defined as a single-family dwelling that is 300-800 square feet in size.
Does Barron County, WI Allow Tiny Homes?
Certainly! Barron County is one of the most tiny home-accommodating counties in Wisconsin. This is due to the county’s lack of ordinances that prohibit tiny homes in any way. We would still advise you to contact your local zoning board just to be safe!
Does Monroe County, WI Allow Tiny Homes?
We are unsure of the tiny home regulations in Monroe County as a whole. Please check with the zoning department in your local municipality for the fine details.
Does Dunn County, WI Allow Tiny Homes?
Yes, Dunn County, WI, does allow tiny homes, but only as Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs), and they have to be placed near your existing home. We won’t define the exact sizes for ADUs in Dunn County because they might vary throughout.
Please contact your local zoning department, as they can provide you with accurate and up-to-date information regarding tiny homes in your area.
Does Polk County, WI Allow Tiny Homes?
Yes, Polk County does allow tiny homes, but it does have a fair amount of restrictions that vary throughout the county. Please contact the local building department in your area to learn about these restrictions and if they apply to your area.
Does Douglas County, WI Allow Tiny Homes?
Yes! Douglas County, WI, does permit tiny homes. We advise you to contact the local zoning authorities in your area to find out about the codes in your specific location.
Does Pierce County, WI Allow Tiny Homes?
Yes, tiny homes are permitted in Pierce County, WI! This county follows the International Residential Code (IRC), for which the guidelines are as follows:
Your tiny home must not exceed the size limit of 400 square feet, and must have a ceiling height of 6’8”. You’ll also have to acquire a building permit, and your house will have to pass inspections once it’s been completed in order to be approved for occupancy.
Remember, it’s best to communicate with your local building department, as some areas in Pierce County might have some restrictions, so it’s good to be aware of them in case there are any near your location.
Does Marinette County, WI Allow Tiny Homes?
It’s likely that tiny homes are available in Marinette County, WI, but we weren’t able to find an exact answer. For clarification, please reach out to the zoning department in your local municipality to learn about the legality of tiny homes there.
Does Shawano County, WI Allow Tiny Homes?
Right now, there isn’t much available information about tiny home regulations in Shawano County. The only sure way to find out is by contacting your local zoning office.
Does Oconto County, WI Allow Tiny Homes?
No, unfortunately, tiny homes are not allowed in Oconto County, WI.
Does Oneida County, WI Allow Tiny Homes?
Yes, tiny homes are permitted in Oneida County, WI, but the regulations are not clear. You’ll need to contact the zoning office in your local area to find out the regulations for tiny homes in your location.
Does Green County, WI Allow Tiny Homes?
Yes, tiny homes are allowed in Green County, WI, but the specific regulations can be unclear. To ensure you’re following the correct guidelines, it’s best to contact your local zoning office directly to get detailed information about the rules for tiny homes in your area.
Does Clark County, WI Allow Tiny Homes?
At this time, we are unsure if tiny homes are allowed in Clark County or not. To be sure, don’t hesitate to reach out to your local building department for details about the legality of tiny homes in your area in Clark County.
Does Vernon County, WI Allow Tiny Homes?
Yes, tiny homes are allowed in Vernon County, WI, but there are conditions;
For instance, in the Town of Hamburg, there’s a zoning ordinance that requires a conditional-use permit to have a tiny home. Other towns may likely have different regulations, so please communicate with the zoning department in your area to get caught up on all the details.
Does Trempealeau County, WI Allow Tiny Homes?
Yes, tiny homes are permitted in Trempealeau County, WI, but the specific regulations can be somewhat unclear. To make sure you’re in compliance with the local requirements, it’s a good idea to reach out to your local zoning office for precise details about tiny home regulations in your area.
Does Door County, WI Allow Tiny Homes?
Tiny homes aren’t allowed in Door County, WI, as a whole, due to its minimum dwelling size of 750 square feet, however, you can have a park model that’s smaller than 400 square feet if you keep it on a privately owned campground.
Does Lincoln County, WI Allow Tiny Homes?
Yes, tiny homes are allowed in Lincoln County, WI, but the regulations may not be entirely straightforward. To ensure you’re meeting the local requirements, it’s recommended to contact the local zoning office for clear and specific details regarding tiny home regulations in your area.
Does Juneau County, WI Allow Tiny Homes?
Yes, tiny homes are permitted in Juneau County, WI, but the specific regulations can be a bit complex. To ensure you’re complying with local requirements, it’s advisable to contact the zoning office in your area for detailed information on tiny home rules and guidelines.
Does Waushara County, WI Allow Tiny Homes?
It is unlikely that tiny homes are allowed in Waushara County, WI, due to the minimum dwelling size, even for mobile homes, being 720 square feet, but you can check with your local zoning department just in case!
Does Iowa County, WI Allow Tiny Homes?
At this time, it’s uncertain whether tiny homes are permitted in Iowa County, WI. To clarify the legality in your specific area, it’s a good idea to reach out to the local building department for precise information on tiny home regulations within Iowa County.
Does Vilas County, WI Allow Tiny Homes?
Yes, generally, tiny homes are allowed in Vilas County, but you’ll have to adhere to the regulations. Municipalities may not all have the same regulations, so you’d have to check depending on where you’re located. Contact your local zoning department for more information about your area.
Does Adams County, WI Allow Tiny Homes?
Yes! Tiny homes are permitted in Adams County, WI! The county follows the International Residential Code (IRC), which outlines the following guidelines:
Your tiny home must not exceed 400 square feet in size, and the ceiling height must be at least 6’8″. You’ll need to obtain a building permit, and once your home is complete, it must pass inspections to be approved for occupancy.
It’s always a good idea to consult with your local building department, as some areas within Adams County may have additional restrictions, and it’s important to be aware of any that might apply to your location.
Does Jackson County, WI Allow Tiny Homes?
At present, there is limited available information about tiny home regulations in Jackson County, WI. To get accurate details, the best course of action is to contact your local zoning office, as they can provide the most up-to-date information on any restrictions or requirements specific to your area.
Does Kewaunee County, WI Allow Tiny Homes?
It’s likely that tiny homes are not allowed in Kewaunee County, WI, due to an old ordinance that states your dwelling must have a minimum size of 1,000 square feet.
This may be different in some parts of Kewaunee County, so checking with your local building department would be a good idea.
Does Taylor County, WI Allow Tiny Homes?
There is currently limited information available about tiny home regulations in Taylor County, WI. For the most accurate and up-to-date details, it’s best to reach out to your local zoning office. They can provide information on any specific restrictions or requirements that apply to tiny homes in your area.
Does Langlade County, WI Allow Tiny Homes?
Yes! You can have a tiny home in Langlade County, WI, as long as it complies with the county’s building requirements for tiny homes. However, the regulations may vary across different areas within the county, so it’s important to contact your local zoning office to ensure you have the correct information for your specific location.
Does Green Lake County, WI Allow Tiny Homes?
Yes, tiny homes are allowed in Green Lake County, WI, given that you follow the regulations in your municipality. They aren’t allowed everywhere, but there are districts in this county where they are.
Does Sawyer County, WI Allow Tiny Homes?
No, Sawyer County, WI, does not allow tiny homes. They only allow detached accessory structures that are under 600 square feet.
Does Richland County, WI Allow Tiny Homes?
Yes! Tiny homes are permitted in Richland County, WI, and furthermore, the county won’t require you to get a permit for any structures that are under 120 square feet! Each municipality is likely to have its own ordinances, so be sure to connect with your zoning authorities to be aware of the regulations in your area.
Does Burnett County, WI Allow Tiny Homes?
There isn’t much information readily available regarding tiny home regulations in Burnett County, WI. To ensure you get the most accurate and current details, it’s a good idea to reach out to your local zoning office, as they can clarify any specific requirements or restrictions that may apply to your area.
Does Lafayette County, WI Allow Tiny Homes?
Currently, there’s limited information available about tiny home regulations in Lafayette County, WI. For the most accurate and up-to-date details, it’s recommended to contact your local zoning office, as they can provide clarification on any specific rules or restrictions that might apply to your area.
Does Washburn County, WI Allow Tiny Homes?
Yes, tiny homes are permitted in Washburn County, WI, but only in mobile home parks and a few certain districts that allow them. Contact local zoning authorities for more information.
Does Bayfield County, WI Allow Tiny Homes?
At this time, there is not much detailed information regarding tiny home regulations in Bayfield County, WI. To get the most current and reliable information, it’s advisable to contact your local zoning office. They can offer insight into any specific guidelines or restrictions that may apply to tiny homes in your area.
Does Ashland County, WI Allow Tiny Homes?
There isn’t much information available about tiny home regulations in Ashland County, WI. To get the latest and most accurate details, it’s best to contact your local zoning office. They can provide specific information on any rules or restrictions that may apply to tiny homes in your area.
Does Crawford County, WI Allow Tiny Homes?
Yes! Tiny homes are allowed in Crawford County, WI, as long as they meet municipal building requirements. Since regulations may vary depending on the specific area within the county, it’s essential to check with your local zoning office to ensure you have the most accurate information for your location.
Does Marquette County, WI Allow Tiny Homes?
In Marquette County, WI, tiny homes are allowed! The minimum dwelling size for recreational dwellings in this county is 400 square feet. Some townships might have different regulations, so make sure you’re checking with your building department before taking any steps.
Does Rusk County, WI Allow Tiny Homes?
Detailed information about tiny home regulations in Rusk County, WI, is currently limited. For the most accurate and up-to-date details, it’s a good idea to reach out to your local zoning office. They can give you specific guidance on any rules or restrictions that might apply to tiny homes in your area.
Does Price County, WI Allow Tiny Homes?
Yes, Tiny homes are permitted in Price County, WI, as long as they comply with the municipal building codes. However, regulations may differ based on the specific area within the county, so it’s crucial to check with your local zoning office to ensure you have the most accurate information for your location.
Does Buffalo County, WI Allow Tiny Homes?
Currently, there isn’t a lot of detailed information available about tiny home regulations in Buffalo County, WI. To get the most accurate and updated information, it’s recommended to contact your local zoning office. They can offer specific guidance on any rules or restrictions that might apply to tiny homes in your area.
Does Forest County, WI Allow Tiny Homes?
There isn’t much specific information available about tiny home regulations in Forest County, WI. To get the most accurate and up-to-date details, your best bet is to contact your local zoning office. They can help clarify any rules or restrictions that might apply to tiny homes in your area and ensure you’re following the proper guidelines.
Does Pepin County, WI Allow Tiny Homes?
Limited information is currently available regarding tiny home regulations in Pepin County, WI. For the most precise and current details, it’s a good idea to reach out to your local zoning office. They can provide clarification on any specific guidelines or restrictions for tiny homes in your area and help ensure you’re adhering to the proper regulations.
Does Iron County, WI Allow Tiny Homes?
Iron County is yet another county that we can’t find solid tiny home information for. For more details, please reach out to your local building department to find out about the tiny home regulations in your area.
Does Florence County, WI Allow Tiny Homes?
Yes, tiny homes are allowed in Florence County, WI, provided they meet the county’s building codes. However, regulations can vary depending on the specific area within the county. To get the most accurate information for your location, it’s important to check with your local zoning office to ensure you’re following the appropriate guidelines.
Does Menominee County, WI Allow Tiny Homes?
Yes, tiny homes are permitted in Menominee County, WI, as long as they adhere to the county’s building codes. However, since regulations can vary across different areas within the county, it’s essential to consult your local zoning office for the most accurate and up-to-date information specific to your location.
Find Your Tiny Home Regulations In WI by Municipality

Click on one of the municipalities below to learn more about their laws & regulations.
Does Milwaukee, WI Allow Tiny Homes?
Yes, you’re able to live in a tiny home in Milwaukee, WI. You’ll have to consult with the zoning authority in your location because some areas in Milwaukee may have restrictions on tiny homes.
Does Madison, WI Allow Tiny Homes?
Yes! In Madison, WI, you’re allowed to own a tiny home!
In this city, you can have a tiny home as an accessory dwelling unit (ADU) of up to 150 square feet. You can also have a tiny home in tiny home villages. Multiple tiny home villages have been approved in Madison.
Remember to reach out to your local zoning department for further details regarding tiny home sizing and other guidelines. You’ll need to obtain building permits and pass inspections in order for your tiny home to be approved for occupancy.
Does Green Bay, WI Allow Tiny Homes?
Yep. Tiny homes are permitted in Green Bay, WI, given that you follow the proper city guidelines set for tiny homes. Green Bay is also home to a non-profit tiny home community for veterans and others struggling to find shelter.
Does Kenosha, WI Allow Tiny Homes?
Yes, you’re allowed to live in a tiny home in Kenosha, WI, but the easiest way to do so is to have it in an R-12 Mobile Home/Manufactured Home Park-Subdivision District. Otherwise, you’ll have to consult with the zoning department in your area to see if you’d be able to have your tiny home elsewhere.
Does Racine, WI Allow Tiny Homes?
Tiny homes are allowed in Racine, WI.
Racine is also home to yet another tiny home community for veterans!
For information pertaining to where you’d be able to have a tiny home in Racine, reach out to your local building department.
Does Appleton, WI Allow Tiny Homes?
There isn’t any clearly defined information regarding tiny home laws in Appleton, WI. For this, we recommend you speak with someone from your local zoning department to learn about any guidelines and/or restrictions for tiny homes in your area.
Does Waukesha, WI Allow Tiny Homes?
Yes! You’re allowed to have a tiny/park model home in Waukesha, WI, in a mobile home park.
Does Eau Claire, WI Allow Tiny Homes?
Yes, you can live in a tiny home in Eau Claire, WI. However, it’s important to check with the local zoning office to ensure compliance, as some areas in Milwaukee may have specific restrictions on tiny homes that could apply.
Does Oshkosh, WI Allow Tiny Homes?
Yes! Tiny homes are allowed in Oshkosh, WI! The city is also taking steps, such as lowering the minimum dwelling size to 400 square feet, to make it easier to have a tiny home there.
Does Janesville, WI Allow Tiny Homes?
Tiny homes are likely not allowed in Janesville, WI, due to a lack of regulations for them in the city. Feel free to check with your zoning department, as there may have been updates to regulations in the last few years.
Does West Allis, WI Allow Tiny Homes?
Yes, West Allis, WI, does allow the occupation of tiny homes, but only in tiny home communities. You’re allowed to have a tiny home on wheels and without wheels as well.
Does La Crosse, WI Allow Tiny Homes?
Yes, you’re allowed to live in a tiny home in La Crosse, WI. This city allows the habitation of tiny homes in mobile/manufactured home parks.
Does Sheboygan, WI Allow Tiny Homes?
No, unfortunately, tiny homes are not allowed in Sheboygan, WI.
Does Wauwatosa, WI Allow Tiny Homes?
In Wauwatosa, you are only allowed to have a tiny home as an accessory dwelling unit (ADU) on your existing property and it must be built according to local regulations.
Does Fond du Lac, WI Allow Tiny Homes?
Yes! Tiny homes are allowed in Fond du Lac, WI. Please contact your local zoning authorities in Fond du Lac to learn more about tiny home regulations there.
Tiny Homes Available in Wisconsin

The A-Frame

The A-Frame Studio

The Aspen

The Cascade

The Luna

The Nook Family

The Nook Studio

The Pinecrest

The Rockwood

The Sonoma
What Counties in Wisconsin Do Not Allow Tiny Homes?

Wisconsin is a pretty decent state for tiny homes. Many counties allow them, and while most do have some heavy restrictions, it’s definitely not impossible to find a suitable location for your tiny home in America’s Dairyland.
These counties don’t allow tiny homes:
- Kenosha County
- Sheboygan County
- Oconto County
- Sawyer County
The legality of tiny homes in some counties such as Fond du Lac County, Jefferson County, Taylor County, and some others, is difficult to determine due to a lack of information regarding their tiny home regulations. To find out the tiny home laws in these counties, your best option would be to contact zoning authorities.
General Notes
Building Codes: Tiny homes must be built in accordance with your municipal building codes. They need to include essential features typically found in traditional homes, such as proper insulation, plumbing, and emergency exits, among other necessary safety and functional components.
Zoning: Zoning regulations vary across Wisconsin, with some cities allowing tiny homes, others permitting them with certain restrictions, and some areas not permitting them at all. We cannot reiterate enough the importance of reaching out to your local zoning office to get specific details on tiny home regulations in your area, as requirements can differ widely depending on where you are in the state.
Permits and Inspections: Even in areas where tiny homes are permitted, you’ll still need to obtain the necessary building permits from your city or township before construction. Once your tiny home is completed, it must pass inspections to be approved as a permanent residence.
Park Model Regulations in Wisconsin
Can I live In a Park Model Home In Wisconsin?

Yes, you can live in a park model home in Wisconsin. It won’t be as simple as having a wheel-less tiny home, because the regulations are a little stricter, but they’re allowed in any mobile home parks statewide, given they’ve been constructed according to the building codes in that area.
- Zoning and Regulations: It’s essential to check with your local zoning office to stay informed about tiny home regulations in Wisconsin. In some areas, park model homes may fall under different regulations, so it’s crucial to verify the specific laws that apply to your situation. Staying up to date on local requirements will help you avoid any potential legal issues.
- Permits: To legally occupy or transport your park model home, it must be properly titled and registered. Additionally, cities will require a building permit for its setup or construction. It’s crucial to check with your local zoning office to ensure that you comply with all applicable regulations and guidelines.
- Inspection Requirements: Before your park model home can be occupied, it must undergo and pass an inspection. The inspector will assess the property to ensure that it complies with all relevant standards and is safe for residency.
- Utility Connections: Make sure your park model home is connected to essential utilities like water, electricity, heating, and sewage. If you’re setting up in an RV park, these services are usually available and ready for connection. However, if you’re placing the home on private property, it will be your responsibility to arrange for the installation and hookup of these utilities.
Are There Tiny Home Communities in Wisconsin?

Although there are restrictions on tiny homes in many parts of Wisconsin, the state is home to several thriving tiny home communities. These unique neighborhoods are made up of small houses, offering like-minded individuals a chance to embrace the tiny home lifestyle. Each community has its own distinct character and amenities, making them diverse and appealing options for those looking to live more simply. Here are a few examples of what these tiny home communities have to offer:
Canoe Bay Village
Located: Chetek, WI
Canoe Bay Village, nestled within the serene landscape of Wisconsin, is a unique tiny home community known for its stunning natural surroundings and thoughtfully designed cottages. Situated amidst glacial lakes, wetlands, and rolling forested terrain, this peaceful retreat has been a sought-after destination for over 30 years. The village offers charming cottages, each equipped with modern amenities like plush King beds, spacious living areas, and kitchens with elegant stone countertops. Expanding on its reputation for tranquil beauty, Canoe Bay Village now features a collection of new cottages available for year-round enjoyment or even ownership, allowing guests to immerse themselves fully in the area’s enchanting environment.
Tiny Timbers Agrihood
Located: St. Croix Falls, WI
Tiny Timbers is a close-knit, year-round tiny home community for those who embrace sustainable living, gardening, and the outdoors. Designed for individuals who value a smaller environmental footprint, debt freedom, and land stewardship, Tiny Timbers offers a lifestyle that fosters both privacy and connection with nature. Residents enjoy the benefits of shared resources and a collaborative spirit, encouraging activities like potlucks, gardening classes, and sustainable food practices. With only 16 residents, the community promotes the idea of sharing tools and knowledge, helping to create a supportive, environmentally conscious environment where long-lasting friendships are built.
Benefits Of Living in Communities:
Affordability: Living in a tiny home or park model home community in Wisconsin offers a more affordable option compared to traditional housing, while still ensuring comfort and convenience. One of the major advantages is the significant reduction in expenses, especially when it comes to lower utility costs. This shift enables a more budget-friendly lifestyle without sacrificing quality or the comforts of home.
Sustainability: Many of these communities focus on self-sufficiency and promote eco-friendly initiatives, such as establishing community gardens. These gardens give residents access to fresh, locally-grown food, offering a sustainable alternative to store-bought produce.
Community Living: Living in a tiny home or park model home community provides a wonderful opportunity to forge new friendships, as these neighborhoods are often close-knit and socially engaging. With shared spaces and regular activities, residents can easily connect with one another, fostering a welcoming and supportive environment.
Simplicity: Living in a tiny home or park model home promotes a simpler, more fulfilling way of life. With less space to manage, staying organized becomes easier, allowing you to focus on what truly matters without the upkeep of a larger home. This minimalist lifestyle fosters a sense of calm and offers a more rewarding, stress-free living experience.
Wisconsin Tiny Home FAQs

How Much Does it Cost to Build a Tiny House in Wisconsin?
How Small Does a House Have to Be to Be Considered a Tiny Home?
What are utility bills like in a tiny house?
Can Park Model Tiny Homes Have Multiple Bedrooms and Bathrooms?
What Features Are Included in a Park Model Home From Zook Cabins?
Discover Our Unique Park Model Homes In Wisconsin

The Nook Family

The Rockwood

The Pinecrest
What Is The Cheapest Place To Put A Tiny Home In Wisconsin?
Is There A Minimum Size My Tiny Home Must Be In Wisconsin?
Are Park Model Tiny Homes A Good Investment?
Is living in a tiny house comfortable and practical?
what do other states require for tiny living?
Each state has slightly different requirements for tiyn living. To help make it easy for you, we have created a guide for the lower 48 states. Take a look at the table below and see where you can enjoy living tiny!